How to create new work items in TFS with WIQL - windows

I´m creating a desktop application (WinForms C#) for my team which enables to manage some basic operations with TFS as like create tasks, bugs and user stories. The main idea is to make this management process faster... However, I found how to get the work items by using WIQL but I don´t know if it's posible to create new work items using WIQL... I have not idea how to do that, so I don't have code to show you. I just know how to GET, but I don't know how to create CREATE.
Thanks in advance.

You don't. WIQL stands for work item query language. It's for querying, not for creating.
If you want to create work items, you'll have to either use the Extended Client object model for C# or directly invoke the REST APIs, both of which are thoroughly documented.


Microsoft crm dynamics legacy web interface app

I'm very new to Microsoft CRM, so please fix me if i'm wrong.
I have a business app that has the old web interface.
I don't want to setup a new solution for a client and provide a new api.
A want to reuse what is already there and adjust what data I will get when I request some project query.
My problem is that I cannot find where the schema is defined.
Can someone point me where to look for it?
Right now the api is working and I can retrieve data without problems, but there are some missing fields that are present CRM and not accessible via api. And my goal is to provide those fields
go to
on right hand side select your env (dev/Test/Prod)
after that select solution on left hand side
then scroll down complete list you will find default solution
once you visit default solution, It hold almost entire system schema and so on. For example tables, it's fields and so on.
there are many other ways, but this should be a good starting point.
Note: It is not recommended to make changes directly under default solution, In fact it is bad way of making changes.

How Can I Create "Sub-Dashboards" in Looker?

Good morning, all you fine folks in Codelandia. I had a question for anyone out there who has experience using Looker, as I am very new to using this particular software.
I have been tasked to migrate multiple dashboards and visualizations to from our old interface to Looker, and I would like to add more organization to the new setup. The idea I have is to create one "master" dashboard with several sub-dashboards housed within in the master.
The idea would be something like this:
Is it possible that one of you knows if this is possible and/or how to do it?
Thank you!
You can utilize HTML in text boxes to create tabs on your dashboard (in essence links to a completely different dashboard). Here is an example:
This might be as close as you're going to get.

Create a Plugin-Based System Like Wordpress With Laravel / PHP

This question has been bugging me for quite some time now, I want to create a cms, a School Mnagement System to be more specific, and what matters to me the most, is making this system plugin based, in a way that administrators can download and install plugins right through their admin panel, just like wordpress.
Now I've read about wordpress Hooks, Actions and Filters, and in all honesty i can say i'm just a little familiar with their functionality, but to apply same functionality to a Laravel App... , It's a bit hard to figure out, at least for me.
I've also searched about this question and found out that almost everyone is suggesting packages, But while packages can work great for other developers wanting to get use of the package's functionality, they can't be easily installed by a user not familiar with any programming language, And that's exactly what i want in my application.
Now what i have in my mind so far, as in Wordpress Actions and Filters, almost everything one would want to use in Wordpress theme files ( to make that piece of code flexible for adding plugin functionality ) should be called as functions, and calling that function by Wordpress do_action() is kind of a must-take path, which of course makes sense.
This way plugin developers can just call add_action() / add_filter() in their files and put their plugins into the flow of the application.
Basically what I'm asking here is:
How to apply such functionality to a laravel app?
Is there an easier way than calling everything by a function like do_action()?
Should i write some kind of a file management module for downloading and updating plugins?
Again I must say that I am not very familiar with wordpress ways to achieve this kind of functionality, So I may be wrong about some of the description I mentioned above, But please, I appreciate any clarification around this subject if you can.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
*P.S. I've tried to be as clear as I possibly can about the problem, And I'm not looking for any specific method for the system I`m developing.
What i want is to know Common / Best methods ( If there is a best method ) for achieving such functionality, preferably in Laravel, but a general algorithm would still be very appreciated.
I know lots of people have the same question and are tackling with the same issue, so if you even only provide a link to a useful article it would be great.*
I have been working as a Wordpress Developer for a very long time and I also have sufficient experience in Laravel... and to be honest, making this kind of functionality is not that difficult at all.
First of all, you must understand that the web app that you will be making will have all the functionalities, but they can only be enabled/disabled from the front-end (Admin Panel/Dashboard). In other words, your School Management System app is actually having all the features/functionalities pre-installed, but you are just allowing the users to enable/disable it. This is much simpler.
So, if for eg. you want to provide someone attendance management functionality, you will have to give the admin of the site, the access to enable/disable it.
Wordpress has a built-in UI for adding/updating plugins. But in Laravel, everything is code based and therefore this I believe is the simplest way to go (especially for making things in your app pluggable).
Make a site with UI etc...
Create a config and migration file which will have the names of all the plugins you are going to allow the user to enable/disable.
Make a sync command that will sync all the plugins in your app.
Use it render a page from the front-end and manage their status from the back-end (is_active etc etc...)
Now once, these plugins are active, make sure the user (say moderator, editor) has access to manage them, for which you will obviously have to create roles/permissions and use Laravel Policies for such stuff.
Lastly, only the admin will have the enabling/disabling writes and no one else.
For the other part where you want the people to perform their own functions with filters/actions. I'd say this is completely contradictory to the part where you say Installing Laravel Packages isn't easy. Well, if you would really want a developer a way into this, why not straight away ask them to make a package for your app alone? Hmmmm.... Think about it :)
But, even then, if you would like to create such a functionality, create a simple class which the user can call and user its functions to call their own functions... Something like -> SMSPlugin::do_action(). But then again, making things like updating/deleting the plugin will require you to build your own Plugin Store and ask users to upload to it. Then you'll have to make an API to constantly check for updates for all the installed plugins and blah blah.... It's a really long procedure... And I don't believe that feasible too!
Hope I answered everything. Let me know in the comments if you have any doubts :)
I know it was 2 years ago, but for now you can achieve this with laravel with some packages:
So i think the steps will be:
Create new Laravel App and add some packages for BASIC admin UI and things you will need like:
Authentication (
Roles and Permissions (
Users managment
Modules (
At this point you must configure and write a UI for manage every thing from every package mentioned.
So i think this is the way or at least some try to do it in 2019 :D
Happy new year to all!
There's a package for this, it supports version 5, didn't test yet with 6:

