Bash/Windows/SVN - Resource Temporarily Unavailable - windows

I'm using the Linux Subsystem for Windows (or whatever that new, fancy Ubuntu/Bash terminal is called in Windows 10). I'm using it in my Windows VM, which I am using to test an application developed and stored in Subversion.
I should point out that using the regular Windows command line, everything works perfectly with absolutely 0 issues. I just prefer Bash.
Anyway, svn is properly installed, and I can do commands like "svn status", "svn add", etc, in the Bash terminal no problem. However, if I try doing an "svn update" or "svn commit", that's when the problem happens.
I get the following error message:
myname#DESKTOP-VF4GBEA:~/Documents/Project$ svn update .
Updating '.':
svn: E000011: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E000011: Error running context: Resource temporarily unavailable
I'm unsure why this is happening from the Bash terminal and not the Windows command line. I have Windows Defender disabled, no firewall there. I'm running Windows 10 Creators Edition (the latest version) in a virtual machine using VMWare Fusion on Mac OS Sierra. I do have Norton/Symantec protection running on the Mac, but it doesn't show anything having blocked a connection.
Regardless, doing these commands from the Windows command line, as I said, work perfectly fine.

Ok, I figured out the answer. The svn URL I was hitting was actually configured via my hosts file in the windows vm:
This was done in the windows file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. However, to get it to work in the Windows Bash Terminal, it needed to also be configured in /etc/hosts. That was the issue.
Ok, this is good to know. I guess the Bash/Windows thing uses all of its own configurations.


Can no longer access WSL2 files from Windows explorer or launch Windows programs from WSL2

I've been running WSL2 on Windows 10 for several months now and just recently lost these abilities. I can still open a WSL2 terminal and interact with my Ubuntu installation there.
Accessing WSL2 files from explorer
I could previously go to \\wsl$\Ubuntu and see all my WSL2 files. I can still see the Ubuntu folder at \\wsl$, but when I try to open it I get a loading bar and nothing happens (even after waiting for a long time):
Also in Powershell:
Opening Windows program from WSL2
Previously I could open Windows programs like explorer and VSCode from a WSL2 terminal with explorer.exe and code respectively. Now when I try this the terminal just hangs and nothing opens.
Note that I can still navigate to /mnt/ and see all my Windows files from the WSL2 terminal.
I'm running Windows 10 Version 1909 (OS Build 18363.1379) and Ubuntu 20.04.1.
I'm not sure I have an answer for you, but some general troubleshooting steps to try:
Exit your instances and try a wsl --shutdown.
If that works, try turning off Windows Fast Startup. Also avoid hibernation. These are known to interfere with some WSL network functionality.
Try adding the following section to your /etc/wsl.conf:
enabled = true
This should be the default, but it wouldn't be the first time we've seen WSL not following the defaults for some reason.
Make sure your Windows temp directory is not compressed
Make sure your distribution folder under %userprofile%/Local/AppData/Packages is not compressed, especially the LocalState subdirectory where the ext4.vhdx lives.
If enabled, try turning off Windows Ransomware Protection
I had the same issue (although on Windows 11). It was very annoying. I noticed that after a restart it was ok, but after a few minutes and almost always after running VSCode, it was breaking again. Here's what worked for me:
exporting my distro (wsl --export <Distro> <FileName>)
unregistering it from WSL (wsl --unregister <Distro>)
uninstalling all WSL-related stuff, like the optional Windows feature, the WSL app from the store (I had them both). I also removed WSLg but I'm not sure if that was necessary
installing again the app from the store (no need to turn on the optional Windows feature anymore in case you are on build 22000 or higher)
finally just reimporting the distro (wsl --import <Distro> <InstallLocation> <FileName>)
After going through the above steps the issue was resolved and now my WSL2 works like a charm.

"Failed loading ClientOU certificate at ..." while running a Hyperledger Fabric sample "Building Your First Network"

I'm trying to test my development environment and keep getting this error while going through the "Building Your First Network". I've installed the prerequisites on a Windows 10 Home edition so I'm using Docker Toolbox. The error is described as follows and happens just after a execute the ./ up -l node command:
2019-11-14 17:06:26.982 UTC [msp] loadCertificateAt -> INFO 002 Failed loading ClientOU certificate at [/var/hyperledger/orderer/msp/cacerts\]: [could not read file /var/hyperledger/orderer/msp/cacerts\ open /var/hyperledger/orderer/msp/cacerts\ no such file or directory]
As you can see there is a backslash just before the which I think is causing the problem. Anyone have an idea of how I might solve this issue?
Docker Toolbox for windows doesn't provide a great experience for users. It's limited in how it can share windows directories with linux containers running in the linux VM it creates. I believe it can be made to work but you have to use very specific folders in your home directory and you would have to google it to find all the details but it's a lot more of a hassle.
You have other options of course
Upgrade to Windows Pro and use Docker for Windows (which doesn't have the same sharing limitations, but still not a great experience and you can still encounter problems sharing the directories)
Install a hypervisor such as virtualbox and run a linux desktop distribution such as ubuntu or mint and use that instead (which I would recommend and would suggest ubuntu 18.04 mate edition)
Wait until next year when hopefully microsoft will release WSL2 for everyone (including home edition) and then Docker won't need a linux VM running and it should be a much better experience trying to run linux containers on windows.
As mentioned by lindluni here
Backslash problem in Hyperledger 2.0.1 when orderer/peer look for .pem files
the problem arises when one creates crypto artifacts under Windows since "golang filepath.Join uses the current OS's filepath scheme". Hence, under Windows backslash is used in all the generated config.yaml files found in crypto-config/*. One can replace this backslashes before the deployment to fix the issue.

