How can I see the solution explorer in Visual Studio 2008 while debugging? - visual-studio

This is probably a really easy question, but I've spent too much time looking for the answer, so I'm putting my question here:
Whenever I run an app in Visual Studio 2008, my solution explorer disappears... any suggestions as to how I can find it?
Thanks :)

While in debug mode, go to the "View" menu and click "Solution Explorer". Or use Ctrl+W, S

When you are in Debug mode, you can always enable every part of the shell by going to View > Solution Explorer for example.
Remember that the layout of your shell changes between development mode and debug mode. You can save these changes if you want to (eg: when you reinstall Visual Studio) by using the Import/Export Settings in the Tools menu.


Visual Studio 2013 only showing attach in debug menu

I'm a Visual Studio and programming noob so please don't give me some advanced programming lingo that I'm not going to be able to understand.
Earlier today I was programming in C++ (I only started yesterday). But when I reopened VS to continue programming it didn't give me an option to debug, it only said "Attach...".
This is my first post so I'm not allowed to post pictures.
Right Click on your solution , select "set startup projects"
Opt for Single startup project and select you project
Click Apply or OK
In Visual Studio you need to have a solution (.sln) open to build and debug against. You currently only have a single file open, not the solution containing it. You should be able to find the solution in the File->Recent Projects and Solutions menu.

Is there a way to automatically collapse the Script Documents section in solution explorer?

While in debug mode, the solution explorer has a Script Documents section. It is expanded by default. As the debugger runs, new ScriptDocumentxxx poll.txt files are added to this section. As I am navigating the explorer files, the adding of these new line items causes the entire contents of the explorer to shift downward. This is quite annoying if I am trying to find a file or trying to click something. I can collapse the section manually, but I'd rather not have to do this all of the time.
Right click the projects you are interested in working on and click on 'Scope to this'. This will hide everything (Including the scripts folder) except those projects you selected.
I got annoyed enough with this that I turned off JavaScript debugging. If you are willing to go that far, the scripts are gone.
The path for turn of JS debugging is:
Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General -> Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome, Edge and IE) (Visual Studio 2017 and 2019)
Note: This method does not prevent you from stepping though JS in the Chrome inspection tools so you do not lose that ability. You lose both the scripts (of course) and that new Chrome window that pops up when you launch the debugger.
Yes, there is.
IIS Express > Script Debugging > Disabled
Right click then 'Scope to This' to hide everything but the project in the solution you want to view.
Click on the Home/House icon to reverse it.
Yes there is. One way is to create a visual studio add-in or extension which monitors the solution explorer tree and collapses the "script documents" -item if it is expanded.
If you need code samples and/or a fully functional add-in just let me know. You have Visual Studio 2013, ay? Is it the express edition or what?
This is confirmed bug in VS 2019. Just Microsoft is not so fast about fixing it.

How to revert file in Visual Studio 2010 (reload the file from disc)

I'm starting to use Visual Studio (2010) after years with Eclipse.
Every now and then I've found Eclipse's "Revert" feature pretty useful, that is, to reload the file from disk, discarding all changes. (Nothing to do with version control reverting.)
How can I do this with Visual Studio? Should be pretty simple but I haven't found it yet.
I know that I can do this with "undo until *-indicator disappears" but that's pretty impractical.
Unfortunately I do not know of a built-in way to do this in VS other than closing the file and reopening it without saving.
There might be some extension that does this, but I am not aware of it :(
In the current version, you find in the Explorer, in the left sidebar. Then Open Editors, and right click on the file you want to revert.
If you are using git with Visual Studio:
Solution Explorer > Right Click On File > Git > Undo Changes

Macro to sync active item in Solution Navigator

I don't like the "Track Active Item in Solution Explorer" option in VS, since it seems to slow things down a lot, and can be a bit buggy.
Instead, I'm using the macro shown here ( to manually sync the solution explorer using a shortcut key.
Now, I'm switching from using Solution Explorer to the new Solution Navigator that comes with the VS Productivity Pack, and I'm missing this functionality a lot.
Does anyone know if there's anything I can do to manually sync the Solution Navigator to the active item?
Do you need to do this, as the Solution Navigator has an "Open" tab that shows all open files?
Visual Studio 2012 has this built-in using the SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument command (default key binding is Ctrl+[, Ctrl+S

Right Pop up menu coming slowly

When i right click in the text editor in Visual studio 2008 IDE, the Pop Up menu comes at a slower pace. Is there any setting in visual studio that can control this behavior?
After a windows crash my IntelliSense context menu (when clicked over a member/class/declaration) became very slow (~10s to open it). Solution was to close my VS2012, and delete solution cache files (solutionname.suo).
Keep in mind that .suo files are hidden.
After reloading the solution all came back to normal!
You may make VS GUI faster by disabling animation.
Uncheck "Animate environment tools" checkbox in tools - options - environment - general.
This may help...
The problem is possibly a timeout trying to connect to a Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. To disable this in VS 2012:
Tools > Options > Source Control > Plug-in Selection > Current Source control plugin-in > None
This worked for me and I read about it in a comment on this answer: .
