git on windows 7 expecting dev null not found error - windows

I'm using Git gui or Git bash on Windows 7 SE 64bit, and I keep getting a weird error. It was working fine before; I haven't made any changes or installed/uninstalled anything. I have already reinstalled and restarted my computer but I'm still getting the same error.
Here goes: after a soft restart, I get
Cannot determine Git version:
fatal: open/dev/null or dup failed: No such file or directory
Git gui requires Git 1.5.0 or later"
Here is a screenshot of the error window that pops up:
Any help?

Usually, installing Git using the parameters by default, it should create the folder structure /dev/null in C:\program files\.git Like C:\program files\git\dev\null.
I have installed Git 64-bit in a VM machine with Windows 10 64-bit. It created these folders /dev/null and in another machine with the same OS it doesn't create those folders, even using the same installer.
Creating this folder manually, the message disappear.
No idea why it doesn't create, even whether antivirus or windows defender are disabled.


How to fix EPerm issue related to editing files while expo-webpack is running on Windows

So I've been running into an issue when running a local expo-webpack server on Windows. Sometimes I get a few changes sometimes only one change on a file then I get this error EPerm cannot perform operation, lstat with the filename and a ~ afterwards.
I've tried to change security permissions to no avail. It seems to be a windows only problem as far as I can tell because when running in WSL it works as well as on a separate mac machine. I also removed read-only but after I check again it says read-only again. I also tried the version of node that works on WSL.

Git for Windows pastes clipboard on <enter>

Installed Git for Windows 2.14.1. Pressing the 'Enter' button in the Git Bash terminal pastes the clipboard. All options are default. I've also tried options in many different configurations. But I can't figure out how to stop the pasting on pressing 'Enter'.
Could it be a Windows setting (Windows 7)?
My Windows home directory is a shared drive. Which has caused issues in the past, but this doesn't seem like it would be related.
Note, I tried on a different computer which did not display the same issue. This would seem to point to configuration or Windows environment issues. I've cleaned up all configuration I can find (.git*, .mintty*, old install location) and installed fresh, yet still run into the same issue.
Re-installing Git for Windows 2.10.1 (previous version used) is successful and does not have the pasting side effect.
I didn't see that effect on recent Git.
COPY and PASTE are still linked to Ctrl+Ins and Shift+Ins.
Check if the issue persists with the latest release 2.14.2 (PortableGit-2.14.2-64-bit.7z.exe)

Bash/Windows/SVN - Resource Temporarily Unavailable

I'm using the Linux Subsystem for Windows (or whatever that new, fancy Ubuntu/Bash terminal is called in Windows 10). I'm using it in my Windows VM, which I am using to test an application developed and stored in Subversion.
I should point out that using the regular Windows command line, everything works perfectly with absolutely 0 issues. I just prefer Bash.
Anyway, svn is properly installed, and I can do commands like "svn status", "svn add", etc, in the Bash terminal no problem. However, if I try doing an "svn update" or "svn commit", that's when the problem happens.
I get the following error message:
myname#DESKTOP-VF4GBEA:~/Documents/Project$ svn update .
Updating '.':
svn: E000011: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E000011: Error running context: Resource temporarily unavailable
I'm unsure why this is happening from the Bash terminal and not the Windows command line. I have Windows Defender disabled, no firewall there. I'm running Windows 10 Creators Edition (the latest version) in a virtual machine using VMWare Fusion on Mac OS Sierra. I do have Norton/Symantec protection running on the Mac, but it doesn't show anything having blocked a connection.
Regardless, doing these commands from the Windows command line, as I said, work perfectly fine.
Ok, I figured out the answer. The svn URL I was hitting was actually configured via my hosts file in the windows vm:
This was done in the windows file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. However, to get it to work in the Windows Bash Terminal, it needed to also be configured in /etc/hosts. That was the issue.
Ok, this is good to know. I guess the Bash/Windows thing uses all of its own configurations.

Can Heroku use x64 installation of Git on Windows?

I had previously installed Git x64 on Windows 7 (So it is sitting in C:\Program Files\Git). Then I installed Heroku toolbelt.
It included an installation of Git as well, and installed a x32 bit version of Git (as well as a different version). I was not happy about this, since it is polluting my already tight PATH variable, which bombs out on Windows 7 after it exceeds 2048 chars (approx..). So I uninstalled Git x32 version.
Git still works for me on the command line, but if I issue the heroku command:
git push heroku master
It gives the error:
fatal: unable to access '':
error setting certificate verify locations:
CAfile: C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/mingw32/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
CApath: none
So it is looking for ca-bundle.crt. I see this same file exists under C:\Program Files\Git... (i.e. under the x64 bit installation).
Is it possible to make Heroku use that installation?
I worked around this issue by simply copying the ca-bundle.crt file from the x64 installation to the required folder i.e. C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/mingw32/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt, even though Git 32 bit is not installed...

SVN, can't commit changes using Tortoise for a working copy that resides on Ubuntu 12.04 machine

I've recently set up an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS machine that I am using a local media server and web server for my projects.
My sites are run from ~/public_html on Ubuntu. That folder was then mapped to my Windows 8 machine. Previously I was using XAMPP, so I copied the contents of the htdocs/ folder to ~/public_html, this includes all the svn folders.
All sites are operating normally and are accessed via
Using NetBeans 7.2, the files are directly edited from the Windows machine. When the changes are committed using Tortoise SVN, the following error is reported:
Error: Commit failed (details follow):
Error: Unable to make name in 'V:\SITE_NAME.svn\tmp'
This was after creating a new text document in the root directory of the site from the Windows machine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I can't figure this out since I have full privileges on the folder.
Never use TortoiseSVN Working Copies on non-local drives
Check owner and permissions for files and folders in your WC
Change workflow and use post-commit hooks (server- or TSVN-side) to deploy code to site
Additional reading
