Overriding i18n Messages to use database Play framework - internationalization

In my company they tend to ask some extremly weird features, they want me to load dynamic language files, is there a way to solve this issue without having to rewrite the whole Messages provider of play framework, and instead use some files stored somewhere on the server to handle internationalization?
this could save me a month of work because i've already wrote a huge application (been working on it for a year now) and they want to make all the labels customizable by client.
any help, or any suggestions?
i'm using play framework latest version.

Sadly there is not really much customization options in the Messages API. One idea that might work is to subclass MessagesPlugin with a custom implementation of the api method and provide strings from the database there and then register that as a plugin in your app.


Recreate a GUI for an application

im new here, lately i've tried to find a way to recreate a GUI for an application and still maintain his functionality.
Let's take SnapChat as example, i would redesing the application GUI but without editing that part of code that makes the application function.Im sorry if im not giving very specific explanations but i really don't know how to say it. Im really clueless on how to do so, and even if is possible in in the first place.
If someone could help me out it would be really apreaciate
So far i haven't tried anything bheside searching something online.
I believe you want to make a 'frontend' that looks like Snapchat and have it functioning like the real site. You will need to have a backend will all the features of Snapchat. Most websites on the internet have two parts to them - frontend and the backend. And most sites won't allow you to access their backend from other frontend for security reasons.
I personally don't use that site so I don't know about its features, but assuming it's a chat platform you will need user authentication and some way to store your messages.
You should start out with React or Vue.js, and work your way up to responsive sites like Snapchat.
A quick and easy solution would be to create an extension that changes the styling once the site loads on your machine so you don't have to code your own front-end.

Easiest language/framework to use for web app that follows MVC for someone who has experience with Java/JavaFX

I am trying to create a web app that allows the user to browse a noSQL (Preferably MongoDB) database and perform some queries using a graphical interface. All the queries are written in the code and the user only needs to click links and/or enter strings (mostly to search for matches to be displayed in properly formatted tables). The app follows MVC model.
Up until now I used to write similar desktop apps using Java and JavaFX. I have no experience with other languages or frameworks (Aside from C and SDL), neither have I ever deployed anything on a server, and the assignment should be completed within 6 weeks (Three other students are working with me). And I have the three following questions:
Which language/framework is easiest to learn (considering I/we know Java/JavaFX)?
The answer to that would most probably be JavaScript*, which takes me to the next question:Is there any (practical) way that I would make it possible to write the app without having to learn HTML and CSS?
The third and last question, in case I write the View class in JS or Angular, can I write the Controller and Modal with Java (If we disregard complicated workarounds)? And do I deploy all three MVC classes/packages on the same server?
*I believe some would suggest we use GWT or Vaadin, and in this case I wonder if these frameworks have any quirks or limitations that would make it difficult for us as students to work with, be it when it comes to deployment (which is totally new for us) or the writing of the code itself.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Since nobody answered I am posting the best answer I could find so if anyone googles this subject could read it. At last we went with Java for backend running on Tomcat server and JS for front end. It turns out that HTML is very simple and JS is pretty similar to C/Java in syntax.

Helpme with own functions in api-platform

recently I have been working with symfony 4 in search of some solution for the creation of web services api-rest and I have found api-platform. After several days trying, because I do not have much knowledge of symfony, I managed to raise the API for an entity that I created by default. It turns out that now I have the doubt of how to add to the api methods other than those that are by default, say the put, the get and others that are already by default, I want to be able to add to my entity the methods that I estimate necessary and with the name that I want. Please I would appreciate your help with some form or some simple steps that allow me to add new methods to the api always keeping in mind that I do not have much knowledge in the matter.
try to avoid endpoint proliferation as much as possible, think REST
the recommended way to hook your own logic in API Platform is using the built-in events
if you really need to add custom endpoints, here is a dedicated documentation entry, but it should be your last resort (see 1/)

Document create software using AngularJs?

