A "My Documents" for each game/program - windows

So I have quite a few "Grab'n'Go" Windows games and programs that I've stuffed onto an external harddrive, and it is a little daunting to have all their saves end up on my C: drive. What I'm looking to do, and I hope this can be done on Windows XP at the least (if not 7 or 10), is to create a BAT file to trick each program to save their files somewhere else but C:\Documents\User\My Documents, and preferably a different folder for each program (Dungeon Siege to G:\DS_saves, RCT3 to H:\RCT3, etc).
Is such a thing possible? And is it a different command per Windows version?

You can't "trick" games while they're running, since you have no access to their code or the running threads.
However, you can accomplish what you're trying to do by simply right-clicking the Documents folder, go to Properties, then Location and change the target folder.
This will change the directory for Documents in your system, and your games/apps will use the new folder even if it's on a different drive.
This can be done for all system default directories, and it's very useful for SSD-based machines where space is essential.


How do virtual & special folders work?

Windows has several "virtual folders" and "special folders" (Wikipedia's names for them) that change the way the file system works. For example, the Desktop folder acts like the root of the file system hierarchy in some circumstances, even though C:/ is the drive, also called the partition, that the entire file system is on, and therefore logically Desktop should be under C:/. Screenshots: There are also the Library folders. Also, with msysGit and Cygwin on your computer, the program's folder then magically becomes the root of the file system.
I'm sure there are instances on other OS's, but I only really work with Windows, although it seems Linux is much less abstracted.
How do applications do this? Is it just a really complicated shell script, or something that only affects certain programs (Wikipedia says Desktop is only the root folder in Windows Explorer, for example)? Is it similar to how on Linux all folders are "mounted", even the root folder? Even if the OS developers don't usually give away their secrets, I would still like to know the basic method, if possible.
So, wikipedia's entry for special folder says that:
The Desktop virtual folder is the root of the Windows Shell namespace,
which contains other virtual folders.
This is not the same as saying it's "the root of the file system hierarchy". Windows has a set of set of virtual folders. All of these are nested under Desktop.
For Win7 and up, the default filesystem layout is actually:
Desktop -> C:\Users\(username)\Desktop
My Documents -> C:\Users\(username)\Documents
Downloads -> C:\Users\(username)\Downloads
These aliases mean something to the explorer shell, but not at the filesystem level (open cmd.exe and see what I mean).
At the filesystem level, and to an application, the filesystem path is what is going to matter. It takes extra API calls (the use of SHGetSpecialFolderPath()) to figure out where on the filesystem that special folder lives; the app only cares about where in the filesystem it needs to target.
As for Cygwin, I strongly suspect that it's doing something totally different. Unix has a special call, chroot(), that really does modify the root for the currently running shell. This means that applications running under that shell have absolutely no knowledge of the directory structure below the chroot()'d path, and this is generally done for security reasons. In fact, this is usually referred to as a chroot jail, because it isn't an alias or a virtual directory, and can't be escaped from (unless there's a bug in the kernel).

Creating Virtual Folders and hooking them into the file system

I have a big collection of folders for projects I'm working on. I've been trying to find a better way to sort them all for a long time and I want to write an app that creates groups based on whatever criteria I say, such as "folders from 2011" or "folders containing a x type of file" etc.
This is fairly straightforward, and wouldn't present much of a problem to code using its own UI in winForms or WPF or something. But I think it would be far better if I could make these folders appear to be part of the filesystem, so other apps (like existing file explorers) can see them.
Is this possible? Would it cause problems I haven't considered? How do I go about doing it if it is possible?
One way I thought of doing it would be to have the app monitor the filesystem and create folder shortcuts every time there's a change, but I'm curious about whether its possible to actually present a fake filesystem to explorer through a 'gateway' folder
EDIT: Ok it's obviously possible since http://www.virtualfolder.net/ can do it, and now that I think of it so can TrueCrypt, although it would be nice if it didn't have to appear as a separate drive. So the question becomes, how do I implement it?
You can create a Shell Namespace Extension that gathers the file information you want and displays it within Windows Explorer any way you wish. You can choose where your extension is located, whether as its own top-level node, a child of another system virtual folder/extension, or as a child of a file system folder.
Writing a SNE is not trivial, but it is a lot easier then writing a lower-level file system driver, and it does not require special driver-oriented compilers. Any compiler that supports developing COM objects will work.
This is accomplished using filesystem drivers or filesystem filter drivers. First let you create a virtual filesystem and mount it to a drive letter and also to a folder on NTFS drive (folder must exist but its contents are "replaced" with a virtual filesystem directory tree). Filesystem filter drivers let you introduce virtual files and folders in existing folders without replacing them.
VirtualFolder uses filesystem driver as it creates a drive letter.
Both types of drivers are written in C and work in kernel-mode. Writing them requires deep knowledge of Windows internals and experience with driver development (since filesystem drivers are one of the most complicated driver types).
We offer several products related to virtual storage. One of them, Callback File System, is a filesystem driver. It calls your user-mode code to perform actual filesystem functions. Another product, CallbackFilter, is an FS filter driver (and it also calls your user-mode code). However, current version of CallbackFilter doesn't let you introduce virtual files and folders (this would be implemented in the next release).
There's also Pismo File Mount product available, they use filter driver techniques. You can check with them if what you need can be accomplished.
From what I gather you are looking for a way to present the results of predefined file queries to appear as though they are located at a specific location in the file system. If that is correct you may want to look into Hard Links and Junctions. There are limits on what you can do with these file system services. However it is really straight forward to implement.

Text files made in ruby are being built as executable files

I have a build script where i create a text report file and output various log type stuff to it. The data is all being built onto an external hd which (according to 'mount') has file format "fuseblk" (which i've never heard of).
The building all seems to work ok but my report files are being saved as executables, which linux interprets as SOR files. I'd like them to just be regular text files, openable by default in my regular text editor.
I'm making the file, and writing to it, like this:
#report = File.open(File.join(DESTINATION_BUILD_FOLDER, "#{title.folder_name}_report.txt"),"w")
s = "making modules folder inside resource_library folder";puts s; #report.puts s
I've done this lots of times before and never encountered this problem. Any ideas anyone?
cheers, max
ps i know that i can edit the saved files to make them non-executable, my question is 'why is this happening in the first place?'. Cheers :)
I don't think there's anything wrong with your program. The fuseblk just means it's being mounted through FUSE, which allows filesystem drivers to run as userspace programs, instead of kernel modules. Most likely, the filesystem is NTFS or FAT32.
The problem here is that Linux is assuming everything on the drive has the execute bit set. This is because neither NTFS nor FAT32 have the capability to store Linux permission bits (NTFS has a very different permissions system, FAT32 has virtually none). And I bet you're trying to double-click on the log files in something like the gnome file explorer, right?
Well, go there with the command line and use less or your favorite command-line editor to view them. Or right click on them in the file explorer, or open them with File -> Open from a text editor. If you ask your question to people who know Gnome (or KDE?) better, you'll probably get a better answer.

Folder with Extension

I'm looking to have windows recognize that certain folders are associated to my application - maybe by naming the folder 'folder.myExt'.
Can this be done via the registry?
A bit more info
- This is for a x-platform app ( that's why I suggested the folder with an extension - mac can handle that )
- The RAD I'm using doesn't read write binary data efficiently enough as the size of this 'folder' will be upwards of 2000 files and 500Mb
Folders in Windows aren't subject to the name.extension rules at all, there's only 1 entry in the registry's file type handling for "folder" types. (If you try to change it you're going to have very, very rough times ahead)
The only simple way to get the effect you're after would be to do what OpenOffice, MS Office 2007, and large video games have been doing for some time, use a ZIP file for a container. (It doesn't have to be a "ZIP" exactly, but some type of readily available container file type is better than writing your own) Like OO.org and Office 2K7 you can just use a custom extension and designate your app as the handler. This will also work on Macs, so it can be cross-platform. It may not be fast however. Using low or no compression may help with that.
You can have an "extension" on your folder, but as far as I know, windows just treats it all as the folder name and opens the folder like normal when you click on it.
The few times I messed with opening a .app on my windows system, it acted like it was a normal folder.

Unmovable Files on Windows XP

When I defragment my XP machine I notice that there is a block of "Unmovable Files". Is there a file attribute I can use to make my own files unmovable?
Just to clarify, I want a way to programmatically tell Windows that a file that I create should be unmovable. Is this possible, and if so, how can I do it?
A lot of system files cannot be moved after the system boots, such as the page file and registry database files.
This utility runs before Windows boots to defragment those files. I have it set to run at every boot, and it works well for me on several machines.
Note that the very first time you boot up with this utility set to run, it may take several minutes to defrag. After that first run though, it finishes in just 3 or 4 seconds.
Edit0: To respond to your clarification- that link says windows has marked the page file and registry files as open for exclusive access. So you should be able to do the same thing with the LockFile API Call. However, that's not an attribute of the file itself. You'd have to actually run some background program that locks the file for exclusive access.
There are no file attributes that you can place on your files to mark them as immovable. The only way that a file cannot be moved (I think) during defragmentation is to have some other process have the file open (for read or write, I'm not even sure that you need to have the file open in exclusive mode or not).
Quite frankly, I cannot think of a reason that you'd want your files not to move, unless you have specific requirements about where on the disk platter your files reside. Defragmentation should generally lead to faster disk access and that seems to be desireable in all cases :-)
This usually means that the file is in use by some process. If you're defragmenting, you'll likely see this with a lot of system files. If the file should legitimately be movable and is stuck (it's being held by a process that runs at startup but shouldn't be, for example), the most useful way of resolving the problem is to remove all permissions on the file, reboot, restore the permissions, and then get rid of the file/run the program that's trying to use it.
I suppose the ugly way is to have an application boot on startup, check every few seconds if defrag is running and if so open the file in exclusive mode.
This is really ugly and I don't recommend it unless there is no cleaner solution.
Terry, the answers all mention ways to prevent files from becoming unmovable during defragmentation. From your question it appears that you are in fact wanting to make your personal files unmovable. Can you please clarify what is appealing about making your files unmovable.
I assume you're using the defragger that comes with Windows. Some commercial ones like DiskKeeper can move some of these files (usually system files). You can try their trial versions.
Contig might serve your purpose http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897428.aspx
I'm relatively certain I ran across some methods/attributes you could access programatically to do exactly what you want. This was back in NT4 days though and my memory isn't that good.
For a little more complete solution try Raxco's PerfectDisk. While it is a commercial product it does a very good job and supports boot time defrag of system files. The first defrag takes longer than say DiskKeeper but its a single pass defragger and supports defragging with very little free space left on the drive. Overall its a much smarter defrag program then any other I've seen and supports systems of any size.
first try to move(or delete) the files within safe mode. If can not, try to move(or delete) the files with linux.
But be careful if those are the windows system files, then you are failed to boot up your windows.
Some reason why the files are unmovable are : the file size is too big, the files are being in open/in use condition, insufficient security privileges, being access by other computer/s, and many other things.
