Adding System.Data.SQLite through NuGet doesn't add a reference to the project - visual-studio

I'm trying to make a very simple Xamarin.Forms test application to explore some features of the System.Data.SQLite package (namely encryption). However, I can't seem to get Visual Studio 2012 to add a reference to the package to the project.
Here are the steps I am taking:
Created a new Xamarin.Forms Portable blank app.
Right-click on TestApp (core project) and select Manage NuGet Packages
Search for "sqlite"
Install the "System.Data.SQLite (x86/x64)" package. (This package is version and it is described as "the official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider.")
According to NuGet, the package was successfully installed.
However, I cannot see the reference added under my project's "References" folder, and I also cannot write "using System.Data.SQLite" without errors ("cannot resolve symbol 'Data'"). Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
On a side note, I can follow the exact same process described above except instead of creating a Xamarin.Forms Portable blank app, I choose a regular C# console app. This allows me to install the NuGet package fine and it shows up in references as expected.

Posting an update to share what I've learned.
So as Jason sort of alluded to in his answer, the reason I was not able to reference the package in my Xamarin.Forms project is because Xamarin.Forms is, by definition, a PCL project. It's meant to work on all platforms. The package I was referring to in my question is not a PCL, which means that anything in the package that is platform dependent is inaccessable (which is basically the entire package). The SQLite.Net-PCL package is basically the same thing as System.Data.SQLite, but in PCL form, which means it is compatible for use in a Xamarin.Forms project.
Following this logic, it makes sense that I was able to access System.Data.SQLite from a console project, since a console project is not a PCL project and it targets a specific platform.

For PCL projects, use SQLite.Net-PCL.


Correct way to set up .net5 library projects with project dependencies in dev, but separate nuget packages when published

Suppose I am building two class libraries in a single solution in visual stuido. The projects are called "Core" and "Extensions".
Extensions depends upon Core.
I would like to publish these as separate nuget packages for other developers to consume, because while the Core package would always be used, the extensions package just provides some optional functionality.
When I am developing the solution in visual studio, however, it is much simpler for me to set a project dependency from Extension to Core. Otherwise (in a naive approach), building the whole solution would require the following steps:
In visual studio, commit and push Core.
Wait for the CI server to build Core and publish the nuget package to our internal feed.
In visual studio, manage nuget packages for the Extensions project.
Connect to the internal nuget feed
Get the updated Core nuget package.
This approach would work, but is obviously very tedious.
The main difficulty I have been encountering while researching how to do this is that the way all of these things interact has been changing quite rapidly over the past few years, with sdk vs non sdk style projects, nuget pack vs dotnet pack vs msbuild pack, and so on and so forth.
Perhaps the most relevant, most recent answer appears in this question How do I create an individual nuget package for each project in a solution, with project references converted to nuget dependencies? however the answer is now quite old, and is for a dot net framework style project (using packages.config), not a .net5 project.
So, can anyone provide up to date advice on how to correctly accomplish the following:
In a visual studio solution with multiple .net5 class library projects, have dependencies set up as project dependencies at dev-time, but convert each project to its own nuget package with the equivalent package dependencies at publish time.

SQLite Assembly can't be added to project

In my Visual Studio app I get the following Build Error:
"The type 'SQLiteConnection' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, ..."
So I went to Project -> Add Reference... and looked under "Assemblies" whether there was one called 'SQLite' that I might add.
There was none so I went to my package manager and installed the SQLite NuGet.
Then I went again to Project -> Add Reference... and looked under "Assemblies" for 'SQLite'. And again there was nothing !!!
What the hell is going on here? How can I add a reference to this damn SQLLite?
PS: When I check in the Package manager for the installed packages, SQLite is shown as being installed. But still, it doesn't show up under Project -> Add Reference ... so I can't add it.
The SQLite Nuget package has to be installed on the projects in your solution, not just installed generally. I don't know for sure what your solution looks like, but ...
If you have, say, two projects in the solution, and let's say they are a web app or a winforms app with a data access layer class library that is doing SQLite work. You will have to install the SQLite package on both the DAL and the running project. Simply highlight the project in question in the solution explorer, and then use the Nuget package manager to install the package. Then highlight the next project and do the same with it. If you only install Sqlite to the DAL library, you'll get an error saying that the interop dll can't be found. For some reason the startup project needs to have the Sqlite package installed on it, even if it isn't using it directly.
I hope this helps -- I'm new to Sqlite myself, and this may not fit your exact trouble.