I am currently developing a web application using Laravel and AngularJs. One of the requirement in document module is, that they want to create, update documents like Google Docs or Zoho Docs.
I googled but couldn't find a solution.
How can I implement it? It seems like that it is a big task.
It is a really big deal. There is an example flow how an implementation could work like:
keep track every change (for example keydowns) on client side
create a patch message
send the patch to a backend server
notify all of the other users that the content has been modified and send the patch to apply
apply the patch on the client
repeat each and every time something is changing
Of course the backend has to accept messages from all of the clients and distribute it to all of the other ones which has the same document open. Google Docs is working in a similar way you can check it in the developer tools of Chrome for example or check operational transformation.
Use the API of one of the mentioned services instead of building an own module. https://www.zoho.eu/docs/zoho-docs-api.html
For goole docs you could use the following with angular js:

Create a Plugin-Based System Like Wordpress With Laravel / PHP

This question has been bugging me for quite some time now, I want to create a cms, a School Mnagement System to be more specific, and what matters to me the most, is making this system plugin based, in a way that administrators can download and install plugins right through their admin panel, just like wordpress.
Now I've read about wordpress Hooks, Actions and Filters, and in all honesty i can say i'm just a little familiar with their functionality, but to apply same functionality to a Laravel App... , It's a bit hard to figure out, at least for me.
I've also searched about this question and found out that almost everyone is suggesting packages, But while packages can work great for other developers wanting to get use of the package's functionality, they can't be easily installed by a user not familiar with any programming language, And that's exactly what i want in my application.
Now what i have in my mind so far, as in Wordpress Actions and Filters, almost everything one would want to use in Wordpress theme files ( to make that piece of code flexible for adding plugin functionality ) should be called as functions, and calling that function by Wordpress do_action() is kind of a must-take path, which of course makes sense.
This way plugin developers can just call add_action() / add_filter() in their files and put their plugins into the flow of the application.
Basically what I'm asking here is:
How to apply such functionality to a laravel app?
Is there an easier way than calling everything by a function like do_action()?
Should i write some kind of a file management module for downloading and updating plugins?
Again I must say that I am not very familiar with wordpress ways to achieve this kind of functionality, So I may be wrong about some of the description I mentioned above, But please, I appreciate any clarification around this subject if you can.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
*P.S. I've tried to be as clear as I possibly can about the problem, And I'm not looking for any specific method for the system I`m developing.
What i want is to know Common / Best methods ( If there is a best method ) for achieving such functionality, preferably in Laravel, but a general algorithm would still be very appreciated.
I know lots of people have the same question and are tackling with the same issue, so if you even only provide a link to a useful article it would be great.*
I have been working as a Wordpress Developer for a very long time and I also have sufficient experience in Laravel... and to be honest, making this kind of functionality is not that difficult at all.
First of all, you must understand that the web app that you will be making will have all the functionalities, but they can only be enabled/disabled from the front-end (Admin Panel/Dashboard). In other words, your School Management System app is actually having all the features/functionalities pre-installed, but you are just allowing the users to enable/disable it. This is much simpler.
So, if for eg. you want to provide someone attendance management functionality, you will have to give the admin of the site, the access to enable/disable it.
Wordpress has a built-in UI for adding/updating plugins. But in Laravel, everything is code based and therefore this I believe is the simplest way to go (especially for making things in your app pluggable).
Make a site with UI etc...
Create a config and migration file which will have the names of all the plugins you are going to allow the user to enable/disable.
Make a sync command that will sync all the plugins in your app.
Use it render a page from the front-end and manage their status from the back-end (is_active etc etc...)
Now once, these plugins are active, make sure the user (say moderator, editor) has access to manage them, for which you will obviously have to create roles/permissions and use Laravel Policies for such stuff.
Lastly, only the admin will have the enabling/disabling writes and no one else.
For the other part where you want the people to perform their own functions with filters/actions. I'd say this is completely contradictory to the part where you say Installing Laravel Packages isn't easy. Well, if you would really want a developer a way into this, why not straight away ask them to make a package for your app alone? Hmmmm.... Think about it :)
But, even then, if you would like to create such a functionality, create a simple class which the user can call and user its functions to call their own functions... Something like -> SMSPlugin::do_action(). But then again, making things like updating/deleting the plugin will require you to build your own Plugin Store and ask users to upload to it. Then you'll have to make an API to constantly check for updates for all the installed plugins and blah blah.... It's a really long procedure... And I don't believe that feasible too!
Hope I answered everything. Let me know in the comments if you have any doubts :)
I know it was 2 years ago, but for now you can achieve this with laravel with some packages:
So i think the steps will be:
Create new Laravel App and add some packages for BASIC admin UI and things you will need like:
Authentication (https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/authentication)
Roles and Permissions (https://github.com/spatie/laravel-permission)
Users managment
Modules (https://nwidart.com/laravel-modules/v4/introduction)
At this point you must configure and write a UI for manage every thing from every package mentioned.
So i think this is the way or at least some try to do it in 2019 :D
Happy new year to all!
There's a package for this, it supports version 5, didn't test yet with 6:
