Can not install Optano Modeling in Xamarin solution - xamarin

I'm just starting out with Xamarin and trying to install this package 'Optano Modeling' into my Xamarin Forms solution via Nuget. But I keep getting this error when installing Optano modeling.
'Could not install package 'FParsec 1.0.1'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'Xamarin.iOS,Version=v1.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
I noticed FParsec is written in F# and my solution is in C#. Does anyone know if Optano Modeling / FParsec can be used in a Xamarin solution? Could someone point me in the right direction?

Turns out that one of the dependencies in a sub dependency (Math.NET Numerics for F#) wasn't compatible with the 'portable45-net45+win8+wpa81' configuration.


Hi, I'm trying to instal Nuget packagebut the following appear

This is the result, I tried many packages but all say the same.
I'm using Visual Studio 2019
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Could not install package 'SQLitePCLRaw.core 2.0.4'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'native,Version=v0.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
As I'm new in this field I don't understand what it means,
Thanks for your help
You can see that this nuget package depends on the .net which means that it is used for C# projects.
From your description, you have installed this package on a C++ project. So the error happens.
I have a small test: install this package in C++ project which proves the root cause of the issue.
You should create a C# project and then you can install this nuget package on that.

How to add .framework native references to Nuget Package

I built a Xamarin Binding project for an existing Swift library and I am now trying to create a Nuget Package to distribute it.
The library has three native references to Swift frameworks and I don't see any option to include them. When I try to look inside the Nuget package, I don't see them. When I try to compile an app that uses the package it crashes because it can't find the native framework.
Any idea on how to solve the problem ?
Thank you

SQLite Assembly can't be added to project

In my Visual Studio app I get the following Build Error:
"The type 'SQLiteConnection' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, ..."
So I went to Project -> Add Reference... and looked under "Assemblies" whether there was one called 'SQLite' that I might add.
There was none so I went to my package manager and installed the SQLite NuGet.
Then I went again to Project -> Add Reference... and looked under "Assemblies" for 'SQLite'. And again there was nothing !!!
What the hell is going on here? How can I add a reference to this damn SQLLite?
PS: When I check in the Package manager for the installed packages, SQLite is shown as being installed. But still, it doesn't show up under Project -> Add Reference ... so I can't add it.
The SQLite Nuget package has to be installed on the projects in your solution, not just installed generally. I don't know for sure what your solution looks like, but ...
If you have, say, two projects in the solution, and let's say they are a web app or a winforms app with a data access layer class library that is doing SQLite work. You will have to install the SQLite package on both the DAL and the running project. Simply highlight the project in question in the solution explorer, and then use the Nuget package manager to install the package. Then highlight the next project and do the same with it. If you only install Sqlite to the DAL library, you'll get an error saying that the interop dll can't be found. For some reason the startup project needs to have the Sqlite package installed on it, even if it isn't using it directly.
I hope this helps -- I'm new to Sqlite myself, and this may not fit your exact trouble.

Adding System.Data.SQLite through NuGet doesn't add a reference to the project

I'm trying to make a very simple Xamarin.Forms test application to explore some features of the System.Data.SQLite package (namely encryption). However, I can't seem to get Visual Studio 2012 to add a reference to the package to the project.
Here are the steps I am taking:
Created a new Xamarin.Forms Portable blank app.
Right-click on TestApp (core project) and select Manage NuGet Packages
Search for "sqlite"
Install the "System.Data.SQLite (x86/x64)" package. (This package is version and it is described as "the official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider.")
According to NuGet, the package was successfully installed.
However, I cannot see the reference added under my project's "References" folder, and I also cannot write "using System.Data.SQLite" without errors ("cannot resolve symbol 'Data'"). Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
On a side note, I can follow the exact same process described above except instead of creating a Xamarin.Forms Portable blank app, I choose a regular C# console app. This allows me to install the NuGet package fine and it shows up in references as expected.
Posting an update to share what I've learned.
So as Jason sort of alluded to in his answer, the reason I was not able to reference the package in my Xamarin.Forms project is because Xamarin.Forms is, by definition, a PCL project. It's meant to work on all platforms. The package I was referring to in my question is not a PCL, which means that anything in the package that is platform dependent is inaccessable (which is basically the entire package). The SQLite.Net-PCL package is basically the same thing as System.Data.SQLite, but in PCL form, which means it is compatible for use in a Xamarin.Forms project.
Following this logic, it makes sense that I was able to access System.Data.SQLite from a console project, since a console project is not a PCL project and it targets a specific platform.
For PCL projects, use SQLite.Net-PCL.

What assembly contains the BreezeControllerAttribute?

I'm just trying out Breeze.js and decided to convert an existing Web API 2.2 (.net 4.5.2) project to Breeze. I went to NuGet and installed the Breeze.ContextProvider and Breeze.ContextProvider.EF6 packages, since I used EF6 for this project. When I add the [BreezeController] attribute to my controllers Visual Studio (2015 CTP) doesn't know what it is ("Cannot resolve symbol 'BreezeController'" error). So I tried installing other NuGet packages that might contain this attribute (i.e. Breeze.Server.WebApi2), but couldn't find any. The docs don't seem to show what assembly I need to use for that attribute, so I'm stuck. Any help for this? Is that attribute deprecated? I can't find any mention of it in the docs... Thanks!
The BreezeControllerAttribute class is part of the Breeze.ContextProvider assembly. ( and is available as a standalone nuget package: Breeze.Server.ContextProvider or as part of the Breeze.Server.WebApi2 nuget) Not sure why you are having this issue, but nuget can be a little flaky... It might be worth removing all nugets and reinstalling them.
I just searched and installed "breeze.webapi2" and had the same issue. When I did a search for "breeze.server.webapi2", I noticed that that package wasn't installed (I thought it was a dependency on the "breeze.webapi2" package).
Installing just the "breeze.server.webapi2" currently doesn't do anything.
I'm doing this via VS2015 CTP6. My coworker was able to install the very same package using VS2013.
