How to build a C++ make project using specific LDFLAGS (Mac OSX) - macos

I have a project that needs to be built using cmake and make. However, I want the project to use libc++ (since its written in C++11) so I need to set the right linker flags. Is there a way I can pass the following flags via command line?
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib"
Or do I need to edit my CMakeLists.txt file? If so how can I add this to the file?

For the more complex linker flags use
set (CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib)
To add a library search directory (-L) simply add
See also this and that answer


How to hide a single header file from gcc

I am compiling a c++ project and trying to find all what all functions from ncurses.h are used throughout the project.
I was wondering if I can tell gcc to not include specifically ncurses.h?
I ended up passing -D__NCURSES_H=1 on command line. 🤷‍♂️

moltenvk project makefile- how to link via clang

This file: MoltenVK Runtime User Guide offers a nice description of how to link MoltenVK to a project that uses it, within XCode.
I prefer using makefiles, as it removes the need to boot up XCode to build (+ is a consistent workflow with the same project on Linux).
The problem is there's quite a bit of OSX/XCode specific terminology in the instructions, and I'm not quite sure how it translates to running clang via command line.
If you assume I'm looking to link only with the minimum specified to use MoltenVK, what would such a command line argument look like?
Here is my minimal attempt:
MOLTENVKDIR = /blah/vulkansdk-macos-
a.out: my_headers.h my_src_files.cpp
clang -I$(MOLTENVKDIR)/MoltenVK/include -L$(MOLTENVKDIR)/MoltenVK/macOS/dynamic -lMoltenVK my_src_files.cpp
More specific questions:
How should I be setting LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS? I assume this is a PATH-style variable that gets embedded in the executable with a list of places to look for the MoltenVK.dylib file?
In step 4 of the user guide, it says "drag (MoltenVK/macOS/dynamic/libMoltenVK.dylib) to the Link Binary With Libraries list"- is that essentially the -lMoltenVK line?
Where does step 5 come in? Should I append -framework Metal -framework Foundation -framework ...? What should I do with the .tbd file?
Is step 6 just ensuring that I copy the libMoltenVK.dylib file relative to a.out consistent with LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS?
Is step 7 safe to ignore, as I'm not using XCode?
TLDR; I use g++, use the flags -lMoltenVK and -L$(MOLTENVK_DIR), and at the top define VK_ICD_FILENAMES using export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=$(ICD_DIR)
Header Search Paths is -I$(PATH)
Library Search Paths is -L$(PATH)
Runpath Search Paths is -rpath $(PATH) (with the space)
What I did was copy the .dylibs into a folder called lib in my project folder, set Library Search Path with -Llib, and link them with -lvulkan and -lMoltenVK. Since these dynamic libraries are hardwired to use #rpath when linking, I set -rpath lib.
You can see the vulkan tutorial for linux which uses a Makefile which shows a very basic version of making a Makefile for Vulkan on linux (no MoltenVK)
Most importantly, to not get a VkResult -9 when calling vkCreateInstance (MoltenVK not installed properly) make sure to define the VK_ICD_FILENAMES environment variable! I did this by writing export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=lib/MoltenVK_icd.json near the top of my Makefile, and copied the MoltenVK_icd.json file to my project! This is a file which points to where the dylib is, and is necesarry for MoltenVK to work. When installing MoltenVK, it was inside the same folder as libMoltenVK.dylib
Similarily, you must define VK_LAYER_PATH for validation layers to work.
Minimally, all you need for MoltenVK is:
export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=lib/MoltenVK_icd.json
g++ test.cpp -o App -Llib -rpath lib -lMoltenVK
I'm not an expert in best practices and conventions, I do what works. Hope this helped

Generate list files with CMake

I hope this is a simple question and I'm just missing something fundamental.
I'm trying to emulate a binary build manager for an embedded Cortex-M0 target using a CMake project. I'm having some trouble figuring out how to generate list files for each dependency of my executable target.
The current build system, when building a file called main.c passes -Wa,-alh=.\CortexM0\ARM_GCC_493\Debug/main.lst as an argument to gcc. I can't figure out how to get CMake to use the current filename without the extension to save the file.
I've looked at the get_filename_component command, but it appears only to get the filename of the output:
add_executable(TestExe main.c)
get_filename_component(curr_name TestExe NAME_WM)
As expected, this prints TestExe instead of the hoped for main
Is there a simple variable I'm overlooking that I could put in my toolchain file's CMAKE_C_FLAGS like -Wa,-alh=${CURR_SOURCE}.lst? Or some other method that I'm not seeing?
System info:
Windows 10
Msys shell
CMake 3.7.2
arm-none-eabi-gcc v4.9.3
You can use Expansion Rules and extend CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT:
But there is unfortunately
no Expansion Rule that does give the current source file without path and extension
so you will get in the above example main.c.o.lst as an output name
Footnote: In CMake generated makefile projects, if you just need the assembly file can just do make main.s or for the pre-processed file make main.i.

