Visual Studio IDE Issue - visual-studio

Can someone tell me why my Ctrl+F5 disappeared in Visual Studio 2008? Its not even in the menu. In the Debug menu, All I have is Windows, Start Debugging, Step Into, Step Over, Exceptions, and Toggle Breakpoints.
I'm using the professional edition of Visual Studio 2008 and for some reason, this morning, it just vanished.

You can re-add it: Tools -> Customize... -> Commands tab -> Select Debug -> Drag the "Start Without Debugging" command to the Debug menu and place it where you want it to be.
As for why it happened, hard to tell.

Was it the button there before becuase I just checked on mine and saw that there was no button with Ctrl+F5, but when you do the command, it works fine.

Right click on the menu bar and click Customize... from there you can add in any options that are missing.

Could this happen if the current "Startup Project" - the one in bold in the Solution Explorer - is not an executable?
(I don't have access to VS to check)


Make Visual Studio 2019 Always Run as Administrator from Start Bar Recent Solutions List

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2019.
Prior to the upgrade, Visual Studio 2017 would always run as Administrator. I did not think much of this, but now that it is gone it is causing me problems.
The primary one is that it will not load my projects that use my local instance of IIS.
I usually launch Visual Studio from my start bar. Right now this goes like this:
Right click on the icon on the start bar and select my solution.
It loads and then I realize that the main project did not load.
Close visual studio, open as admin
Pick my solution and then it loads.
I would really like to only have to do #1 above. Is there someway I can edit the shortcut on the start bar to have it always launch as Administrator?
Turns out that Visual Studio uses different permissions when you click on the list of shortcut options it offers in the start menu. (IE to load a recent solution directly.)
Selecting the Properties->Advanced->"Run as Administrator" did not cause these to run as administrator.
But this did it:
Find devenv.exe (Visual Studio's executable)
Right Click on it and select "Troubleshoot Compatibility".
On the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter window, click on Troubleshoot Program
Check that the program requires additional permissions and click Next
On the next window, click on Test the program… and VS will open as administrator
Click next and then click on Yes, save these settings for this program
Now Visual Studio will ALWAYS run as administrator.
(Taken from:

Open the start page in Visual Studio after closing a project?

When you start Visual Studio you get a start page with all the latest projects in a list.
But when you've opened and closed a project, how do you open that start page again?
(Without restarting VS)
Visual Studio 2010-2015
There's a menu item View -> Start Page
Additionally you can choose to keep the start page open when loading a project. There's a check box below the projects list for that.
(Tested in VS2010, VS2012, VS2013, VS2015)
In current versions, you can also use the Quick Launch (Ctrl+Q) to search for the command
(Just type "Start Page" in Quick Launch)
Visual Studio 2017
There's a menu item File -> Start Page
You can configure the behavior of the IDE on startup via Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Startup.
In Visual Studio 2017, the start page will open automatically when the solution is closed. As far as I know, this cannot be changed directly in the IDE but there's an extension that adds that feature. See this question on SO and this VSIX-Extension (but this will disable the start page completely - if you try to open it manually, it will be immediately closed automatically)
You also have the Start Page icon in the toolbar :
In VS2013 by default I do not see the "Start Page" command in the View menu but adding it was simple. The icon also looks different in VS2013.
Right click on the toolbar and choose Customize... at the bottom then go to Commands
Switch to Toolbar/Standard and then click the Add Command button an locate the View group on the left
Finally locate the Start Page item and click OK.
In VS 2017 the new location for viewing the start page
is under the 'file' menu. as appears in this link:
In VS 2017 it's in File->Start Page.
By now there is an extension exactly for that purpose:
I tried it an it works like a charme in VS 2015 :)
To get start page in visual studio 2017 Go to File -> Start Page
In case of Visual Studio 2019, go to File->Start Window.
It used to be automatic in VS2008 - Anything you had open outside of any solution/project (including the start page) would close when you opened a project/solution, then when closed that product/solution it went back to what was open before. That is how it should work, they broke it in VS2010. So all the prior VS users searching for the answer - there is none - technology continues to regress.
You can create custom shortcuts in VS under Tools > options > Environment > Keyboard.
makes it super easy to reopen the start page.
Here is my setup if you get confused
custom start page shortcut
In VS 2022 it's in Tools->Option->Environment->General->On Startup

Visual Studio - Attach to process shortcut

When I want to debug I have to do Debug->Attach to Process -> Look for a process in the list -> Attach.
I was wondering if I can create some kind of a shortcut to do this for me?
The shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+P in Visual Studio 2005 and above.
The easiest way to do this is to write a macro which finds the DTE.LocalProcess you wan to target and automatically attach. For example
Public Sub AttachShortcut()
For Each proc In DTE.Debugger.LocalProcesses
If proc.Name = "what you're looking for" Then
Exit Sub
End IF
End Sub
Note: This Stack Overflow Question is related and has a sample you may find useful
Attaching to a child process automatically in Visual Studio during Debugging
To enable the 'Attach to Process' toolbar button in Visual Studio 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022
Right-click on any toolbar and click 'customize...'
Click the 'commands' tab
Click the 'Toolbar' radio button
Select the toolbar where you want your button to appear from the dropdown
Click the 'Add Command...' button
Select 'Debug' from the categories list on the left
Select 'Attach to Process' from the commands list on the right, and click ok. The button will appear on your selected toolbar.
Optionally, use the 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' buttons on the right to move your new button to your desired location within the toolbar. I keep mine just after the Debug button.
You can use the Alt key shortcut ALT+D,P to launch the "Attach to Process" window via Debug menu.
Once there, you can use your keyboard to search the list of Available Processes (e.g. type "w3wp" if you want to attach to an IIS app pool)
Writing a macro is one option, however it cannot deduct which process to attach to by itself.
Another nice solution is to map the "Attach to process" command to a shortcut key:
(Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard, type attach, like i did in this example, and select a shortcut key):
This answer should work for Visual Studio 2010.
I like having buttons to do this on my debug toolbar
The gist contains a method for attaching to IIS (w3wp.exe) or ASP (aspnet_wp.exe) and also nunit (nunit-agent.exe). Instructions are included on how to add the macros to your debug toolbar.
For Visual Studio 2017, 2019, there is a ReAttach extension available. Very handy.
I use this built in "Shortcut"
this opens the debug menu, selects attach to process, scrolls down to w3wp.exe and attaches.
It's long but should work in multiple visual studio versions with no setup required, with or without resharper and it works when running multiple IIS processes as you can choose which process to attach to.
Addins are probably a better way to do this now. I use one called "Attach to anything". You can find them in Visual Studio 2012. Go to "Tools" -> "Extensions and updates", search for "attach", and install "attach to anything".
Also see:
Automate "Attach to Process" in Visual Studio 2012
Alt+Shift+P to reattach the last attached process.
It works for me in Visual Studio 2017.
Personally I prefer to use Debugger.Launch() as suggested here
in this thread, because it doesn't need for references to the DTE (that's IDE-specific and must be explicitly referenced into the project to be used)
VS extensions
Debug Attach Manager
More: Search the VS Marketplace for "attach"
The attach to process shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+P in Visual Studio 2005 and above. You can then press the first letter of the process name you want, e.g. w for w3wp.exe and it'll jump to that, then Enter to attach.
You can use the Alt key shortcut ALT+D,P to launch the "Attach to Process" window via Debug menu.
Add System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() to your code
Current release is VS2015 at time of writing.
Go ahead and edit/extend this answer :-)

Right Pop up menu coming slowly

When i right click in the text editor in Visual studio 2008 IDE, the Pop Up menu comes at a slower pace. Is there any setting in visual studio that can control this behavior?
After a windows crash my IntelliSense context menu (when clicked over a member/class/declaration) became very slow (~10s to open it). Solution was to close my VS2012, and delete solution cache files (solutionname.suo).
Keep in mind that .suo files are hidden.
After reloading the solution all came back to normal!
You may make VS GUI faster by disabling animation.
Uncheck "Animate environment tools" checkbox in tools - options - environment - general.
This may help...
The problem is possibly a timeout trying to connect to a Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. To disable this in VS 2012:
Tools > Options > Source Control > Plug-in Selection > Current Source control plugin-in > None
This worked for me and I read about it in a comment on this answer: .

Visual studio 2005 "Object Test Bench" popup when debugging

When debugging a project in Visual Studio 2005, I have recently noticed a brief appearance of the "Object Test Bench" window. This window appears and then disappears after less than a second and does not look like the normal "Object Test Bench" window one sees when not debugging, as it looks like this:
alt text
I would like to stop this window appearing and have tried the following:
Closing all Object Bench Test windows when not debugging
Resetting Visual Studio to default settings (devenv /ResetSettings)
Any other ideas?
Migrated? Hmm no code in this question. Anyway is the Object Test Bench perhaps open, but docked, so it pops up when the IDE state changes?
More info on the OTB on MSDN here :)
Edit: Here is what my VS 2005 OTB looks like.
alt text
I also have the same problem. I once had JetBrain's Resharper 4.5 installed. I uninstalled it after my trial expired, and I think that's when I noticed the Object Test Bench popping up when I debug.
Did either/both of you have Resharper or any other Visual Studio add-on installed/uninstalled before this problem?
Related link on stackoverflow
I had what may be a similar problem: not just the Oject Test Bench, but also Breakpoint, Call Stack, and other windows popped up all over whenever I ran in Debug mode. It started during a project with a single page containing several (probably incompatible) jQuery scripts.
What worked for me was to click on Window -> "Auto Hide All", then again on Window -> "Reset Window Layout". That seemed to resolve it.
Go to on Window -> "Auto Hide All", after go on Window -> "Reset Window Layout". That will resolve the problem it.
