How to run Xcode 6 on macOS High Sierra(10.13)? - xcode

I downloaded Xcode from Apple Developer website. When I'm trying to open the app, it shows this error.
You can’t use this version of the application “Xcode” with this version of macOS.
Can we bypass this check?

I'm not sure about High Sierra (10.13), but here are steps to get Xcode 6 running on Sierra (10.12):
Haven't tried them myself though.


black/blank screen iOS simulator on VMware

I am having a weird issue with simulator it shows me this screen
I have searched around for a solution and have tried to reset the content and settings it didn't work
Currently, I have Xcode version 11.3 (11C29) and macOS version 10.15 beta installed. When I run the project with iPhone 11 pro 13.3 it shows me the black screen.
Unlike regular/ initial ios simulator set up, there are no apps installed by default.
I am running mac on VMware. Any kind of help is really helpful.
I was facing a similar issue, got it fixed by using the correct version of Xcode
For VMWare Catalina - 10.15 Beta(197a471t) use Xcode - 10.3
Use this site to Download Specefic Xcode from Apple ->
It also fixed a Assets.Xcassets problem I was facing (LaunchImage Problem), really bad the MacOS is so specific with these versions
Hope you get it fixed...
P.S for virtual Box users there is a command line fix ->

Update Xcode 10.1 to 10.2 on High Sierra 10.13.6

I'm trying to update Xcode 10.1 to 10.2 on my High Sierra 10.13.6 version.
The App Store window shows the update button, but the problem is after hitting that button, the circle on the upper-left corner is just rotating for hours and nothing else happens!
Since the difference between the two versions is not that huge, the update naturally must be downloaded and installed after some time, but in effect it's not that way!
How to solve that issue, please?
I am using Xcode10.2 on High Sierra 10.13.6, and can build several projects for my iPhone 5s and 6s Plus which working on iOS12.2. The process is similar to Damnum’s.
Change the name of working Xcode like Xcode10.1.
Download Xcode 10.2 and copy it into Applications folder. (The name is of course Xcode.)
Edit and change the Minimum System Version to 10.13.6 with Xcode10.1
Edit and change the Minimum System Version to 10.13.6 with Xcode10.1
Edit and change the Minimum System Version to 10.13 with Xcode10.1
Launch Xcode (it is 10.2) and install the rest of items.
Now you can use iOS12.2 features in the Xcode.
I tested my own projects and several sample projects from iOS 12 App Development Essentials by Neil Smyth. All of them work fine on my devises including camera app.
Follow these steps:
Download Xcode 10.2 via this link (you need to be signed in with your Apple Id): and install it
Edit and change the Minimum System Version to 10.13.6
Do the same for (might require a restart of Xcode and/or Mac OS to make it open the simulator on run)
Replace with one from 10.1
The difference between the two versions is not that huge for example Swift 5.0 allows to build projects without the embedded Swift Libraries.
Xcode 10.2 doesn't run in High Sierra. It requires macOS 10.14.3
As it doesn't appear to have been mentioned in the existing answers/comments, for completeness, the last version of Xcode to run on High Sierra (macOS 10.13.2) is version 9.4.1, but on macOS 10.13.6 the last supported version of Xcode is version 10.1
From Xcode want install on high Sierra 10.13.6: has a good summary of compatibility versions. Looks like for 10.13.6 you'll need Xcode 9.4.1
Looking on
However, once 9.4.1 is installed upon 10.13.6, then there is an update offered for the CLT on the AppStore to version 10.1,
When the Xcode 7.0 - 10.x section of the Wikipedia page is checked, it can be seen that the quote above is not (entirely) correct, depending upon which version of High Sierra you have installed:
For 10.13.2, Xcode 9.4.1 is the last supported version
For 10.13.6, Xcode 10.1 is the last supported version

XCode 7 (Beta 3 & 4) Could not download and install iOS 8.* simulator

Trying to get iOS 8 simulators in XCode 7. Prior to beta 3, that wasn't possible but in beta 3 release notes:
"Xcode 7.0 beta now supports downloadable legacy simulators."
Xcode 7 beta 3 Release Notes
They also show up in the "Downloads" section:
I'm running into the same problem as reported in this question about XCode 6. I have Xcode 6 still installed, but am trying to install the simulator to Xcode 7 beta 3 where iOS 8 is no longer the base OS.
Error msg:
Could not download and install iOS 8.3 simulator. Authorization is required to install the package
I found another workaround on the Apple forums for this issue that does not require downloading/having other versions of Xcode. If you run Xcode using sudo the simulator downloads and installs work just fine:
sudo /Applications/
Note: Once the downloads and installs are complete you should quit Xcode and start it normally.
Update: XCool points out an important safety tip in the comments that I wanted to highlight here:
Make sure that you close any projects before opening Xcode using sudo, otherwise there'll be a lot of permission issues with any files that are currently open when the installation occurs.
sorry for the post, I don't have 50 reputation to comment. i am having this same issue. Any further progress? If I happen to come across a solution I will let you know. What have you tried?
--------- UPDATE -------
So I have found a work around.... if you are trying to get it to deploy to an iPhone.
If you still have the previous xCode file... you can navigate to Path: /Applications/
copy the simulators and SDKS you want over to the same location in and paste... granted those downloads still won't download, but this will allow for the simulator to run on your iPhone.
I got this from Using the device simulator for iOS 8 with Xcode 7
and verified it works.
XCode 7 and above does not support simulators 8.4 and earlier.
Please check my answer on the post here.

Cannot Upgrade Xcode App Crashes After IOS 7.0.3 Upgrade

I am in a world of pain so confused.
I have updated my ipad and iphone to ios7.
I have been developing with titanium mobile and when i open my project in xcode and trying to run on the device i now get this error.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS
version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to
run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
So after googling around i notice i am running xcode Version 4.6.3 (4H1503). So i thought i might need to be update.
So i went to the mac store found xcode and then clicked update, and i know get this error.
Xcode can’t be installed on “Macintosh HD” because Mac OS X version 10.8.4 or later is required.
So i done some more googling and now i am here all the links i find take me back to the app store where i get the above error.
Can someone please help, after updating to io7 version 7.0.3. My app now crashes so i need to debug on the device to find out why this is happen
my mac is running Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63) and when i click check for updates i get this alert.
Software Update doesn’t have any new software for your computer at this time.
You need to upgrade your mac to the OS X Mavericks. Click the Apple icon on the top left and select "App Store...". Search for "Mavericks". Click "Free upgrade" (yes it is free :-). After that you will be able to upgrade Xcode to 5.x release.

XCode 4.2 not getting installed on my mac

I want to install XCode 4.2 on my mac. I have the dmg, but when I start the installation process, I get the file size as zero kb. Attaching the screen shot of the same:
Can anyone tell me what the problem might be???
The Mac version i am using is 10.7.2....
I have tried changing the install location, but it was of no use.
The installation process takes around 15 mins (although the size is zero kbas is in screen shot) and at the end, I am getting the message "Installation Completed"
For mac OSX version 10.7.2 (Mac OSx Lion), Do I need to download XCode 4.3. The dmg that I have got from one of my friend is titled "xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_beta_6_for_snow_leopard.dmg". Also, I have tried installing XCode 3.2.6 and it also is experiencing a similar problem.
what have you used for downloading?
The most of download managers downloads damaged files when Internet connection error was occured. The second type of managers stops downloading herein.
Don't use itunes if you can. I advice you to download xcode via torrents because they are protected from these downloading errors. Or at least try to download it via firefox because it stops the downloading instead of masking download erros.
I read the following in the Xcode Release Notes (developer account required) in the Apple developer documentation:
You can install Xcode 4.2 for Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard only if you have purchased an earlier release of Xcode.
Install or update Xcode through the Purchases or Updates panes.
If you purchased Xcode from the Mac App Store, the Install Xcode app is on the volume on which you installed Xcode.
To install Xcode 4.2 on another volume, you must delete all copies of the Install Xcode app from your file system.
Maybe the first point explains your problem!?
I have downloaded the new dmg of XCode 4.2 from apple developer portal (developement tools). Its XCode_4.2_for_Lion. And it has got installed without any problem.
