What modules to use for a synchronization service in Java/Spring? - spring

I'm willing to build a synchronization service in Java. The use case is, that i'm fetching data from an exchange-service (via Exchange Web Services), normalize the data a bit (process probably) and then write it to a backend via GraphQL. I already had a look around the spring modules, but am not quite sure what modules to use. I found spring batch and spring quartz.
The synchronization will have to trigger all X seconds, fetch information from the Exchange, look what's in the backend already and update what's needed.
Do you guys have any suggestions? I started implementing this whole thing in nodejs before, but as it has to run on both, Windows Servers and Docker/Linux, it has been a real pain to keep it running smooth (mostly because bundling nodejs to an application for Windows is pain).

Difference between Spring Batch & Quartz:
Spring Batch and Quartz have different goals. Spring Batch provides functionality for processing large volumes of data and Quartz provides functionality for scheduling tasks.
So Quartz could complement Spring Batch, A common combination would be to use Quartz as a trigger for a Spring Batch job using a Cron expression.
Conclusion : So basically Spring Batch defines what should be done, Quartz defines when it should be done.
Quartz is a scheduling framework. Like "execute something every hour or every last friday of the month"
Spring Batch is a framework that defines that "something" that will be executed.
You can define a job, that consists of steps. Usually a step is something that consists of item reader, optional item processor and item writer, but you can define a custom stem. You can also tell Spring batch to commit on every 10 items and a lot of other stuff.
You can use Quartz to start Spring Batch jobs.
Recommended for your use case :
Quartz scheduling as you want trigger after specific interval.
Reference :https://projects.spring.io/spring-batch/faq.html


How to assess whether to use spring batch or scheduler in application?

I have a business logic already developed in spring boot that needs to be run once in every 60 days. I'm little confused on whether convert it to spring batch or use scheduler annotation.
What all factors should I consider to assess the same? Does either of them has any performance upper-hand over the other?
I'm new to the scheduler-batch concept and this is my first time work on the same.
How to assess whether to use spring batch or scheduler in application?
Spring Batch is not a scheduler, so it's not an either or question. You can use both, for example use a scheduler to schedule a Spring Batch job to run at a given time.
The question you should be asking is: is it worth transforming the business logic you already developed in spring boot in a Spring Batch job to benefit from what Spring Batch offers (the whole app could remain a boot app).
As a side note, since your job needs to be run every 60 days, using #Scheduled means you would have a JVM running for two months to run a job. Unless you are planning to use the same JVM for other things in the meantime, this would be an inefficient use of resources. Other scheduling mechanisms like cron is more appropriate in this case.

Spring batch or Spring core libraries for building file operation process

I'm dipping my toes into the microservices, is spring boot batch applicable to the following requirements?
Files of one or multiple are read from a specific directory in Linux.
Several operations like regex, build new files, write the file and ftp to a location
Send email during a process fail
Using spring boot is confirmed, now the question is
Should I use spring batch or just core spring framework?
I need to integrate with Control-M to trigger the job. Can the Control-M be completely removed by using Spring batch library? As we don't know when to expect the files in the directory.
I've not seen a POC with these requirements. Would someone provide an example POC or an affirmation this could be achieved with Spring batch?
I would use Spring Batch for that use case. Not only does it provide out of the box components for reading, processing, and writing files, it adds a lot more for error handling, scalability, etc. All of those things you'd probably end up wiring up by yourself if you go without Spring Batch.
As for being launched via Control-M, yes MANY large customers use Control-M to launch their jobs. Unfortunately, I've never done it myself so I cannot provide any details on the mechanics, but if Control-M can either launch a script or call a REST API, you can launch a job with it.
I would suggest you, go for spring batch as it has much-inbuilt functionality which will be provided to you for file reading and writing to your required location. Even you will be able to handle record skipping requirement. Your mail triggering requirement will be handled by Control M. You just need to decide one exit code for your handled exception and on the basis of that exit code you can trigger the mail to respective members. And there are many other features which will be helpful if you go for spring batch.

