CMake GUI on Mac - macos

I can't find where I can get the GUI tool for CMake on MacOSX. I see references to it online but nothing else. I got CMake using MacPorts but on Windows I am used to using the GUI.
Does it exist on Mac and where/how do I get it?

you need to install the gui variant:
sudo port install cmake +gui
you may need to run sudo port uninstall cmake first.

Cask is outdated now. You can install cmake using:
brew install --cask cmake

Try installing the cmake GUI using brew cask
brew cask install cmake
how to install brew cask
Install Homebrew first How to install homebrew
Add the brew cask to using the command brew tap caskroom/cask

here it is:
extra plugins will imported by their own extensions so no OS compatibility is needed ;)


why can't I install watchman using brew command?

I'm trying to run a react native app and I've been told I need to download "watchman".
When I tried to run the command brew install watchman it gave this error:
Error: The following formula cannot be installed from bottle and must be
built from source.
Install the Command Line Tools for Xcode 11.3.1 from:
Do I need to install Xcode or I'm just missing something? Is there any easier way to install watchman?
Thank you in advance.
If you don't mind, you can try installing directly from Facebook's Homebrew Tap:
brew tap facebook/fb
brew update
brew install facebook/fb/watchman

Install qwebengine on mac

I'm using qwebengine in my Qt5 program.
I use this command to install qt on my travis-ci env:
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install qt5 qt5-qtwebengine --verbose; fi
However it tells me: Error: No available formula with the name "qt5-qtwebengine"
How to instaall qtwebengine properly by brew?
The fix was patched in two weeks ago and you will need to brew update before you brew install qt

How to install apps with homebrew in OS X

i want to install virtual box on mac os EI Captain with homebrew and also if i want to install more packages with homebrew how can i know that package is available in homebrew?
First, you’ll need the command-line tools for Xcode installed. On a modern Mac OS X system, you can install these just by running the following command in a Terminal window. You could also install the full Xcode application from Apple, if you prefer — but that takes up more space on your Mac and isn’t necessary.
xcode-select --install
Next, install Homebrew. You can just open a Terminal window, copy-paste the following command, and press Enter:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL”
This script informs you what it will do. Press Enter and then provide your password to install it. By default, it installs Homebrew so you can use the brew command without typing the sudo command and providing your password.
Run the following command once you’re done to ensure Homebrew is installed and working properly:
brew doctor
Once you’re done, run the following command to install Homebrew Cask. It uses Homebrew to install Cask:
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
Now you can install the Virtual box by entering the following commands
brew install vagrant-completion
brew cask install virtualbox
brew cask install vagrant
brew cask install vagrant-manager
For knowing that your package is available or not you can search your desire package by the following commands
For Open-Source Utilities
brew search name-of-your-package
For graphical Apps
brew cask search name-of-your-app
For installing Graphical Apps run
brew cask install name-of-your-app
For installing Open-Source Utilities run
brew install name-of-your-package

How to link brew-cask make to brew cmake

I did brew cask install cmake, but when I was about to brew install something, brew wants to install cmake.
How can I let brew know that there's already cmake available?
You can’t. Homebrew and Homebrew Cask are separate projects that install things in different ways. Homebrew assumes you don’t have cmake if it’s not installed through Homebrew so it’ll refuse to install even if a cmake binary exists in the PATH. It has no way to ensure this cmake binary is indeed the cmake it’s looking for.
A hacky way would be to edit the formula you want to install (brew edit <formula>); remove the line with depends_on "cmake" => :build; install it (brew install <formula>); then add the line back again.

Installing GLFW on OSX

I've been all over the internet and I simply cannot find a way to install GLFW for OSX and use it with Xcode. A lot of articles use cmake for this, which I tried to install but I still can't access it from the terminal.
I just need a simple step-by-step guide for installing it because I'm going to lose my mind.
I use homebrew to install GLFW. Once brew has been configured, use the commands
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install --build-bottle --static glfw2
If you are still running into trouble with this and want to use homebrew, change the install command to reflect the newer GLFW version (3 as of this writing)
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install --build-bottle --static glfw3
