How to install specific version of cmake on mac? - macos

I try to install an old version of cmake. I install .dmg file from here.
But I couldn't use on terminal via cmake xxx. I know that I install for command line using brew install cmake. But it installs the latest version. How can I install a specific version?


Install qwebengine on mac

I'm using qwebengine in my Qt5 program.
I use this command to install qt on my travis-ci env:
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install qt5 qt5-qtwebengine --verbose; fi
However it tells me: Error: No available formula with the name "qt5-qtwebengine"
How to instaall qtwebengine properly by brew?
The fix was patched in two weeks ago and you will need to brew update before you brew install qt

How to install Qt 5.6.1-1 via homebrew?

When you run brew install qt5 you'll get the latest version (right now that's 5.7.0). A week ago or so, when I ran this command version 5.6.1-1 was installed.
Now I need to install this 5.6.1-1 version again on another machine. How can I do this via brew? (trying to avoid the long compile time)
A brew search qt5 doesn't show this previous release:
$ brew search qt5
pyqt5 qt5 ✔
homebrew/versions/qt52 homebrew/versions/qt55
The qt5 formula resides here, in Github and by backtracking to a previous commit you can find a previous version of the formula. The 5.6.1-1 version can be found here.
So to install Qt 5.6.1-1 with Homebrew you can do this:
curl -O
brew install ./qt5.rb
brew install qt#5
From the other versions section of

How to install specific version of maven in mac using brew command

I want to install specific version (3.0.5) of maven in my using brew command. I tried the following command which is failed with Error: No available formula with the name "3.0.5"
brew install maven 3.0.5
Any ideas?
brew search maven
lists all maven versions as below
maven maven-completion maven-shell maven#3.0 maven#3.1 maven#3.2 ✔ maven#3.3
brew install maven#3.0
Installs maven 3.0.5 on my mac.
brew install
it will then use a different Homebrew's formular which will give you the maven 3.0.5 instead
I tried this last on my Mac and it works installing the 3.0.5!
If none works and you can use similar version try the below:
brew install maven30
What OS do you have? On OS X 10.9 you should use brew install maven30 since maven 3.1.1 seems to be buggy.
By the way:
Using Homebrew:
you#host:~$ brew install maven will install Maven 3.3.1 (3/24/15)
you#host:~$ brew install maven30 will install Maven 3.0 which should be
If you got a 404 error, try doing a brew update just before.
If always nothing, try to recover the installation:
cd ~/Documents
mkdir BrewRecovery
cd BrewRecovery
curl -OL
md5 Brewfile-deanchester.brewfile
In general,
brew is unable to install any specific version such as 3.8.1
as it only gives few versions as the available options.
The only way then to install would be do it manually.
Also don't forget to update Path variable in your mac.
If you run brew install maven, the latest stable version would be installed.
If you want to install the previous versions you can run
brew install maven#versionNumber where versionNumber is your desired version.
Not all versions are available here in,
Also you may try hitting the website with the required version and download the file its available
where you may substitute 3.6.1 with the version you want to run.

CMake GUI on Mac

I can't find where I can get the GUI tool for CMake on MacOSX. I see references to it online but nothing else. I got CMake using MacPorts but on Windows I am used to using the GUI.
Does it exist on Mac and where/how do I get it?
you need to install the gui variant:
sudo port install cmake +gui
you may need to run sudo port uninstall cmake first.
Cask is outdated now. You can install cmake using:
brew install --cask cmake
Try installing the cmake GUI using brew cask
brew cask install cmake
how to install brew cask
Install Homebrew first How to install homebrew
Add the brew cask to using the command brew tap caskroom/cask
here it is:
extra plugins will imported by their own extensions so no OS compatibility is needed ;)

How do I update Git on Mac OS Lion, if the original version has been installed by XCode 4.1

I would like to update git on my XCode 4.1 development system. It got initially installed by installing XCode 4.1. Do I use RVM or MacPorts? I also would like to add some features like SVN integration to the current installation.
MacPorts is a whole package managing system, just like Debians dpkg packages.
To install it using Macports you only have to run the Macports installer and then install git via
sudo port install git-core +svn
This will install git with the mentioned svn integration (Bi-directional subversion repository support).
If you do not want to use Macports there are the following alternatives:
