I've a problem with the splashscreen in Windows Phone with cordova.
I'can't using ionic cordova resources because is not working.
I have to set the images in Visual Studio and this is the problem :
Visual Studio want (for example) a 2480 x 1200 (px) image and this is for desktop. Can I make the splashscreen for Mobile App?
Here the screen:
I have created an app package for Windows 8.1 for a Hello world app using XAMARIN to test whether it works for windows 10 Surface Pro or not. And it Doesn't.
I am using a Windows 8.1 OS with Visual studio 15 and one of my friend is using Windows 13. In both our cases, it doesn't work. We have the latest version of xamarin.
Since Windows apps have a forward compatibility, Why doesn't this package work for Windows 10.
Do I have to specifically have a Windows 10 OS to develop windows 10 app in xamarin?
I have had a look in the Xamarin docs but cannot find my answer. Please help with a brief explanation.
Yes.you need windows 10 to develop windows 10 app in xamarin.and you must add UWP project not Window8.1 . UWP app will support in window 10 as well as others universal platform like windows 10 tablet also.
Im develop the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) App , im add the new project , now displayed the following error
how can i fix it, any help
what i update Windows 10 or Visual Studio 2015
As the error message clearly states, you have to update Windows 10...
This is my development environment:
OS Windows 8.1
Visual studio 2013 version 12.0 update 4
Nokia Lumia 630 on windows phone 8.1 (registered as developer)
After start the application deployment I get the message
"App deployment complete" on Visual Studio and the app-launcher appears on my device but when I tap on it on Lumia I just can see "...loading" and after 2 minutes a white screen.
The .xap is not mine.The app works perfecly running the application deployment in my college computer.
Any idea about what the app does not work using my visual studio?
It was the device language :
My device language was set on English but the app was developed in French.
In order to solved it I set my device in French and restart it. After that the app works perfectly.
I just recently started to explore Windows 10.
My idea is to create a windows 10 Universal app. This app will have a page which show the icons of some cordova apps (These cordova apps will reside in local memory - HTML, CSS, JS). When I click that cordova app icon, then, my universal app should be able to open that cordova app (say, home.html). Subsequently, I will be able to gain the functions of that cordova app(for example, 'take picture')
Could anyone please tell me how to create an universal app which will handle all the cordova stuffs in order to start up the cordova app? (html, css, js)
Why do you want to create a Windows 10 Universal App? If you think to use html, css, js, you should use to Apache Cordova for Visual Studio. For more information and samples:
Cross-Platform Development in Visual Studio
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
I'm trying to test a mobile website I'm building using Windows Phone 7, but I can't figure out how to do it. It seems that the SDK wants me to build an application first in order to use the emulator, but I'm not building an app, I simply want to test compatibility of my mobile site with windows phones. How do I do this?
If you install the free Windows Phone SDK you can run an emulator in standalone mode (i.e. without Visual Studio running).
Search for "Windows Phone Emulator" from the Start menu and just launch that directly.
Once in the emulator about the only thing you can do is launch IE Mobile.
(To enter URLs and other text using your real computer keyboard instead of the onscreen keyboard tap your "Pause/Break" to toggle keyboard mode)
You should be able to run emulator without building an app
try C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Tools\XDE Launcher\XdeLauncher.exe
If now start visual studio and make an app f.e. Silverlight for Windows 7. Emulator will be loaded with debbuger attached. If you stop the app in VS, emulator should be still there. It has preinstalled IE which you can use to test.
Mind that it's better to test your web app on a real device.