Using irregular CSS in a .scss file - sass

I have some funky formatting which I am using to override a Polymer component. It's the custom variables mixin. Scss does not like it to compile with. Is it possible to set a chunk that doesn't get compiled the sass way? Similar to jekyll raw html tag.
For example
// tag do not compile with sass //
--my-component-custom-mixin: {
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;
// tag finish do not compile with sass //

You could use Sass string interpolation (#{'...'}) to escape the CSS mixin:
my-view1 {
--my-component-custom-mixin: #{'{
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;


How to render SCSS while keeping nesting?

I am creating a SCSS -> HTML plugin and need to first render SCSS -> CSS while keeping the nesting so I can then parse with PostCSS to then create an HTML tree with.
I would like to render SCSS like this
// myMixin.scss
#mixin myMixin {
.myMixin {
padding: 1rem;
background: yellow;
// main.scss
#import 'myMixin.scss';
$blue: #004AAD;
.button {
.text {
color: $blue;
#include myMixin;
And the output would look like this:
.button {
.text {
color: #004AAD;
.myMixin {
padding: 1rem;
background: yellow;
Basically, I'd like a way to render everything in SCSS while keeping the original nesting. Is it possible? Thanks.
Nesting is specific to SCSS. Also I don't think #import is best practice, use #use instead.
Here is the thing our client(browsers) only support raw CSS and not SCSS, When you use SCSS it compiles down to raw CSS, And CSS doesn't have inbuilt Nesting feature.

SASS/SCSS change variable value before extend

I have Bootstrap 3.3.7 and custom scss files.
I want to override $grid-float-breakpoint only once before #extend evaluates. Right now I have 3 classes which extend base bootstrap class (they use default value, so i don't want to mess with them).
In doc when using mixins and include it's possible. Is it possible using .class and #extend?
I'm looking for something like
$foo : 1px;
.normal-class {
font-size: $foo;
.extended-normal-class {
#extend .normal-class;
font-color: yellow;
-- This is what I'm trying to do: ---------------------
.override-class {
$foo: 3px;
#extend .normal-class;
// font-size in this class after compile should have 3px;
To achiev what you need, you must use #mixin instead of #extend, heres follow an example:
#mixin size($size: 1px){
font-size: $size;
#include size();
#include size(3px);

Iterate over theme-variable files in SCSS

I want to create different css-themes for a WordPress theme by using theme setup files. The setup (simplified) would be as following:
The idea is to enable easy theming by adding a class to the body of the document like .theme-theme1 or .theme-theme2. In the files _theme#.scss I want to define variables like text colour, font sizes and so on. In _file#.scss the actual styles are defined.
My question now is, how to iterate over the theme setup files while filling up the files.scss.
Sample idea, Background colour:
body {
###foreach themefile###
&.theme# {
background-color: $background-color;
I know how to do this with only one theme available in the resulting CSS file, but I want to make ALL themes available in the resulting CSS. Feel free to ask more details as I am not sure if I explain me right.
Is there a way to create this stylesheet via some kind of foreach loops through variables in theme files or does it have to be done with extra scss-rules per theme file?
This is somewhat possible using a combo of #import with a #mixin to generate the styles. This method should produce minimal repeated code.
Here's how we'll setup the files.
- scss
- themes
- _theme1.scss
- _theme2.scss
- _theme.scss
- styles.scss
The _ prefix on some of the files prevent them from being compiled into CSS to keep our build nice and clean. Now let's go through the contents of the files:
$theme-name: 'theme1';
$primary-color: red;
$primary-font-size: 24px;
$theme-name: 'theme2';
$primary-color: blue;
$primary-font-size: 12px;
This is an oversimplified example but should give the basic idea. Each theme file will contain only variables.
#mixin themestyle() {
body.#{$theme-name} {
p {
color: $primary-color;
font-size: $primary-font-size;
.bordered {
border: 3px solid $primary-color;
The themestyle mixin will contain all the styles for each theme, using the variables from the /themes/_theme*.scss files. The body.#{$theme-name} will create a selector like body.theme1 or body.theme2, depending on the current value of the $theme-name variable.
In this demo I'm styling on a p tag but this could easily be extended to all elements/selectors for your site. The important thing to remember is all styles need to be inside the body.#{$theme-name} selector.
Now the final, and least DRY part. The styles.scss file will import each theme file then call the themestyle mixin to generate the styles for each theme.
#import 'themes/theme';
/* Theme 1 Styles */
#import 'themes/theme1';
#include themestyles();
/* Theme 2 Styles */
#import 'themes/theme2';
#include themestyles();
The repeated #import/#include is required because it's not possible to #import within a loop or mixin, or this could be optimized a bit more.
Once styles.scss is compiled the output will be:
/* Theme 1 Styles */
body.theme1 p {
color: red;
font-size: 24px; }
body.theme1 .bordered {
border: 3px solid red; }
/* Theme 2 Styles */
body.theme2 p {
color: blue;
font-size: 12px; }
body.theme2 .bordered {
border: 3px solid blue; }
These themes can now be implemented by adding a class to the body tag, like <body class="theme1"> or <body class="theme1">.
Here's a Cloud9 project showing the setup.

compiling sass with grunt produce invalid property name

I don't know why but while compiling with grunt or anything there is an error called invalid property name
#flotTip {
border: none !important;
font-size: $font-size-small !important;
line-height: 1px !important;
#extend .tooltip-inner() !important;
in the above code in the line-height it produces an undefined property. My task was to convert all less files into sass files. Used many solutions to convert all of them to sass as far as I can find. But this one I can't find any solution. Can anyone answer what might be the problem?
Extend is only for extending simple selectors, like class, element, or id. You cannot use !important with #extend. This is the correct way to use extend:
.foo {
color: red;
#flotTip {
#extend .foo;
You may be confused confusing extends with mixins, which also cannot use !important. This is the correct way to use mixins:
#mixin foo() {
color: red;
#flotTip {
#include foo();
The line-height: 1px !important; line looks fine. The problem is with the following line. If you're trying to include a mixin, use #include and don't prefix the mixin's name with . (dot). Also, don't put !important after it.
I would guess that you are using #extend incorrectly. See the docs here:

Sass using #extend % from within a partial css file

I have style.scss that imports
in _declarations.scss, I have a placeholder declaration of
colour: red;
width: 100%;
Inside style.scss, I can have a selector like this
#extend %blah;
And the styles I'd expect are pulled into the .extend_it selector.
However if I try the same from within _button.scss I am unable to extend the %blah placeholder.
Is there a way around this?
