How to scroll to a particular co-ordinate in Test Complete - testcomplete

I have spied a notepad and text box of a notepad contains a string which will be visible only if you scroll down.
Now I am trying to perform a single click there via passing a rectangle co-ordinate to the Test Complete.So with that it is able to click if it is visible on the screen otherwise it fails saying :"there was an attempt to perform an action at a point which is beyond the screen"
Is there any way where we can scroll to the point of interaction before performing the action.
I tried with following steps to achieve that but its of no help.
testObject.MouseWheelScroll(an integer value)

Please try this..
I'm using this code and this is working fine for me..


UNbound Text Box wont save

I have a form onto which I have placed an unbound text box. This box is designed to calculate the total of 4 other bound text boxes which have simple numerical values in. I have used the expression builder in the unbound text box to set its control source property i.e. =([box1]+[box2]+[box3]+[box4])
When I first put this in it works fine. However after I close and then reopen the data base the box sits on the form saying #NAME? as if it has lost its control source. I have checked the data source after and nothing seems to be wrong. Any ideas why its happening. Its a pain as I have a button which when pressed opens a report based on the value in the unbound text box.
Try using Nz:
Not entirely sure why it now works but I have re added the text box and the calculations into the source code and it seems to be fine. Perhaps just a glitch in my previous attempt... I used the =sum solution rather than the =Nz solution. Maybe my version of access or my data base is just fickle... thanks anyway

Processing: Creating Buttons

I'm trying to create a program that creates three buttons on the right side of the screen.
When I press a button, the entire background will change color (each button will make the background a different color). Whenever the mouse is not pressed, the background will return to white. I'm having trouble understanding how to make the three rectangles into buttons.
You need to break your problem down into smaller pieces.
Can you create a program that just shows a single button? Don't even worry about making it interactive yet. Just show a single button at hard-coded coordinates.
Now can you detect when the user clicks in that button? Just print something to the console. Get that working perfectly before moving on.
Now can you get multiple buttons working together? Again, just print somethign to the console, and make sure it works perfectly before moving on.
Finally, can you make it so pressing each button changes the background instead of printing something to the console?
If you get stuck on a specific step, you can post a MCVE along with a specific technical question. Stack Overflow really isn't designed for general "how do I do this" type questions. It's for specific "I tried X, expected Y, but got Z instead" type questions. So please try something and post an MCVE of a specific step you're stuck on. Good luck.
Check processing's documentation for mouseClicked() and mousePressed.
The former being a method called upon a click, and the later is a boolean that is constantly updated. (So you'd check for it in your draw())
You'd then want to check the mouseX and mouseY values to see if they are in your desired button's area. (Which would be displayed on screen using rect())

How is this popup message created / programmed?

I recently noticed the following popup message ("6 occurrences replaced") in Qt Creator (3.4.2).
I like its style and want to use it in my own application. But how is it done? Is this a particular widget or what else? Can someone point me in the right direction.
You could create your own window with round corners like that with text in the middle paid show it when you want too make the window so it takes a parameter text and you can add different text each time and show

Messagebox centered to parent Window / Form

I am trying to build my own HTA right now to act as a front end for some of my batch scripts. I would like to use a msgbox (or anything equivalent) that I can use to output any errors, clicking Ok will just get rid of the prompt.
Here is the code I have been using:
x=msgbox("Error text" ,48, "Error: Title")
I would preferably like the following conditions, to be able to use a custom icon, the box to center on X and Y to the parent window/form, and to allow me to define the text in the box and it's title.
If this is not possible then just a messagebox that can be centered on X and Y to the parent window would suffice.
Is there any way of doing this in VBScript?
Or should I look into doing an HTML/CSS version that would popup on the screen?
I don't know the answer to your first question, but whatever the answer is there must be necessarily limits to what a box message box that pops up outside of the HTML can do.
So for customization that includes icon, centering and anything else expressible in HTML/CSS, I think you should do HTML/CSS that pops up on the screen.
You might want to look at jqueryui or bootstrap to get you going faster so you don't have to start from scratch.
They both use jquery underneath so if you aren't already using it, you'll pick up some more bytes in your initial download.

Is it possible to find an element like a button and click it, when it is continuously moving on? e.g Carousel

I am using Selenium Webdriver(Ruby) to automate my web app and my web app has this carousel wherein my element continuously keeps moving in a loop.
By the time I locate that element and try to click it, element moves ahead.Hence I am not able to locate that element.
I tried finding and clicking that moving element by following code:
ele_button = driver.find_element(:xpath,"xpath")
sleep 10
I thought that by 'sleep 10' I could make that element wait for 10 seconds and then click it.But this does not work and I am getting ElementNotVisibleError whenever I run my script.
Is it even possible to automate a moving element? If yes please provide me a solution.
Yes it is absolutely possible. I handled same scenario for carousel on my site. There are three ways:
Most carousel stop on mouse hover. So you may use it to stop the
carousel. Use Actions class to move over to the carousel. Once it
stops you may click on it.
If you want a specific slide, you can click on dots or any other navigator, like prev/nxt, to reach your slide and then click it.
The sure shot way to click your specific slide, without worrying about whether it is displayed or not is to use Javascript to click it (Which I had done in my case although I had also implemented 2nd way but I found javascript the simplest solution).
Why are the actions divided?
I would recommend the following:
so it will find the object and click on it.
Another thing you can do, as we doing in selenium with java that put the implicitlyWait according to the time on which your button came back after one rotation; now perform click just after implicitlyWait
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Suppose a rotation of button takes 30 sec
// action performs on the element
In ruby you have to use this type of syntax
#driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 30
