How Can I Create "Sub-Dashboards" in Looker? - dashboard

Good morning, all you fine folks in Codelandia. I had a question for anyone out there who has experience using Looker, as I am very new to using this particular software.
I have been tasked to migrate multiple dashboards and visualizations to from our old interface to Looker, and I would like to add more organization to the new setup. The idea I have is to create one "master" dashboard with several sub-dashboards housed within in the master.
The idea would be something like this:
Is it possible that one of you knows if this is possible and/or how to do it?
Thank you!

You can utilize HTML in text boxes to create tabs on your dashboard (in essence links to a completely different dashboard). Here is an example:
This might be as close as you're going to get.


Microsoft crm dynamics legacy web interface app

I'm very new to Microsoft CRM, so please fix me if i'm wrong.
I have a business app that has the old web interface.
I don't want to setup a new solution for a client and provide a new api.
A want to reuse what is already there and adjust what data I will get when I request some project query.
My problem is that I cannot find where the schema is defined.
Can someone point me where to look for it?
Right now the api is working and I can retrieve data without problems, but there are some missing fields that are present CRM and not accessible via api. And my goal is to provide those fields
go to
on right hand side select your env (dev/Test/Prod)
after that select solution on left hand side
then scroll down complete list you will find default solution
once you visit default solution, It hold almost entire system schema and so on. For example tables, it's fields and so on.
there are many other ways, but this should be a good starting point.
Note: It is not recommended to make changes directly under default solution, In fact it is bad way of making changes.

How to create new work items in TFS with WIQL

I´m creating a desktop application (WinForms C#) for my team which enables to manage some basic operations with TFS as like create tasks, bugs and user stories. The main idea is to make this management process faster... However, I found how to get the work items by using WIQL but I don´t know if it's posible to create new work items using WIQL... I have not idea how to do that, so I don't have code to show you. I just know how to GET, but I don't know how to create CREATE.
Thanks in advance.
You don't. WIQL stands for work item query language. It's for querying, not for creating.
If you want to create work items, you'll have to either use the Extended Client object model for C# or directly invoke the REST APIs, both of which are thoroughly documented.

Can a Dashboard widget use SQLite data?

I made an iOS app that has my favorite quotes in it by category. I wanted to turn this into a dashboard widget that notifies me of a quote of the day. I've never made a dashboard widget and only read the hello world example on apple site.
Can anyone suggest a good tutorial or help me understand the following:
What is the best way to take my SQLite database of quotes and make it available through a dashboard widget?
Thank you.
Dashboard is, like, really old... it has the look of a technology that's barely clinging to life support.
But if you want to fool around with it anyway, the way to access SQLite from a widget would be to implement a native widget plug-in that uses the SQLite library, exposing methods that your widget JavaScript code can call to fetch the info you need.
Or, as you seem to have done, repackage the data in a different form that you can access more conveniently from widget JavaScript.
I ended up using NerdTools and implemented an awk script to pull a random quote from a text file on my computer. So this was solved a different way.

MVC 3 working with images

I'm trying to save images locally and retrieve them to my view. My problem is that i'm really new to MVC and all that I've tried doesn't seem to work.. If there are sites, samples or code snippets that work with locally stored images please feel free to pass on the knowledge...
Thank you
Start out with HttpContext.Server.MapPath("/") in your Controller to get the folder that you are currently working in. Watch where that gives you, and adjust accordingly if you want to maintain any sort of organization.

Which framework to design this web interface?

I would like to create a web page, which documents manually-inputted data about user permissions, that looks like below, which is really pulling data out of a MySQL table.
The way it should act is that whenever someone updates the table to overwrite a value, the old values are stored in a log as a "past revision" -- Which I have no problem on the database side, but I want those past revisions to show up behind the current data on the website, as seen below.
Someone needs to be able to see the current data at a glance, but also the past revisions that expand somehow when clicked. I want this done without having the page refreshed, so maybe jQuery or some active scripting?
That's the heart of the question here, is what technology can easily accomplish the needs of this interface? What do you guys recommend? Examples would be very beneficial. Thanks in advance.
You may try out SVG (along with some jquery for some rich interface):
