Windows Platform (UWP) App - mainpage .xaml page not displayed - windows

Im develop the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) App , im add the new project , now displayed the following error
how can i fix it, any help
what i update Windows 10 or Visual Studio 2015

As the error message clearly states, you have to update Windows 10...


XAML viewer says to Update windows 1809, but I don't have any update

I was busy for a while, so I couldn't work with UWP enough. : )...
Today, I made project with Windows Template Studio, a powerful template.
after I created it, I clicked a XAML page. but XAML design viewer shows message that I need to update to Windows 10, version 1809 ( 10.0.17763.0) to see the contents of XAML viewer.
but I'm worried that my laptop said that its windows version is up to date. 1803
I'm a korean user, and if this problem will not be a long-term problem, and just localization problem with windows policy. then I would be happy and I would go to practice with building a tiny App.
but, if this problem is my problem. how can I update to windows 1809 or, just download SDK to solve this problem ? or can I degrade Windows template studio ?
if I make project with blank uwp app - target version 1803 -, XAML design viewer works well. but if i make blank uwp app with target version 1809, I get same error message.
Right-click the solution in "Solution Explorer" and select "Retarget Solution". Set the Windows SDK version to 10.0.16299.0
In my case I installed only one sdk and that is why I was getting the above mentioned error. From VS installer I installed SDK support for each version and it worked fine for me and my machine is still on windows 10 1803 (I believe they haven't rolled out update for my machine).

Will windows 8.1 app package from xamarin work for windows 10 tab?

I have created an app package for Windows 8.1 for a Hello world app using XAMARIN to test whether it works for windows 10 Surface Pro or not. And it Doesn't.
I am using a Windows 8.1 OS with Visual studio 15 and one of my friend is using Windows 13. In both our cases, it doesn't work. We have the latest version of xamarin.
Since Windows apps have a forward compatibility, Why doesn't this package work for Windows 10.
Do I have to specifically have a Windows 10 OS to develop windows 10 app in xamarin?
I have had a look in the Xamarin docs but cannot find my answer. Please help with a brief explanation. need windows 10 to develop windows 10 app in xamarin.and you must add UWP project not Window8.1 . UWP app will support in window 10 as well as others universal platform like windows 10 tablet also.

Couldn't Start UWP project in Xamrin Forms

I am starting my first Xamarin Forms application using Visual Studio 2015. The default template provided 6 Project. (Android,iOS,PCL,UWP,8.1,windows phone).
All the projects works correctly including the Android,8.1,Windows Phone Emulator.
But when i try to deploy the UWP project , breaks (Exception) at the first statement where it calls the MainPage inside PCL. This happens in both Local Machine and Emulator. (debug Mode , All CPU).
I have already updated xamarin forms to the latest stable release, updated Visual Studio but i am not able to resolve the issue.
An exception of type 'System.TypeLoadException' occurred in
Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UAP.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Could not find Windows Runtime type
Please Help
The Windows.UI.ViewManagement.StatusBar is a type that is only available in the Windows Mobile Extension SDK and you have to reference this SDK for it to be available.
Right-click your UWP project in the Solution Explorer, select Add -> Reference, then under Universal Windows select Extensions and find Windows Mobile Extensions for the UWP. Check the one that matches the targeted Windows 10 build version of your app.
You also need to use the IsTypePresent API, which will check at runtime if the type is available on the current device. This is important, because StatusBar does not exist on any other version of Windows 10 than on Mobile:
if(ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.UI.ViewManagement.StatusBar") )
//your code
Look like issue in xamarin UWP concept , are you updated Xamain.Forms ?
Goto Tools-> NuGet Package manager -> Manage Package for Solution -> Microsoft.NETCore.Universal Windows Platform -> update latest version.
after updated all , still same problem please check here some around
If none of this work try updating your windows SDK to the latest version. It worked for me. I also added the reference to Windows Mobile Extensions for the UWP.
I also have experimented that sometimes when you update visual studio it fails again. I had to manually change de SDK version in my UWP project, going to Properties > Application > Target Version > Select latest version

Getting Timed out Error in visual Studio while Developing a App in windows store app

Iam Getting This Error when i run the project in visual studio 2013,Iam develop a windows store app but my project is not run, i was updated my windows 8.1 to windows 10,And i develop a new project but same problem is occur any Solution please Thanks in Advance
Check This Error Message link

App does not work on a real device using application deployment

This is my development environment:
OS Windows 8.1
Visual studio 2013 version 12.0 update 4
Nokia Lumia 630 on windows phone 8.1 (registered as developer)
After start the application deployment I get the message
"App deployment complete" on Visual Studio and the app-launcher appears on my device but when I tap on it on Lumia I just can see "...loading" and after 2 minutes a white screen.
The .xap is not mine.The app works perfecly running the application deployment in my college computer.
Any idea about what the app does not work using my visual studio?
It was the device language :
My device language was set on English but the app was developed in French.
In order to solved it I set my device in French and restart it. After that the app works perfectly.
