Magento admin login 404 only at specific location - magento

We have been unable to log in to our magento admin panel for a few months now, but this isn't a standard 404 issue.
After logging in with correct username/password, we get redirected to a 404 page. The strange thing is, it only happens from office WIFI, not over 4G or at our developers office. This occurs on our dev server, not live (live logs in just fine)
Our developers have tried creating a new development environment on a new server but the issue is still occurring.
I have tried disabling all firewalls and cannot see anything in router settings which would cause this, anyone had a similar issue or can suggest a solution?

Check your .xml files. You might been redirected to another module url showing the 404 error and check if module is currently actived. This would explain why you still have the same issue even when you're changing server, house, country etc etc.


Website error for HTTPS; But website works fine through HTTP

I just installed a SSL certificate on the website and confirmed that it was set-up correctly. But for some reason when visiting the website through HTTPS it gives the error "Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004]". But HTTP works fine.
It's a WordPress website and the htaccess file has not been modified.
What could be the problem?
I've Googled and Googled but cannot find a solution. Called my hosting company, but they're not specialized enough to understand the issue.
First off check this may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all plugins, and use one of the default (Twenty*) themes. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.
If you can install plugins, install “Health Check”: On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site.

Error empty response when logging in magento admin

I really stuck on this issue, everytime i log in into magento admin, it's give me an ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE on google chrome and Connection reset on Mozilla.
The shop is still accessable, but it's load very slowly. It's working fine before, and suddenly become like this.
I can't find a similiar issue like this, mostly are the shop that return an empty response and they still can access the admin page and it's caused of enabling flat category/products set up.
I'm not sure if client enabling the flat category/products. If it so, what table should i edit using phpmyadmin?
since i can't access the admin page, or there are another thing that cause this? some error code, some files missing in admin directory or htaccess thing, actually i'm not doing changes on htaccess before. Really need your help.
Restarting apache and mysql worked for me
service httpd restart
service mysqld restart
Hope this helps.

blank page when loging in to backend part to magento

I recently updated all of my features in Magento from 1.8 to 1.8.1 and after that I’m having problems to log in to the admin dashboard. If i go to “” i get a 500 Internal Server Error error and was googling around i wasn’t able to find a solution.
Then i noticed i can go to “” and then all it returns is a blank page. And after hosting the log in page locally sending the right information to the original hosting service i get logged in, but the dashboard is totally blank.
I’ve tried all of the mighty google advises I’ve found, for example, clearing catch, changing permission to folders, looking in log-files for solutions, changing in the .htaccess, etc. But still haven’t found out what the problem is. Anyone had the same problem and maybe has a solution or advice?
Thanks in advance!

Magento Backend Catalog page keeps refreshing

I have a magento install on a staging environment, everything is working except the catalog backend page and the frontend layered navigation. Look at the image below. There is a backend within the backend. When visiting the page it refreshes to infinity. See this identical problem
My first guess is there is a bug in the template file but an identical template file on my local machine does not cause any issues. Additionally the database between my local and staging site are identical minus the core_config_url. The only difference is local I am running Apache and on staging I am running nginx.
The second issue which I imagine is related is that the filters on the frontend catalog page dont work. They are visible but clicking on them reloads the page without changing the products.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
UPDATE: After switching from NGINX to Apache the issue disappeared. I still would like to figure out what is causing the problem
I take for granted that you had already tried different browsers/clearing your browser cache and Magento cache (empty the cache directory), etc.
Are you sure you put the correct value in the cookie_domain setting? Many users that had your same problem seem to have setted up an incorrect value in that setting.
Take a look here and let me know.
I have found that usually this is caused by a server-side error on the ajax request. If there is any kind of error response returned, it will just continue to spin. Either check your Chrome console for a 500 response, or look in your server's error logs.

Internal Server Error 500 in only one Storeview of Magento

I'm running Magento multistore and a few times a day I get the famous "Internal Server Error 500" in my browser.
When navigating to Magento backend or a different Magento Storeview, the backend and the Storeview are still available and show no Internal Server Error.
Visiting the homepage or any category page, product page or cms page doesn't make a difference.
After flushing /var/sessions, the frontend is available again.
So, what I've done already:
I think it's not related to permissions, as these are set properly. I ran Magento-Cleanup.php a few times, and that's not changing or helping.
I checked settings in htaccess. These seem to be good.
SID is off. With or without SID doesn't make a difference
Logs show no issues that could cause this.
Can you change your PHP setting to use Apache rather than fastCGI? I've seen this error before with FastCGI on some servers
