Is it possible to drag-and-drop files between File Explorer and Windows Store apps in Windows 10? - windows

I am currently evaluating building an app that uses the Windows Store architecture (formerly known as Metro). This app will target not just Windows Phone devices, but also Windows 10 desktop.
One function of the app would be to drag-and-drop files onto the app from File Explorer. An example scenario would be to click-and-hold on a JPEG image and drag it into the app, which would then process the file. This would provide the user with another option instead of going through file dialogs.
I can find plenty of resources about using drag-and-drop inside Windows Store apps, but it seems there's no information about drag-and-drop from a "normal" Windows desktop app, such as File Explorer.
With Windows 10, Store apps are promoted to proper windows, rather than fullscreen apps, so this functionality seems to be a bit more useful in this environment.
This comment seems to suggest that it isn't supported, but is dated two years ago and refers to Windows 8. Is this still the case with Windows 10?

Here is video tutorial and simple example on GitHub.


How to implement intent(?) on windows 10?

I see some features on windows 10 that are a copy of Android intent concept.
For example, when opening games, they open the Xbox programs by triggering an event ms-gamingoverlay. The flow have a windows native UI to select the application to be used, or search for one at the proprietary-application-store.
What exactly are those called in windows development literature?

Submit a Unity app to Windows store

I have a unity app built for Windows desktop. Client wants this to be distributed through Windows 10 Store. This is just a desktop app and has no support to tabs or phones.
But looks like with Windows 10 there is no desktop only option.
Is there any documentation on what are the steps I need to follow to submit the unity built app to Windows store?
I did some reading and looks like this is what I will have to do.
But want to get a confirmation from some one who has already done that. As I don't have a Windows developer account right now to try that out.
Is there any documentation on what are the steps I need to follow to submit the unity built app to Windows store?
The steps of publishing a unity app is similar to UWP app. You can refer to App Submissions for more details.
After your packages have been successfully uploaded, you will find the Device family availability section that indicates which packages will be offered to specific Windows 10 device families.
For your requirement, you could check Windows 10 Desktop device option, as the follow picture shows:
For more info, you could refer to Device family availability official document.

What do I convert a Delphi Win32 resource DLL to for a Delphi macOS app?

I have a resource DLL for a Windows Delphi app. I want to port this to macOS, and eventually to iOS (for iPad only, not iPhone). I have yet to dip my toes into developing outside of the VCL (I don't even own a Mac yet, though I know I will need one eventually). The FireMonkey stuff, no problem (yet). I just wonder what approach to take to port a Windows resource DLL to other platforms.
For Firemonkey, you can user the dialog box in menu "Project / Resource and images".
This help page will give you code sample to use it in your program :

windows universal app pdf viewing

I'm trying to design a Windows 10 Universal application which can download pdfs from online and open them natively in the application while retaining the functionality to fill them out (obviously only for pdfs that normally have such functionality). Is this possible as of now (using either microsoft's own or third party products) ?
Since Windows 8.1 there is a API for rendering PDF documents. You can find a SDK-Sample here -
The problem is: The API render the PDFs to an BitmapImage. You will loose all the functionality to edit forms, it´s viewing only. For Windows 10 there is no aditional way to handle pdfs.
Here is a list of third party controls, who maybe can do the trick.
This stuff is created for windows 8.1, but should work for windows universal as well.

Where can I start creating a Windows application?

I want to create an application to run on a Windows 7 PC with a touch screen that is a sort of toolbox with large icons optimized for touch screens.
I need it to include a file browser with a hard coded path. That way I can auto launch the application and they will be taken to the folder right away. I would also like a section where I can put "Useful Applications" shortcuts so that they do not have to go through the start menu or the desktop.
Can someone guide me where I can start learning how I can do this? I would most likely code in C#
Get started with Windows Runtime apps. You can write a Windows Runtime app in a variety of languages, such as C# or C++ with XAML, C++ with DirectX, and JavaScript with HTML/CSS. Now you can easily create apps for Windows devices and Windows Phone from a single project.