Asp.NetCore 1.1->2.0 Migration Error - `System.Object' is not defined or imported

I have a project I've been messing with and adding features to, and it was aspnet core 1.1. I am migrating it to 2.0.
I use Visual Studio for Mac, and it's up-to-date.
I am following this documentation:
The exact error I'm getting is:
The predefined type `System.Object' is not defined or imported
I found the answer:
In VS for Mac, it didn't let me get to a menu for selecting the target framework for a project. This is usually opened by right-clicking the project, and selecting "properties."
VS for Mac didn't show this.
Upon using my windows install on my iMac, I found the menu and saw AspNetCore2.0 wasn't listed (but 1.0 and 1.1 were). There was also another option to install more. this led me to:
At this page, there are SDK's for the AspNet Core 2.0 for macOS and windows 64-bit. You need to install these, and then it'll build.
The fact that visual studio doesn't indicate that you're missing a selected framework for the project you're trying to build (as defined in its config file) is absurd. They need to fix this to avoid these kind of headaches. I was under the impression that it wasn't needed, as the NUGET package for 2.0 had all o this.

Is there a way to support snapshots with NugGet and native libraries?

We use Visual Studio to write and maintain native Windows apps. We are looking into using NuGet to handle our dependencies, which consist of native static libs.
After some research, I've managed to use NuGet, package.config and the CoApp PowerShell scripts to create and consume NuGet packages with native libs in them. The issue we're facing right now is that we need to have Snapshot support.
The rollover PreRelease mechanism (with * for version rollover) that NuGet 3 and onwards supports looks great, however, it seems to only work with project.json and not with package.config. Project.json, however, doesn't seem to work with native packages, as they don't get installed in the local solution folder so the build can't find the headers and libs.
The question boils down to:
Is there a way to use project.json and NuGet 3 with native static libs?
If not, then, what alternatives are out there to support this use case? (The use case being build-time dependency distribution for native, unmanaged Windows static libraries).
At the end, we decided to use Maven for dependency management since NuGet doesn't seem to support our use case. I filed an issue about two weeks ago but it hasn't received any response. However, if we had decided to force NuGet into our use case, the solution proposed by Wendy would probably be the way to go, so I'm accepting it.
There are two ways could add content files into project that uses project.json file. One is "contentFiles" node and another is "files" node in nuspec file. Detailed steps please refer to:
But please note, these ways only support UWP and Portable class libraries.
This feature is only for packages that will be installed to projects that are managed using a project.json file. Currently only two projects types are managed by a project.json.
1.UWP apps
2.Portable class libraries
The contentFiles option is not available for other project types
If you are using .NET Core application or other type project that use project.json, the content files in nuget package is not supported added into project at present.

Difference between Reference, Template, and a NuGet package?

What is the difference between a NuGet package, a Reference (is reference similar to a tool?), and a template in Visual Studio?
Why do we need them?
What is done / changed in our project when we install each one of them?
Are they dependent on each other in some way? Which one(s) of them are global installs, and which one(s) need to be installed in every project?
Before any comments or misunderstandings: this answer is NOT composed by me, but it was accepted as an answer here, so for the sake of the users trying to find an answer to this, I am literally Copying the answer to your question in this place.
What is the difference between a NuGet package, a Reference (is reference similar to a tool?), and a template in Visual Studio?
References are used to pull additional libraries into your project. For example, your colleague develop a library which implement some functions that you wanted. You needn't write it by yourself, just add the dll into your project through add reference. Of course you can add any libraries not it come from third part or from Microsoft. But it won't notice you when the libraries changed or updated.
NuGet package is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET. It will help you manage your packages which installed on your project. When the package has new version released, it will notice you to update it. The NuGet client is a tool provide the ability to produce and consume packages.
Template is similar to a sample project which provides the frameworks based on different type of project. You just need to add your content/functions into this frameworks to implement your requirement. For example, if create a WinForms project, it will reference System.Windows.Forms automatically which contains all stuffs you needed in WinForms project.
Why do we need them?
NuGet package and Reference can help us invoke some functions which have been implemented by others or some have been encapsulated by Microsoft. And the Template can help us create a project without build framework by our self. All of them help us save a lot of time when developing a project.
What is done / changed in our project when we install each one of them?
Add references in your project, it will let you invoke the functions in these references in your project.
Install NuGet packages will add the package reference into your project automatically and then you can use the functions the package provided.
The template will be installed when you install Visual Studio. Most of common templates will be installed. Then you can create a new project through these templates quickly.
Are they dependent on each other in some way? Which one(s) of them are global installs, and which one(s) need to be installed in every project?
Reference and NuGet packages need to referenced/installed on a project. But this project can be create through the templates or can be create by customer self. So in some way, reference and NuGet package are dependent on project.
Templates is global installs and NuGet packages and reference need to be install in every project.
