What do I convert a Delphi Win32 resource DLL to for a Delphi macOS app? - macos

I have a resource DLL for a Windows Delphi app. I want to port this to macOS, and eventually to iOS (for iPad only, not iPhone). I have yet to dip my toes into developing outside of the VCL (I don't even own a Mac yet, though I know I will need one eventually). The FireMonkey stuff, no problem (yet). I just wonder what approach to take to port a Windows resource DLL to other platforms.

For Firemonkey, you can user the dialog box in menu "Project / Resource and images".
This help page will give you code sample to use it in your program :


Uno application run on MacOS - problem with elements accessibility

I have the MacOS application developped using UNO Platform whitch i would like to test using appium. Application was is fully fucntional for manual usage.
Then i encountered an issue with accessibility inspector that default MacOS window buttons like "close application", "maximalize", and "minimalize" can be accessed wia UIElementInspector but almost all of the application connetnt cannot be accessed(they are not listed at all) as a children of the main window. Only images are accessible but none of the buttons neither texts.
I checked other applications like calculator, visual studio etc and hadn't simillar problems - every element was listed, so in my opinion problem is not coming form system but the application or uno platrorm itself. Remark - on windows this application hadn't such inssue with contetnt acessibility.
Also found example application developed in uno platform and this applicacion also does not share the elements in inspector.
Have anyone had faced similar problem and was able to solve it?

Is it possible to drag-and-drop files between File Explorer and Windows Store apps in Windows 10?

I am currently evaluating building an app that uses the Windows Store architecture (formerly known as Metro). This app will target not just Windows Phone devices, but also Windows 10 desktop.
One function of the app would be to drag-and-drop files onto the app from File Explorer. An example scenario would be to click-and-hold on a JPEG image and drag it into the app, which would then process the file. This would provide the user with another option instead of going through file dialogs.
I can find plenty of resources about using drag-and-drop inside Windows Store apps, but it seems there's no information about drag-and-drop from a "normal" Windows desktop app, such as File Explorer.
With Windows 10, Store apps are promoted to proper windows, rather than fullscreen apps, so this functionality seems to be a bit more useful in this environment.
This comment seems to suggest that it isn't supported, but is dated two years ago and refers to Windows 8. Is this still the case with Windows 10?
Here is video tutorial and simple example on GitHub.

Where can I start creating a Windows application?

I want to create an application to run on a Windows 7 PC with a touch screen that is a sort of toolbox with large icons optimized for touch screens.
I need it to include a file browser with a hard coded path. That way I can auto launch the application and they will be taken to the folder right away. I would also like a section where I can put "Useful Applications" shortcuts so that they do not have to go through the start menu or the desktop.
Can someone guide me where I can start learning how I can do this? I would most likely code in C#
Get started with Windows Runtime apps. You can write a Windows Runtime app in a variety of languages, such as C# or C++ with XAML, C++ with DirectX, and JavaScript with HTML/CSS. Now you can easily create apps for Windows devices and Windows Phone from a single project.

Qt 4.8.5 Mac Handle file dropping on dock icon

I'm porting some Qt apps to Mac OS. And have some questions because I have no experience in developing apps for Mac OS.
Where Applications usually save there settings in Mac OS?
How to handle file dropping on icon in dock?
Mac OS X applications typically save their settings in ~/Library/Preferences/ using an XML document called a Property List. If you use the QCoreApplication::setOrganization(..) et all methods, just use QSettings and your code will remain cross platform and do the right thing.
Handling file dropping on the application icon is a little more involved but there is already a pretty good answer and also a Qt Quarterly dealing with this problem. It will basically involve:
Setting up the Info.plist in the application bundle to identify what files types are handled by your application.
Subclassing QApplication to handle QEvent::FileOpen.

How can Windows Sidebar Gadget communicate with my desktop app?

I've got a .NET 2.0 Windows desktop application (time-sheets) which i develop and wanted to add a Gadget interface to it (so that app runs hidden and is controlled via the gadget).
What is the easiest way to get my gadget to communicate to my app?
An idea that i had was to have a built-in web server inside the app, and the gadget controls communicates with the app using ajax. However i'm hoping there's a simpler solution.
You didn't specify what technology the gadget and app were written with, so it's hard to answer. Assuming you can use .NET, WCF with a named-pipes binding would be very simple. Just a few lines of code to set it up.
We use win32 APIs in one of our gadgets' ActiveX control to communicate with other instances of the same gadget. Unfortunately, I can't give you the code (because I don't have permission and I don't write the .net stuff) but it boils down to using a window (in your case the application window) as a server and the gadget ActiveX control as the client and use the SendMessage function.
You can see an example of using COM interop with windows desktop gadgets at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/gadgets/GadgetInterop.aspx
NB: make sure the interop assembly is in the application's directory and NOT the gadget directory, otherwise you'll run into problems when updating/uninstalling the gadget.
