I can't find the disassembly window in Visual Studio Express 2017. In previous versions, in debug mode it was in the menu : Debug -> Windows. I checked if there is an "expert mode" in the options and I haven't found any. Does someone knows where it is?
I finally found a way. I had to reset the environment settings and set it to the Visual C++ scheme. The menu is now there, along with the Memory and Registers menu items. I think that I used the Visual Basic Scheme at first. That's probably why the menus were not there.
To display the Disassembly window
On the Debug menu, choose Windows, and click Disassembly. The
debugger must be running or in break mode.
Here is the reference: How to: Use the Disassembly Window
(Modifying the question)I have a windows form app in C# which calls into some C++, and I need to add logs that log to some window in visual studio(output tab or the 'immediate window' tab....I don't care which.
I had this post but none of those solutions worked.....
how to log in win32 c++ to the visual studio output window?
A comment below mentions I can turn debugging on, but there is no "debug tab", there are no tabs whatsoever so I am not sure how to enable debugging in the following picture...
I don't see how to set Enable unmanaged debugging either?
On your C# EXE project, not your C++ project. Right-click the C# project, Properties, Debug tab:
This is probably a really easy question, but I've spent too much time looking for the answer, so I'm putting my question here:
Whenever I run an app in Visual Studio 2008, my solution explorer disappears... any suggestions as to how I can find it?
Thanks :)
While in debug mode, go to the "View" menu and click "Solution Explorer". Or use Ctrl+W, S
When you are in Debug mode, you can always enable every part of the shell by going to View > Solution Explorer for example.
Remember that the layout of your shell changes between development mode and debug mode. You can save these changes if you want to (eg: when you reinstall Visual Studio) by using the Import/Export Settings in the Tools menu.
I'm working on a project and suddenly the debug ignore my breakpoints and doesn't debug,
Make sure the dropdown near on the debug toolbar shows "Debug" and not "Release".
In case you need to "hit" the break point in "RELEASE" mode go to:
Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General and UN-CHECK "Just my code" option, in order to enable loading symbols and actualy hitting a break point ;)
Sometimes Visual Studio just gets all confused. I've found restarting Visual Studio, unsetting/resetting breakpoints, and commenting out the places where it's falling over all help to trip Visual Studio into working again.
Is there any way to disable VA X when launching VS and turn it back on only when needed? Since it will cause some lag. I seem can't find the option either in VS's option or VA's option.
Hold the shift key down when Visual Studio starts up - this will prevent all addins from loading (at least in more recent versions of Visual Studio).
In VS2013,
On the Tools menu, click Extensions and Updates.
In the Extensions and Updates dialog box, locate Visual Assist.
Disable it.
Visual Assist has a command to disable its features; Enable/Disable is located on the Visual Assist menu. You could run that command (for example via a macro) at startup, then re-enable when you wanted to you use its features. However, you can't do this at the same time as preventing it from loading.
Can someone tell me why my Ctrl+F5 disappeared in Visual Studio 2008? Its not even in the menu. In the Debug menu, All I have is Windows, Start Debugging, Step Into, Step Over, Exceptions, and Toggle Breakpoints.
I'm using the professional edition of Visual Studio 2008 and for some reason, this morning, it just vanished.
You can re-add it: Tools -> Customize... -> Commands tab -> Select Debug -> Drag the "Start Without Debugging" command to the Debug menu and place it where you want it to be.
As for why it happened, hard to tell.
Was it the button there before becuase I just checked on mine and saw that there was no button with Ctrl+F5, but when you do the command, it works fine.
Right click on the menu bar and click Customize... from there you can add in any options that are missing.
Could this happen if the current "Startup Project" - the one in bold in the Solution Explorer - is not an executable?
(I don't have access to VS to check)