Uno application run on MacOS - problem with elements accessibility - macos

I have the MacOS application developped using UNO Platform whitch i would like to test using appium. Application was is fully fucntional for manual usage.
Then i encountered an issue with accessibility inspector that default MacOS window buttons like "close application", "maximalize", and "minimalize" can be accessed wia UIElementInspector but almost all of the application connetnt cannot be accessed(they are not listed at all) as a children of the main window. Only images are accessible but none of the buttons neither texts.
I checked other applications like calculator, visual studio etc and hadn't simillar problems - every element was listed, so in my opinion problem is not coming form system but the application or uno platrorm itself. Remark - on windows this application hadn't such inssue with contetnt acessibility.
Also found example application developed in uno platform and this applicacion also does not share the elements in inspector.
Have anyone had faced similar problem and was able to solve it?


UI Automation for AppleTV system using XCode

Is UI automation available for the main menu of the Apple TV and not a specific application? I already setup the whole UI testing thing using XCode and tried using the remote control but it is only available for the application that was defined using XCUIApplication.
So is it possible to control the whole system rather than a specific application? I was thinking of something similar to pyatv but using XCode since I might be able to get more information concerning the current focused apps and so on.
There is an API XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: ) to interact with not-AUT apps. You need to substitute the right identifier for this Springboard-like interface. Maybe it is a Headboard, but I'm not sure.
Bundle identifiers of tvOS apps

What are the ways or tools available to inspect element in a Mac desktop application

We have firebug or chropath or inspect element methods to find locators of a web application. Similarly, how to identify element of a Mac desktop application (for example, iTunes desktop app)?
Thanks in advance.
Use Accessibility Inspector,just type in Inspector in the spotlight. So far, its able to get class, text and labels, but not well recognize using it with Appium. I am hoping for a better more accurate tool.
You can use pyatom (python library for automated testing on MAC).
PyAtom is Python library to fully enable GUI testing of Mac applications via the Apple Accessibility API.
Github link -

Share screen of Microsoft Windows 10 apps using webrtc

When a Windows 10 computer wants to share some of its screens using webrtc protocol (firefox navigator), a list of the windows that can be shared appears. In this list, only "normal" applications appears, not the one related to "apps". By example, spotify window appears, but OneNote window is not listed.
It seems (?) webrtc screen share is not compatible with UWP apps.
Knows someone a way to share the screen of an app via webrtc ?
Note: following link allows to reproduce this issue:
you do not need share anything, just push "window" and see the list of windows that appears.
I believe Chromium (the open source version - not sure about Chrome) faces the same problem as UWP requires to use a new Win 10 API which shows it's own window selector. And then obviously that selector doesn't work on other problems. So it's a common problem on Win 10, with no known good solution as far as I can tell.

What do I convert a Delphi Win32 resource DLL to for a Delphi macOS app?

I have a resource DLL for a Windows Delphi app. I want to port this to macOS, and eventually to iOS (for iPad only, not iPhone). I have yet to dip my toes into developing outside of the VCL (I don't even own a Mac yet, though I know I will need one eventually). The FireMonkey stuff, no problem (yet). I just wonder what approach to take to port a Windows resource DLL to other platforms.
For Firemonkey, you can user the dialog box in menu "Project / Resource and images".
This help page will give you code sample to use it in your program :

Corruption of menus in Windows app

I'm the author of a Windows application that's been around for years. The app uses the wxWidgets UI library. For the newest version, we upgraded to the Microsoft c++ compiler in Studio 10 and to the latest Windows SDK library. We did not change much else in the app. Now, several users have reported that after a period of time running the app, the menus go crazy. All of the users reporting the problem are running on Windows XP. The menus either get huge, filling the screen, and have a giant italic font with strikethroughs. Or they get really small, so that the only thing shown are up and down arrows, suggesting the rendering code thinks the screen real estate is too small to display anything else.
You can find example screen shots here:
Once the menus go crazy, all menus are affected, except the standard Windows and MDI menus. The only way to recover is to restart the app.
The code in the app and wxWidgits is a thin layer on top of the standard Windows API. Once the menus are created, afaik Windows manages the rendering.
Any ideas what's going wrong?
