How to install Qt 5.6.1-1 via homebrew? - macos

When you run brew install qt5 you'll get the latest version (right now that's 5.7.0). A week ago or so, when I ran this command version 5.6.1-1 was installed.
Now I need to install this 5.6.1-1 version again on another machine. How can I do this via brew? (trying to avoid the long compile time)
A brew search qt5 doesn't show this previous release:
$ brew search qt5
pyqt5 qt5 ✔
homebrew/versions/qt52 homebrew/versions/qt55

The qt5 formula resides here, in Github and by backtracking to a previous commit you can find a previous version of the formula. The 5.6.1-1 version can be found here.
So to install Qt 5.6.1-1 with Homebrew you can do this:
curl -O
brew install ./qt5.rb

brew install qt#5
From the other versions section of


When brew does not have latest package version

How do I force brew to install latest version of neovim (ver 0.5.0) when brew's formula only has 0.4.3?
I have tried:
brew update
brew upgrade neovim
And it says: Warning: neovim 0.4.3 already installed
I went brew's git repo and checked on neovim formula. Brew has neovim's 0.4.3, not 0.5.0. So brew update/upgrade is not going to help.
I'm thinking of just downloading neovim from neovim repo and installing it manually, but I'm afraid I'll have to manage updates and dependencies if I do this manual install.
curl -LO
tar xzf nvim-macos.tar.gz
What should I do?
I fixed this with the following steps:
1) Unlink old neovim version:
brew unlink neovim ... and 2)
Install pointing to head:
brew install --HEAD neovim
... This installed neovim 0.5.0.
According to the brew doc, brew install --HEAD will install the master branch of the package. For neovim, it means that the latest version of neovim will be built for you, which may not be stable enough or even compile.
I suggest you install the nightly binary version of neovim. The best way to get the nightly version is to download from the binary release. No dependency is required to install if you download the binary release.
If you don't want to do this manually, you can write a bash script to automate this.

Install qwebengine on mac

I'm using qwebengine in my Qt5 program.
I use this command to install qt on my travis-ci env:
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install qt5 qt5-qtwebengine --verbose; fi
However it tells me: Error: No available formula with the name "qt5-qtwebengine"
How to instaall qtwebengine properly by brew?
The fix was patched in two weeks ago and you will need to brew update before you brew install qt

Install GTK+ >= 3.16 with PyGObject bindings on MacOS 10.15

when I'm typing the command
brew install pygobject3 --with-python#2 gtk+3
I'm always getting the error message
invalid option --with-python#2
I'm getting the same error message when I want to run the gtk+3 under mac os 10.15
Namespace Gtk not available
Maybe the Version of 10.15 of MacOS the problem....
gtk+3 version 3.24.12 and pygobject3 Version 3.34.0 are installed.
Installation of homebrew for MacOS
gtk+3 version 3.24.12 and pygobject3 Version 3.34.0 are installed.
Python3.7 is installed
File "...anaconda3/envs/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gi/", line 129, in require_version
raise ValueError('Namespace %s not available' % namespace)
ValueError: Namespace Gtk not available
I would like to run the program DemonEditor on MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)
to make some settings of my engima2 satellite receiver, for this I need the requirements "GTK+ >= 3.16 with PyGObject bindings".
Maybe some of the experts can help me.
Thanks very much
Since I am the author of this program, I am forced to report that since the program is designed for Linux, it will not work on MacOS without minor changes to the program itself. But still it’s possible.
Тo resolve dependencies, it is enough to install as follows:
brew install gtk+3 pygobject3 adwaita-icon-theme
pip3 install requests
I created an experimental brunch and added small changes to the program for the possibility of testing the launch in the MacOS. Perhaps not all the functionality will work (I have not tested it), but the program should start.
Gud luck!
STRIKE. It works, I can start the DemonEditor-GUI under 10.15. I have remove all packages via the
brew remove --force $(brew list)
installed the three packages again, via
brew install python3 gtk+3 pygobject3 adwaita-icon-theme
BUT. The most important step was to add the "Installation folder" of the brew packages to my python path but execute the comand
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages.
My assumption is, that due to fact, that I have installed an own conda-environment for python37, the site-packages have to be added to the path.
Big thanks for the help.
On my test system, I did not set any paths or environment variables! Just installed python 3 with the command:
brew install python3
Then I installed the dependencies as described above.Then I downloaded the archive from here, and in the unpacked folder of the program I simply gave the command:
Below is the output of the commands python3 --version and brew list
Compare with your list, perhaps this will somehow help identify the missing components.
python3 --version
Python 3.7.4
brew list
adwaita-icon-theme libepoxy
atk libffi
cairo libpng
fontconfig librsvg
freetype libtiff
fribidi lzo
gdbm openssl#1.1
gdk-pixbuf pango
gettext pcre
glib pixman
gobject-introspection pkg-config
graphite2 py2cairo
gsettings-desktop-schemas py3cairo
gtk+3 pygobject3
harfbuzz python
hicolor-icon-theme python#2
icu4c readline
jpeg sqlite
libcroco xz
Upd. For the experiment, I removed all my packages with the command:
brew remove --force $(brew list)
Then again installed by commands as described above
brew install python3 gtk+3 pygobject3 adwaita-icon-theme

pdf2swf not installed through Homebrew – but the rest of swftools are

Environment OSX 10.9.5
I am trying to install swftools so that I can use pdf2swf. I am installing through HomeBrew. I've seen various notes about pdf2swf failing to install if its dependencies have not been previously installed. So using the command at the link I use:
$ brew install freetype libjpeg giflib swftools
And it completes without error – except pdf2swf is not installed. When I look in usr/local/bin, I see the other swftools are installed successfully.
Does anyone know what might be wrong?
Update: For completeness if anyone comes across this question looking to use pdf2swf in an AIR desktop app: you can't. Apparently pdf2swf compiles the swf with certain "AllowDomain" security settings and there is no option to not do that. Short of editing the source code and compiling pdf2swf oneself, it seems a deadend.
If you look at the brew formula: brew edit swftools, PDF support comes via xpdf and this is not included by default as XQuartz needs to be installed:
brew instal swftools --with-xpdf
swftools: XQuartz is required to install this formula.
You can install with Homebrew Cask:
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
You can download from:
Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
Install XQuartz
brew install swftools --with-xpdf

CMake GUI on Mac

I can't find where I can get the GUI tool for CMake on MacOSX. I see references to it online but nothing else. I got CMake using MacPorts but on Windows I am used to using the GUI.
Does it exist on Mac and where/how do I get it?
you need to install the gui variant:
sudo port install cmake +gui
you may need to run sudo port uninstall cmake first.
Cask is outdated now. You can install cmake using:
brew install --cask cmake
Try installing the cmake GUI using brew cask
brew cask install cmake
how to install brew cask
Install Homebrew first How to install homebrew
Add the brew cask to using the command brew tap caskroom/cask
here it is:
extra plugins will imported by their own extensions so no OS compatibility is needed ;)