Is there a Joomla (3.x) development API for creating and managing custom user groups?

I just started with Joomla 3.x and I'm writing a component for Joomla v3 which is supposed to create new usergroups for creating 'groups'- the design requirements being:
An organisation may set up a group to offer access to some set of services -including communication but also also other types of services - to their members
(the other services is the reason why I believe the community and forum joomla extensions are not suitable- they mostly focus at fora and social media services, not the services I will implement.)
Other persons/members of the organisation may register to this group, which allow him/her to access these services
ps: it is also possible for person to set up a personal account and get access to the set of services. This person may also join one or more groups at a later stage
How to do code the creating of new usergroups? I noticed a possible suggested solution at How to create custom User Group Programmatically in Joomla 3.x, but I struggle to understand how to use the suggested JTableUsergroup class because of the limited documentation at Does creating an instance of JTableUsergroup results in the creation of a new customer user group?
Another question: how to add users to a customer usergroup? The only hint I found was at - using the method addUserToGroup of class JUserHelper.
Many of the Joomla development concepts are well document but I could not find one for managing custom user groups...
Appreciate your help;-)
First, overall, the best consistent documentation of Joomla APIs is in the docblocks for the classes. Then to be honest what I do a lot of times is to search for where in the core the API is used. There are some great pieces of narrative documentation in the wiki, but on the whole I always start with the docblocks which are very complete. However in this case it's pretty simple.
You need to do something along the lines of
$newrow = JTable::getInstance('Usergroup');
//code to add your data
$newtable->save(); // Shortcut for check, bind, store
However, if I were you I would look carefully at UsersModelGroup because there are a lot of other things that should normally happen in this process such as running the user plugins. So I might include and extend that model (which manages the table class) rather than going to the table class directly. In fact your whole component might even be able to extend almost all of the users component or it might also be possible that you could do what you want with plugins rather than reinventing the whole thing.
In terms of assigning users to groups that is trickier because of some legacy things in the code. I think the setter followed by a $user->save() ($user being a JUser instance) is probably the way to go when adding to groups. What I probably would do is to write a custom JFormField that would manage opt-in groups because the core usergroup field includes everything. You could extend that and exclude the groups that you want to have only managed by admin.

Overriding i18n Messages to use database Play framework

In my company they tend to ask some extremly weird features, they want me to load dynamic language files, is there a way to solve this issue without having to rewrite the whole Messages provider of play framework, and instead use some files stored somewhere on the server to handle internationalization?
this could save me a month of work because i've already wrote a huge application (been working on it for a year now) and they want to make all the labels customizable by client.
any help, or any suggestions?
i'm using play framework latest version.
Sadly there is not really much customization options in the Messages API. One idea that might work is to subclass MessagesPlugin with a custom implementation of the api method and provide strings from the database there and then register that as a plugin in your app.