git on windows 7 expecting dev null not found error

I'm using Git gui or Git bash on Windows 7 SE 64bit, and I keep getting a weird error. It was working fine before; I haven't made any changes or installed/uninstalled anything. I have already reinstalled and restarted my computer but I'm still getting the same error.
Here goes: after a soft restart, I get
Cannot determine Git version:
fatal: open/dev/null or dup failed: No such file or directory
Git gui requires Git 1.5.0 or later"
Here is a screenshot of the error window that pops up:
Any help?
Usually, installing Git using the parameters by default, it should create the folder structure /dev/null in C:\program files\.git Like C:\program files\git\dev\null.
I have installed Git 64-bit in a VM machine with Windows 10 64-bit. It created these folders /dev/null and in another machine with the same OS it doesn't create those folders, even using the same installer.
Creating this folder manually, the message disappear.
No idea why it doesn't create, even whether antivirus or windows defender are disabled.

Node.js - tutorials on getting it to work with Cygwin on a Vista machine

Am trying to get Node.js to work on Vista machine.
I installed Cygwin (as per the Github instructions) which appears to have been installed correctly. However, none of the commands are executing.
Are there any tutorials for the stages after the Cygwin installation?
PROBLEM: When any command is executed, I get 'Bash: command not found' error.
Not even command like 'c:\cygwin\bin' is executing.
When I type 'user' in cygwin command prompt, I get 'ntvdm has encountered an system error. Parameter incorrect'.
I thought the above error may be due to the firewall, disabling the firewall did not have any effect, running the program with admin rights also did not change the results...
Am confused and would love to get some guidance on what steps to go with next on getting Node.js up and running on a Windows Vista machine.
Many thanks,
We managed to make a bit more progress. It appears that we had not installed all the relevant files related to Cygwin. Upon re-download and reinstalled, it ran well, however, we have driven into another error. Error we get:
How to compile/install node.js(could not configure a cxx compiler!) (Ubuntu).
We followed the instructions as per the above thread (3rd post from top for Windows machines), however, we are still stuck at the same error.
Any guidance please?
Have you tried just using the Windows self contained binaries? This way you actually don't need to bother with Cygwin.
At first, i tried it your way too, using Cygwin. After smashing my head for the 10th time against a wall i just stopped trying and found a much cleaner solution.
I'm using VirtualBox running a Debain guest system to locally develop on my Windows 7 machine. Using VirtualBox, you can easily set up shared folders or port forwarding for node apps between your Windows machine and your Debian guest system.
Since you are using a plain Linux-system, all the compiling-pain is blown away.
If you plan to run node.js in production on a windows system: don't. I hardly believe node.js will be ever stable enough on windows-based systems using MINGW/Cygwin...
People seem to run into problems with Cygwin because they think that they are using a Windows machine.
If you install Cygwin, and open a bash shell prompt using the Cygwin icon, you are now in a UNIX environment and everything works the same as it would on UNIX. That includes building node.js.
I think you added some info to the question and I can see your problem. Yes, normally on Cygwin it has been possible to build node.js just as you would on any UNIX system, but that is no longer possible on Windows 7. Before running ./configure you have to:
Close all cygwin apps.
Double-click on C:\Cygwin\bin\ash.exe
Run ./rebaseall and when it completes, run ./perlrebase.
exit from the ash shell window.
At this point Cygwin will be back to normal and you can ./configure and make install.

Why would SVN command line client freeze with no output on Win XP?

I'm trying to connect from a Windows XP system to an SVN server but I'm getting weird behavior.
When I run this...
svn ls svn+ssh://
...the cursor just freezes as if it's a long-running process with no output.
I've tried the above in both a Windows console and a MINGW32 console.
I can ping the SVN host machine from the XP machine. I can also log in to the SVN host from Windows using ssh. (I have ssh keys set up.) So this isn't a DNS problem or a firewall problem I don't think.
I'm able to run the command no problem on an OS X system.
OS X SVN version: 1.5.4 (works great)
Windows SVN version: 1.5.5 (doesn't work)
Repository host SVN version: 1.4.2
What do you have the SVN_SSH environment variable set to? Do you have any of the settings under [tunnels] in the svn config file?
You should be able to run this at the cmd prompt:
%SVN_SSH% -l myusername
and it should give you a login prompt without prompting for a password.
Also, SVN_SSH seems to require forward-slashes as directory separators.
