Meteor, how to browser tab select events? - events{
"focusOut window" : function(){
console.log('exit window')
Like this focusOut window trigger code?

Not sure this will work as the template will only list to dom events inside its own scope.
Better to handle this using jquery and setup an event listener when the template is rendered.
Template.temp.onRendered(function() {
$(window).blur(function() {
// Do something here....
$("title").text("Don't forget to read this..." + pageTitle);
}, 1000);
Something along these lines should work, its fragile... and may need some tweaking, but this should get you started.


SAPUI5: Extend Control, renderer has html tags with event

I extend a Control to create a new custom control in UI5 and this control renders a tree as UL items nicely. Now I need to implement a collapse/expand within that tree. Hence my renderer writes a tag like
<a class="json-toggle" onclick="_ontoggle"></a>
and within that _ontoggle function I will handle the collapse/expand logic.
No matter where I place the _ontoggle function in the control, I get the error "Uncaught ReferenceError: _ontoggle is not defined"
I am missing something obvious but I can't find what it is.
At the moment I have placed a function inside the
return Control.extend("mycontrol",
{_onToggle: function(event) {},
Please note that this event is not one the control should expose as new event. It is purely for the internals of how the control reacts to a click event.
I read things about bind and the such but nothing that made sense for this use case.
Took me a few days to crack that, hence would like to provide you with a few pointers.
There are obviously many ways to do that, but I wanted to make that as standard as possible.
The best suggestion I found was to use the ui5 Dialog control as sample. It consists of internal buttons and hence is similar to my requirement: Render something that does something on click.
In short, the solution is
1) The
<a class="json-toggle" href></a>
should not have an onclick. Neither in the tag nor by adding such via jQuery.
2) The control's javascript code should look like:
[ 'sap/ui/core/Control' ],
function(Control) {
var control = Control.extend(
metadata : {
renderer : function(oRm, oControl) {
init : function() {
var libraryPath ="mylib"); + "/MyControl.css");
onAfterRendering : function(arguments) {
if (sap.ui.core.Control.prototype.onAfterRendering) {
sap.ui.core.Control.prototype.onAfterRendering.apply(this, arguments);
control.prototype.onclick = function (oEvent) {
var target =;
return false;
return control;
Nothing in the init(), nothing in the onAfterRendering(), renderer() outputs the html. So far there is nothing special.
The only thing related with the onClick is the control.prototype.onclick. The variable "target" is the html tag that was clicked.

Click on link to hide all other content divs

Example: (werkwijze is custom, i also have the same code with other names like -contact)
$(function() {
activator shows the content, boxclose closes the content.
clicking all activators opens all content while it needs to open only one and close the others..
edit got it fixed:
This is the script which works, (the overlay is useless)
You need to provide more information about how you are calling the pop-up script. If you are using jquery, you can just close all and then open one
But again, you should explain how you are doing the calls in more detail for a better answer
example, put inside function jQuery
if($('.hide').css('display')=='block'){ $('.hide').slideUp(); }else{ $('.hide').slideDown(); }
$(function() {
function showHideAnimation(clickedObj)
if($(this).id == {
} else {
Please try this if it doesn't work properly then replace $(this) with only this

How to use events and event handlers inside a jquery plugin?