Activiti vs Spring batch

I have got a use case to implement. It's basically a workflow kind of use case. Below is the requirements
Extract and import data from an external db to an internal db
Make this imported data into different formats and supply it to multiple external systems and invoke some script there. The external interfaces are SFTP, SOAP, JDBC, Python over CORBA. There are around 14 external systems with one of these interfaces.
Interface transactions are executed in around 15 steps, with the ability to run some steps in parallel
These steps should be configurable. ie, a particular flow may execute 10 of these 15 steps and another flow executes 15 of 15 steps
Should have the ability to restart each step individually or restart from a particular step
There are some steps that are manual and completion of manual step should trigger next step
Volume of data is not that large. Total data size is around 400k records. But this process is executing for around 30k records at a time. Time for development is less and we are looking for some light weight easy to learn and implement solution.
We are looking for Spring based or Spring integratable solutions.
The solutions we considered are
For workflow:
Activiti, Spring Batch
For interfaces:
Spring Integration
My question is
Can Spring batch considered for managing a work flow kind of use case? I don't think it's a best fit use case for Spring Batch but as its simple and easy to implement looked for its scope. We considered doing the interfaces interaction as each step in a batch job and inside the tasklet do the Spring Integration for external interfaces, with few issues as far as I understand are
a) Dynamic step configuration can be done with Java configuration, but how flexible it is and is it recommended?
b) Manual step processing is not possible in Spring Batch
Is there any work around for this? Is there any other issues or performance impacts on doing this?
Activiti seems to a solution. Can you please provide some feedback on Activiti with Spring and Spring integration for this use case and ease of implementing it? And support for Activiti
Can Activiti workflows restarted from a particular task? Is a task can be rollbacked?
Welcoming any suggestions !!
1) For managing workflows, Activiti would be a great choice. They have created a really good process engine which should comply your needs for delegating your tasks as well as calling your custom logic. Moreover, it is based entirely on Spring Framework so Integration with your logic would be easy.
2) i've provided the same in first answer.
3) No, you will have to create a new workflow for that and Yes!, a task can be rolled back.

Spring batch: infrastructure

I am reading Spring user guide. I came across below statement. I confused by statement "let the framework take care of infrastructure". I mean infrastructure means any Hardware..Nw in Spring Batch is framework, where does infrastructure came in picture
Batch developers use the Spring programming model: concentrate on business logic; let the
framework take care of infrastructure
Please help me in understanding/
If you will read the complete documentation, you will get:
Figure: Spring Batch Layered Architecture
This layered architecture highlights three major high level
components: Application, Core, and Infrastructure. The application
contains all batch jobs and custom code written by developers using
Spring Batch. The Batch Core contains the core runtime classes
necessary to launch and control a batch job. It includes things such
as a JobLauncher, Job, and Step implementations. Both Application and
Core are built on top of a common infrastructure. This infrastructure
contains common readers and writers, and services such as the
RetryTemplate, which are used both by application
developers(ItemReader and ItemWriter) and the core framework itself.
spring-batch reference
The Spring Batch framework is designed to cater to batch applications that run on a daily basis in enterprise organizations. It helps to leverage the benefits of the Spring framework along with the advance services. Spring Batch is mainly used to process huge volume of data. It offers better performance and is highly scalable using different optimization and partition techniques. It also provides advantage over logging/tracing, transaction management, job processing statistics, job restart, steps, and resource management. By using the Spring programming model, I can write the business logic and let the framework take care of infrastructure.
Spring Batch includes three components: batch application, batch execution environment and batch infrastructure.
The Application component contains all the batch jobs and custom code written using Spring Batch.
The Core component contains the core runtime classes necessary to launch and control a batch job. It includes things such as a JobLauncher, Job, and Step implementations. Both Application and Core are built on top of a common infrastructure.
The Infrastructure contains readers, writers and services which are used both by application and the core framework itself. They include things like ItemReader, ItemWriter and MongoTemplate. To use the Spring Batch framework, you need only to configure and customize the XML files. All existing core services should be easy to replace or extend, without any impact to the infrastructure layer.
-from Devx
I hope this would help you understand how it works.

Spring Batch for File Processing

Is Spring Batch a good fit for processing a a large number of individual files?
Spring Batch seems to be geared towards data-centric jobs. I've got a requirement to pull down several million files from an S3 bucket, unzip them, perform some logic based on the contents, then call a web service.
Implementing this by hand is trivial, but I don't much fancy re-inventing the wheel when it comes to tracking job executions, and how far a job got along before it failed. Spring Batch seems to be an ideal fit for this job-monitoring, but I'm not sure whether subverting it to do file processing is a step too far.
Short answer is Yes, you can use spring batch for this. I had done a small POC where we had to migrate millions of images from source system to target system in a batch process and it works well IMHO.
Adding on to comment by #Prasanna Talakanti, I would suggest to use a combination of Spring Integration and Spring Batch. While Spring batch will provide you infrastructure for batch processing (Commit at intervals, restart job if failed etc), Spring integration will provide you things around web service gateways.
In Spring batch, you can define reader for reading data from S3 and writer for writing to your destination with processor in between if needed. You could also fine tune the commit interval so if the job fails in between, you have a point of rollback.