Arduino 1.0.6: How to change compiler flag?

I'm currently working on a project using Arduino 1.0.6 IDE and it does not seem to accept C++11 std::array. Is it possible to change the compiler flag to make this work?
Add custom compiler flags to platform.local.txt. Just create it in the same directory where platform.txt is. For example:
compiler.cpp.extra_flags=-mcall-prologues -fno-split-wide-types -finline-limit=3 -ffast-math
In this example C++ flags will make large sketch smaller. Of course, you can use your own flags instead. Since platform.local.txt does not overwrite standard files and is very short, it is very easy to experiment with compiler flags.
You can save platform.local.txt for each project in its directory. It will NOT have any effect in project's directory, but this way if you decide to work on your old project again you will be able to just copy it to the same directory where platform.txt is (typically ./hardware/arduino/avr/) and continue work on your project with project-specific compiler flags.
Obviously, using Makefile as ladislas suggests is more professional and more convenient if you have multiple projects and do not mind dealing with Makefile. But still, using platform.local.txt is better than messing with platform.txt directly and an easy way to play with compiler flags for people who are already familiar with Arduino IDE.
You can use #pragma inside the *.ino file so as not to have to create the local platforms file:
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-fpermissive"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
For other ones, see HERE.
Using the IDE is very difficult to do that.
I would advise you to go full command line by using Sudar's great Arduino Makefile.
This way you'll be able to customise the compiler flags to your liking.
I've also created the Bare Arduino Project to help you get started. The documentation covers a lot points, from installing the latest avr-gcc toolchain to how to use the repository, compile and upload your code.
If you find something missing, please, feel free to fill an issue on Github so that I can fix it :)
Hope this helps! :)
Yes, but not in 1.0.6, in 1.5.? the .\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\platform.txt specifies the command lines used for compiling.
One can either modify this file directly or copy it to your user .\arduino\hardware\... directory to create a custom platform. As not to alter the stock IDE. This will also then exist in other/updated IDEs that you can run. You can copy just the platform file and boards.txt. And have your boards.txt file link to the core: libraries as not to have a one-off. See
Reference: Change CPU speed, Mod New board
I wanted to add the -fpermissive flag.
Under Linux here what I have done with success
The idea is to replace the two compilers avr-gcc and avr-g++ by two bash scripts in which you add your flags (-fpermissive for me)
With root privilege:
rename the compiler avr-gcc (present in /usr/bin) avr-gcc-real
rename the compiler avr-g++ (present in /usr/bin) avr-gcc-g++-real
Now create to bash scripts avr-gcc and avr-g++ under /usr/bin/
script avr-gcc contains this line:
avr-gcc-real -fpermissive $#
script avr-g++ contains this line:
avr-g++-real -fpermissive $#
As you may know $# denotes the whole parameters passed to the script. Thus all the parameters transmitted by the IDE to compilers are transimitted to your bash scripts replacing them (which call the real compilers with your flags and the IDE one)
Don't forget to add executable property to your scripts:
chmod a+x avr-gcc
chmod a+x avr-g++
Under Windows I don't know if such a solution can be done.

using agg (antigrain) library and getting gsl shell working

My main aim is to get the GSL Shell working on my OSX 10.7 system. So far I have the correct version of lua with the correct patches running. I also have a working version of GSL which compiles and runs example programs. I can build agg perfectly and also run their example programs by running make in the macosx_sdl folder.
My first question is how on earth do I create my own project with agg? I know that you are supposed to simply add the files to your project file and go, but this does not seem to want to compile for me. Is it simply a case of adding the include directory and the libagg.a?
Finally, how do I build gsl shell? Currently it complains about the agg-plot folder a lot, so where do I put the agg files to make this build, then when i've done it where do I place the agg files so that the lua scripts can get to them?!
Hope someone can help!
In general to use the AGG library you need to make sure that the compiler is able to find the headers files and, during the linking, the libraries, either in form of a static or dynamic libraries.
To make the headers files and the libraries available you need to take into account the system that is used to build the software. If a traditional makefile sistem is used you need to add some flags to make sure that the headers file can be found. This can be achieved by adding into the makefile something like:
CFLAGS += -I/path/to/agg/headers
and for the linker:
LIBS += -L/path/to/agg/library -lagg -lm
In the specific case of GSL Shell 1.1 the file "make-packages" is used in the Makefile to configure the required packages. You can add here the flags required to locate the AGG library:
AGG_INCLUDES = -I/usr/include/agg2
AGG_LIBS = -lagg -lX11 -lpthread -lsupc++
you should just modify the path provided with the "-I" option and, in AGG_LIBS, add an option "-L/path/to/agg/library" to specify the path where the AGG libraries are located.
Please note also that the agg libraries depends on other libraries. For example on linux it needs at least the X11 library. The libraries supc++ may be needed if the linking is made by invoking gcc instead of g++ because if gcc is used the C++ runtime libraries are not included.