I'm triyng to build a simple animation jQuery-plugin. The main idea is to take an element and manipulate it in some way repeatedly in a fixed intervall which would be the fps of the animation.
I wanted to accomplish this through events. Instead of using loops like for() or while() I want to repeat certain actions through triggering events. The idea behind this: I eventualy want to be able to call multiple actions on certain events, like starting a second animation when the first is done, or even starting it when one animation-sequence is on a certain frame.
Now I tried the following (very simplified version of the plugin):
(function($) {
$.fn.animation = function() {
obj = this;
pause = 1000 / 12; //-> 12fps
function setup(o) {
function doStep(o, dt) {
function sequenceFinished(o) {
function checkProgress(o) {
'allSetup': function(event) {
console.log(event); //check event
doStep(o, pause);
'stepDone': function(event) {
console.log(event); //check event
doStep(o, pause);
'startOver': function(event) {
console.log(event); //check event
function resetAll(o) {
reset stuff here
//then start over again
return this.each(function() {
Then i call the animation like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
And then – nothing happens. No events get fired. My question: why? Is it not possible to use events like this inside of a jQuery plugin? Do I have to trigger them 'manualy' in $(document).ready() (what I would not prefer, because it would be a completely different thing – controling the animation from outside the plugin. Instead I would like to use the events inside the plugin to have a certain level of 'self-control' inside the plugin).
I feel like I'm missing some fundamental thing about custom events (note: I'm still quite new to this) and how to use them...
Thx for any help.
The event handling and triggering actually works, I just had to call the checkProgress function first:
Instead of
return this.each(function() {
I had to do this:
return this.each(function() {
So the event listening function has to be called before any event gets triggered, what of course makes perfect sense...
You need set event on your DOM model for instance:
$('#foo').bind('custom', function(event, param1, param2) {
alert('My trigger')
$('#foo').on('click', function(){ $(this).trigger('custom');});​
You DOM element should know when he should fire your trigger.
Please note that in your plugin you don't call any internal function - ONLY DECLARATION

jQuery — trigger a live event only once per element on the page?

Here's the scenario
$("p").live('customEvent', function (event, chkSomething){
//this particular custom event works with live
// BUT only per element
// So almost like a .one(), but on an elemental basis, and .live()?
Here's some background
The custom event is from a plugin called inview
The actual issue is here
In a nutshell, new tumblr posts are being infnitely scrolled via
javascript hack (the only one out there for tumblr fyi.)
The inview plugin listens for new posts to come into the viewport, if the top of an image is shown, it makes it visible.
It's kinda working, but if you check your console at check how often the event is being fired
Maybe i'm also being to fussy and this is ok? Please let me know your professional opinion. but ideally i'd like it to stop doing something i dont need anymore.
Some things I've tried that did not work:
Some solutions via S.O. didnt work either eg In jQuery, is there any way to only bind a click once? or Using .one() with .live() jQuery
I'm pretty surprised as to why such an option isnt out there yet. Surely the .one() event is also needed for future elements too? #justsayin
Add a class to the element when the event happens, and only have the event happen on elements that don't have that class.
Edit: Example from comments:
var $this = $(this);
if ($"live")) {
This one works (see fiddle):
jQuery(function($) {
$("p").live('customEvent', function(event, chkSomething) {
//this particular custom event works with live
if (chkSomething) {
// BUT only per element
// So almost like a .one(), but on an elemental basis, and .live()?
$(this).bind('customEvent', false);
function doStuff() {
window.alert('ran dostuff');
$('#content').append('<p>Here is a test</p>');
$('p').trigger('customEvent', {one: true});
$('p').trigger('customEvent', {one: true});
$('p').trigger('customEvent', {one: true});
This should also work for your needs, although it's not as pretty :)
$("p").live('customEvent', function (event, chkSomething){
//this particular custom event works with live
if(chkSomething && $(this).data('customEventRanAlready') != 1){
// BUT only per element
// So almost like a .one(), but on an elemental basis, and .live()?
$(this).data('customEventRanAlready', 1);
Like Kevin mentioned, you can accomplish this by manipulating the CSS selectors, but you actually don't have to use :not(). Here's an alternative method:
// Use an attribute selector like so. This will only select elements
// that have 'theImage' as their ONLY class. Adding another class to them
// will effectively disable the repeating calls from live()
$('div[class=theImage]').live('inview',function(event, visible, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) {
if (visiblePartY=="top") {
$(this).animate({ opacity: 1 });
console.log("look just how many times this is firing")
I used the actual code from your site. Hope that was okay.

how to remove the click event using jquery

I have a jquery code to set the click event as follow:
$("#somediv").click(function() {alert('test')});
How do I remove the above click event? it seems that the .click() method will always append the exisiting ones.
If you only want to remove that function, you need a reference to it:
var test = function() {alert('test');};
window.setTimeout(function () {
$('#somediv').unbind('click', test);
}, 10000);
You can use off() method as well.
on() will be used to create event and off() will be used to remove event.
function clickEvent() {
To **remove** events you can use like this,
$('#somediv').off("click", "#somediv1", clickEvent);
To **add** events you can use like this,
$('#somediv').on("click", "#somediv1", clickEvent);
