Sonarqube activity page charts missing - sonarqube

I've saw in that the activity page view shows some charts on how the project evolved on time.
I'm using Sonarqube docker 6.4 version and there is no charts on that page and I don't know if it's a version problem or what else.
I'm analyzing php projects. Maybe the problem is here?
Does any one knows what's happening?
An screenshot of the example in
Thank you.

Those charts are introduced in 6.5. SonarCloud is running the current 6.5 RC, which is why you see graphs there. Since you're running 6.4, it is normal and expected that you don't have graphs.


Why is there no dashboard in the latest Sonarqube version?

In the old version, there was a dashboard for the whole project from different views, but in the latest version there isn't. Why was this dashboard removed?
The short answer is that rather than making you figure out which measures are most important, and making you figure out how to display them, recent versions of SonarQube handle the hard work for you with a standard, non-customizable project homepage, and the new Projects space.

SonarQube upgrade to 6.4: cannot display tests results on the dahsboard

I upgraded my SonarQube from 5.4 to 5.6 LTS then to 6.3.1 then 6.4
On the version 6.4, when I click on the dashboard, I only see the projects' names but no results are displayed.
In addition I have a rotating frame of the project as if it loads.
Plus, When I click on the project, I have 0 bugs, 0 vulnerabilities .... which is wrong because when I click on issues, I can see that the project do have issues and I can display them.
It's the case with the projects analyzed with the previous versions only. I tried analyzing a project with 6.4 and the results related to Reliability, Security, Maintainability... are there.
Is there a way to fix this, ie to display on the dashboard of SonarQube 6.4 the results of projects analyzed by older versions?
Thanks in advance.
The fix is planned for SonarQube 6.5 (see the ticket).
This sounds like a corrupted ElasticSearch index. Try the following:
stop the server
delete _$SONARQUBE_HOME/data/es_
restart the server*
*The time for you server to come back up will vary based on how large the instance is
I see, thank you for your help. Just to let you know, even when I click on the project , I cannot see the results, they are only available when I click on Issues

SonarQube Dashboard - Can I show just the leaks

I'm using the latest version of SonarQube. Is it possible to display the front "Projects" dashboard with just covering the leaks period?
This is not possible in SonarQube 6.3, but it will be implemented in SonarQube 6.4 for sure.
You can watch the ticket SONAR-8912 that we'll soon start working on.

How to add history widgets in SonarQube 6.2?

I was used to manage a project's history on sonarqube 5.2 by using a dashboard like this under "Dashboards -> Timeline". I can't find a way to replicate this on SonarQube 6.2. What is the correct way of adding history widgets under sonar 6.2 ?
Dashboards and widgets have been dropped in 6.2. You simply won't be able to do that.
The widgets build-in SonarQube 6.2+ show a tend chart in the "background" behind the measures (see "Leak Period: since previous version"). This is not an equivalent replacement of timeline but at least something.
See screenshot here:

How can I avoid having duplicate issues in SonarQube IDE plugin?

I'm trying to use SonarQube Eclipse plugin (version 3.4) along with SonarQube version 3.7.4, Eclipse Kepler and a mulit-modules maven project and I'm facing the following issue.
After having run a local analysis (in preview mode as incremental mode is not possible with 3.7.4) , all issues appear twice. I checked their properties and see that I have for each issue A the following :
A1. issue that is created before the local analysis (probably taken from server)
A2. issue that is added after the local analysis
Both are marked in the view as being "old issues" (new issue = false.)
If I add new issues, they are correctly added to the list. However if I fix an old issue, A2 is removed but A1 still remains in the view (which is rather annoying).
Am I doing something wrong ? Is there a way in order to have only issues displayed once ?
Note : the Eclipse project is correctly associated to the SonarQube component (I'm working with multi-modules projects)
Thank you in advance,
This is a know bug that is referenced here: SONARIDE-426
Feel free to watch it and vote for it.
