How to makes Activiti run multiple parallel process instances - spring-boot

I have a Spring Boot web application project using an embedded Activiti engine (using the activiti-spring-boot-starter-basic Maven dependency) with a simple workflow processing a business request. There are service tasks implemented with JavaDelegate objects.
We may have multiple parallel requests that must be processed at the same time. However, the Activiti engine is waiting for a given process instance to reach a pause state (waiting for messages) before beginning a new process instance.
We are starting a process instance using this command :
runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("process_simple", variables);
I have added to the following to no use :
# Activiti config
spring.activiti.jobExecutorActivate = true
spring.activiti.asyncExecutorEnabled = true
spring.activiti.asyncExecutorActivate = true
I also have define all service tasks to Asynchronous, and to Multi-instance type : parallel but that does not work either.
Have I missed a setting ?
Thanks for any help.


Can we invoke a method in spring in case the application start fails

I have situation where I need to perform certain tasks in case my springboot applications fails to start. Basically I want to release various resources. I tried using #PreDestroy annotation but it did not work as application was not started yet. Is there any way out by which we can perform few actions in case springboot application fails to start
Spring app heavily using threadpool context when start the program , so when the main program fail spring can not manage the standard beans related to spring. you can only start new thread using implements Runnable in main class and no access to spring resources as well , just simple getclassloader().getresourceasstream is available there .
However you can write independence java Agent using -javaagent to do some operation on release resource ,see java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;

Spring task:scheduled or #Scheduler to restrict a Job to run in multiple instance

I have one #Scheduler job which runs on multiple servers in a clustered environment. However I want to restrict the job to run in only in one server and other servers should not run the same job once any other server has started it .
I have explored Spring Batch has lock mechanism using some Database table , but looking for any a solution only in spring task:scheduler.
I had the same problem and the solution what I implemented was a the Lock mechanism with Hazelcast and to made it easy to use I also added a proper annotation and a bit of spring AOP for that. So with this trick I was able to enforce a single schedule over the cluster done with a single annotation.
Spring Batch has this nice functionality that it would not run the job with same job arguments twice.
You can use this feature so that when a spring batch job kicks start in another server it does not run.
Usually people pass a timestamp as argument so it will by pass this logic, which you can change it.

spring boot batch to spring cloud task with multiple jobs

I have a spring boot batch application that has 5 unique jobs that execute by console using the command:
java -jar artifactName jobName param1
but now this project will be move to cloud, so I need to use spring cloud task. So far so good.
I know that I have to define in the main class the #enableTask and also in the define the properties:
So reading the Spring documentation understand that for triggering my jobs using spring cloud dataflow server, can define a task that in this case i should use as cloudTask. But does not make sense because how will tigger it, because my application has 5 different jobs, so the question is:
how do i connect this task name with my jobs define in the application?
The logic tell me that I need to define also 5 task name, then how do I bind this task name with the respective job.
With #EnableTask annotation, you should be able to register your batch as Task application in SCDF - Under 'Apps'
Once your batch appears in Apps,
If all jobs 5 jobs are independent, you should be able to create 5 different Composed Tasks with same App name but with different parameters,
If those are interlinked, then linked jobs can be combined together in 1 composed task, by providing alias and passing corresponding set of parameters, in DSL.
Once the composed task is launched, task execution status can be viewed under 'Task -> Executions' and corresponding to Jobs status can be viewed under 'Jobs'
To pass custom parameters to tasks, #EnableConfigurationProperties #ConfigurationProperties can be leveraged.

When spring-boot app multi-node deploy, how to handle cron job?

When I use spring task handle a simple sync job! But when I deploy multi-node, how I make sure the cron job just run one time.
Maybe you say that:
1. Use distributed-lock control a flag before the crob job run.
2. Integrated quartz cluster function.
But I hope spring task #EnableScheduling can add a flag argument, so as we can set a flag when launch app.
We are using with success, zookeeper provider in particular.
Spring boot, in a nutshell, doesn't allow any type of coordination between multiple instances
of the same microservice.
All the work of such a coordination is done by the third parties that spring boot gets integrated with.
One example of this is indeed a #Scheduled annotation.
Another is DB migration support via flyway.
When many nodes start and the migration has to be done, flyway is responsible to lock the migration table by itself, spring boot has nothing to do with it.
So, bottom line, there is no such support and all options that you've raised can work.

What modules to use for a synchronization service in Java/Spring?

I'm willing to build a synchronization service in Java. The use case is, that i'm fetching data from an exchange-service (via Exchange Web Services), normalize the data a bit (process probably) and then write it to a backend via GraphQL. I already had a look around the spring modules, but am not quite sure what modules to use. I found spring batch and spring quartz.
The synchronization will have to trigger all X seconds, fetch information from the Exchange, look what's in the backend already and update what's needed.
Do you guys have any suggestions? I started implementing this whole thing in nodejs before, but as it has to run on both, Windows Servers and Docker/Linux, it has been a real pain to keep it running smooth (mostly because bundling nodejs to an application for Windows is pain).
Difference between Spring Batch & Quartz:
Spring Batch and Quartz have different goals. Spring Batch provides functionality for processing large volumes of data and Quartz provides functionality for scheduling tasks.
So Quartz could complement Spring Batch, A common combination would be to use Quartz as a trigger for a Spring Batch job using a Cron expression.
Conclusion : So basically Spring Batch defines what should be done, Quartz defines when it should be done.
Quartz is a scheduling framework. Like "execute something every hour or every last friday of the month"
Spring Batch is a framework that defines that "something" that will be executed.
You can define a job, that consists of steps. Usually a step is something that consists of item reader, optional item processor and item writer, but you can define a custom stem. You can also tell Spring batch to commit on every 10 items and a lot of other stuff.
You can use Quartz to start Spring Batch jobs.
Recommended for your use case :
Quartz scheduling as you want trigger after specific interval.
Reference :
