How can I avoid having duplicate issues in SonarQube IDE plugin? - sonarqube

I'm trying to use SonarQube Eclipse plugin (version 3.4) along with SonarQube version 3.7.4, Eclipse Kepler and a mulit-modules maven project and I'm facing the following issue.
After having run a local analysis (in preview mode as incremental mode is not possible with 3.7.4) , all issues appear twice. I checked their properties and see that I have for each issue A the following :
A1. issue that is created before the local analysis (probably taken from server)
A2. issue that is added after the local analysis
Both are marked in the view as being "old issues" (new issue = false.)
If I add new issues, they are correctly added to the list. However if I fix an old issue, A2 is removed but A1 still remains in the view (which is rather annoying).
Am I doing something wrong ? Is there a way in order to have only issues displayed once ?
Note : the Eclipse project is correctly associated to the SonarQube component (I'm working with multi-modules projects)
Thank you in advance,

This is a know bug that is referenced here: SONARIDE-426
Feel free to watch it and vote for it.


Netbeans 11 Gradle Project does not run gradle on save

I have just installed Netbeans 11.1 and when I save one of my Java files, Netbeans does not start a gradle build automatically. This used to work in Netbeans 8.2.
I have installed nb-javac and have also tried the newest Beta version to no avail.
Is this a known bug or do I need to reconfigure something when going from NB 8.2 to 11.1?
(This is only an explanation rather than a solution to your problem.)
First, Compile on Save is an option which is set or unset at the individual project level, rather than at the global level. So for a NetBeans Gradle project, select Properties > Build > Compile to view the setting for the Compile on Save checkbox. For that checkbox, note that:
It is unchecked by default, so there will not be an automatic Gradle build when you save a project file.
It is disabled, so you cannot trigger a build whenever you save a project file.
The problem persists in the latest beta of NetBeans 11.2.
I don't see a bug report for this issue, so perhaps you can raise one? Click the Log In button to sign up first if necessary.
That said, there is a related issue which may explain why the check box cannot be enabled. See closed bug NETBEANS-680 Erroneous Gradle Compile-on-Save activity which relates to Gradle projects using version 9.0 of NetBeans. Apparently there were spurious and unwanted compile-on-save runs being triggered even though Compile on Save was unchecked. Perhaps the feature has been deliberately disabled for Gradle projects because of that issue, though that is just speculation on my part.
Also see the GitHub page for the Gradle plugin. Comments from the NetBeans team for NETBEANS-680 suggest that the problem was with the plugin rather than NetBeans. That said, if NetBeans is offering functionality that cannot be enabled (i.e Compile on Save), it is definitely a NetBeans issue regardless of the underlying cause.
Finally, note that you can configure the Gradle plugin using Tools > Options > Java > Gradle, but I dodn't see any options there that would help with this issue.

OSGI plugin development with Domino Designer 10

Up to date I was using IBM Domino Designer V9.0.1 FP8 to develop an OSGI plugin. With this version everything was working as intended. I've created a plugin project, a feature project and an update site project. Selecting "Build all" in the update site project created all the the corresponding jar files.
Today I've installed IBM (HCL) Domino Desinger V10 FP2 (fresh install i.e. I've deinstalled V9.0.1 and deleted the old "workspace" directory in NotesData, but I kept the NotesData itself).
Now if I open my plugin projects, I can edit the plugin, save the Java classes without any errors. Up to this point everything is working as usual. But now, if I use "Build all" in the update site project I see a screen with "generating ant script" and then the build process is finished, but no jar files are generated.
Any ideas why this is happening? Am I missing some files? Am I missing some configurations?
BTW: if I use standard eclipse to build the plugin all jar files are generated.
Domino Designer is a customised version of Eclipse. 9.0.1 FP9 and lower is a very old version of Eclipse, 9.0.1 FP10+ is a much newer version, so not comparable to what was happening before. It's possible there are differences in the customisation of Eclipse that are affecting it. But every Domino OSGi plugin developer I'm aware of uses standard Eclipse.
Follow the steps for setting up your environment here In the documentation there I've tried to document why steps are done and what they achieve, as well as just the steps themselves. The intention is to pass on understanding to a broader set of developers, for future proofing.

SonarQube upgrade to 6.4: cannot display tests results on the dahsboard

I upgraded my SonarQube from 5.4 to 5.6 LTS then to 6.3.1 then 6.4
On the version 6.4, when I click on the dashboard, I only see the projects' names but no results are displayed.
In addition I have a rotating frame of the project as if it loads.
Plus, When I click on the project, I have 0 bugs, 0 vulnerabilities .... which is wrong because when I click on issues, I can see that the project do have issues and I can display them.
It's the case with the projects analyzed with the previous versions only. I tried analyzing a project with 6.4 and the results related to Reliability, Security, Maintainability... are there.
Is there a way to fix this, ie to display on the dashboard of SonarQube 6.4 the results of projects analyzed by older versions?
Thanks in advance.
The fix is planned for SonarQube 6.5 (see the ticket).
This sounds like a corrupted ElasticSearch index. Try the following:
stop the server
delete _$SONARQUBE_HOME/data/es_
restart the server*
*The time for you server to come back up will vary based on how large the instance is
I see, thank you for your help. Just to let you know, even when I click on the project , I cannot see the results, they are only available when I click on Issues

Using sonar in pretty big team

We have something about 20 people in our team and we are using sonar for now to analyse new code before submiting it to the main stream. So each designer uses it's own Sonar installed on his machine.
What I'm trying to do is to create a one instance of the Sonar which each designer will be able to use. The only concern I have is what will happen if:
One designer will launch analysis on one revision of file and right after that the second designer will launch analysis on another revision of this file (in the worst case we can have a bunch of such a files). First designer won't be able to see his violations and won't be able to see code he wrote at all. Do we have some mechanism to overcome this?
What will happen if two designers will analyse the same project at the same time? AFAIK, Sonar won't allow them to do so. Any workaround for this?
Of course, we can, somaehow, create a project on the sonar side for each team member, but this has it's drawbacks, such as issues, marked as false positive in one proect won't appear as such an issues in another project and so on.
Any ideas on such an issues?
What you probably want to set up is:
a central Sonar instance that analyses the code base on a regular basis (for instance every day) based on the code located in the repository. This instance should be the reference and the project manager(s) will use it to monitor the project.
ask the developers to run local analyses before commiting their code:
either using Sonar Eclipse if you're coding in Java, C++ or Python. Everything is perfectly described in the documentation, more precisely the "Checking code prior to commit" section
or using the Issues Report plugin if your language is not supported yet in Sonar Eclipse.

Why does the Hudson Integration Game plugin does not work after update?

Recently I updated the cigame-plugin for Hudson to version 1.12. Now I recognized, that no build get points at the moment. The builds are SCM-triggered and the CI-game is activated for the project and the user. What is going wrong? How can I fix it?
EDIT: I have to correct, the update to the new version of the plugin isn't the problem. Looking through the build-history I can see, that after this update builds got a score. But at some point the builds are not longer scored. Nothing happened to hudson at this time, no restart, no reconfiguration etc. Simply SCM-changes came in and triggered builds.
EDIT 2: The ci-game-plugin counts a score for builds started manually, but not for builds started by changes in version-control. I have no idea why it behaves this way.
EDIT 3: Further investigation shows that I have this bug with the same stacktrace produced.
This is so specific to the current state of the Hudson plugin ecosystem, I suggest you go directly to the users mailing list with the question, where the plugin developers can help you directly.
