Too many redirects: Clearing cookies doesn't work - magento

I have a machine where Magento is deployed. The admin page redirected to itself so many times and now I am unable to get the admin page. I get the too many redirects error. I have already tried clearing the cookies, also made some changes in the magento configuration.
I have tried accessing the admin page from other machines, but it works fine. The problem is only on one particular machine. What possibilities could be tried to resolve the issue? There are no troubles with other sites.

It's probably not even the problem with one machine, but with chrome on this machine. Try incognito mode - if works there try!topic/chrome/YzvpLaOmVrY (if it doesn't - check if any of your extensions is allowed to work in incognito mode)


Website error for HTTPS; But website works fine through HTTP

I just installed a SSL certificate on the website and confirmed that it was set-up correctly. But for some reason when visiting the website through HTTPS it gives the error "Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004]". But HTTP works fine.
It's a WordPress website and the htaccess file has not been modified.
What could be the problem?
I've Googled and Googled but cannot find a solution. Called my hosting company, but they're not specialized enough to understand the issue.
First off check this may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all plugins, and use one of the default (Twenty*) themes. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.
If you can install plugins, install “Health Check”: On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site.

Magento Site only works when ctrl + f5 is used

A Magento website is down in IE and in Firefox. Magento provides the following message: "There has been an error processing your request. Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons."
However using Ctrl+F5 makes the site work.
The site works in Chrome and in Opera.
It also works if any page is requested other than the home page.
The error in the magento file in var/report lists:
a:4:{i:0;s:108:"SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User XXXXXXX already has more than 'max_user_connections' active
However it still works in chrome.
You have a problem with your database; Basically your database is hitting the limit for the amount of connections for that user. Check what your max_user_connections setting is at and increase it.
Be careful, as the higher that number, the more resources it will use. You have to find an even balance.
It was not a problem with Magento or the database. The web host was incorrectly caching the site. We found out when a file I uploaded still appeared in cPanel yet the file had been deleted several minutes before.
The web host flushed their cache of the site. The website immediately loaded without any error.

Magento admin login 404 only at specific location

We have been unable to log in to our magento admin panel for a few months now, but this isn't a standard 404 issue.
After logging in with correct username/password, we get redirected to a 404 page. The strange thing is, it only happens from office WIFI, not over 4G or at our developers office. This occurs on our dev server, not live (live logs in just fine)
Our developers have tried creating a new development environment on a new server but the issue is still occurring.
I have tried disabling all firewalls and cannot see anything in router settings which would cause this, anyone had a similar issue or can suggest a solution?
Check your .xml files. You might been redirected to another module url showing the 404 error and check if module is currently actived. This would explain why you still have the same issue even when you're changing server, house, country etc etc.

Magento can't login redirect without error on VPS (no local machine)

When I login on Magento, it redirects me to the login screen with the url:
I do not get an error message of any kind.
I've found quite some posts about this, but all are about a Local Server.
I have a clean magento ( install on a VPS.
Tried everything from this post (which is about a VPS, but solutions are aimed at a local):
Can't login to Magento admin
all to no afail.
Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
A special note: After the magento installation I had to set the Temp Directory Manually.
As said tried all options, magento isn't installed on a local machine. So I'm lost.
All help is very much appreciated. Thanks
You need to ensure you have all required PHP extensions to run Magento on your VPS:
Second, I think you're getting the login page all the time even with correct credentials. Try logging in using Google Chrome in Incognito Mode (CTRL+SHIFT+N). The reasoning here is that sometimes there are stray PHP session ID's stored on your browser that doesn't invalidate correctly. I noticed this as well with up on non-SSL admins.
A permanent fix if the above works for you is to just get SSL and use it for your backend as well.
So I have reinstalled magento using the Downloader.
Now the problem doesn't occur anymore. Don't know why, but I'm happy.

The whole UI gone from the website

I'm working on this website. Because the client changed some settings the 'index.php' was gone from website and I corrected. From then the whole UI of the website is gone. I tried to do something from the backend and the was wondered to see the backend also gone. It just redirects to the from end once I log-in for back. Are there any solutions for this. Please suggest. I'm in very much need of it.
Go to admin->system->configuration-> General->Web-> for both Unsecure and secure ->'Base URL' should not end with index.php
Flush the cache after changing the settings.
A fewdays back when I was working in my localmachine I faced the same problem. I'm not sure why the UI has gone, But the solution worked for me is:
In server cmd prompt, I have stopped the IP tables by command -- service iptables stop and by disabling selinux by command -- setenforce 0 ... After giving these two commands, clearing the cache , the site came normal. But these cannot be implemented on online servers. Just try with these. If it works then can come to conclusion, that server is fine.
