How to hide a single header file from gcc - gcc

I am compiling a c++ project and trying to find all what all functions from ncurses.h are used throughout the project.
I was wondering if I can tell gcc to not include specifically ncurses.h?

I ended up passing -D__NCURSES_H=1 on command line. 🤷‍♂️


How to build a C++ make project using specific LDFLAGS (Mac OSX)

I have a project that needs to be built using cmake and make. However, I want the project to use libc++ (since its written in C++11) so I need to set the right linker flags. Is there a way I can pass the following flags via command line?
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib"
Or do I need to edit my CMakeLists.txt file? If so how can I add this to the file?
For the more complex linker flags use
set (CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib)
To add a library search directory (-L) simply add
See also this and that answer

Generate list files with CMake

I hope this is a simple question and I'm just missing something fundamental.
I'm trying to emulate a binary build manager for an embedded Cortex-M0 target using a CMake project. I'm having some trouble figuring out how to generate list files for each dependency of my executable target.
The current build system, when building a file called main.c passes -Wa,-alh=.\CortexM0\ARM_GCC_493\Debug/main.lst as an argument to gcc. I can't figure out how to get CMake to use the current filename without the extension to save the file.
I've looked at the get_filename_component command, but it appears only to get the filename of the output:
add_executable(TestExe main.c)
get_filename_component(curr_name TestExe NAME_WM)
As expected, this prints TestExe instead of the hoped for main
Is there a simple variable I'm overlooking that I could put in my toolchain file's CMAKE_C_FLAGS like -Wa,-alh=${CURR_SOURCE}.lst? Or some other method that I'm not seeing?
System info:
Windows 10
Msys shell
CMake 3.7.2
arm-none-eabi-gcc v4.9.3
You can use Expansion Rules and extend CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT:
But there is unfortunately
no Expansion Rule that does give the current source file without path and extension
so you will get in the above example main.c.o.lst as an output name
Footnote: In CMake generated makefile projects, if you just need the assembly file can just do make main.s or for the pre-processed file make main.i.

Error in CodeBlocks C++ program and how to set default main class

I have included the boost library in a Codeblocks c++ project.
Now, in the file
there is an include statement
#include <boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp>
However I get this error in Codeblocks when I try and compile:
/home/arvind/Documents/Workspace/Browser/boost/function.hpp|15|fatal error:
boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp: No such file or directory|
What am I doing wrong here? I have simply included the Boost library as it is.
Also, I cannot find the screen/option to set the main class (which will actually execute).
How do I do this?(I am new to CodeBlocks hence this question).
Your boost includes seem to be in a non-standard/system directory : /home/arvind/Documents/Workspace/Browser, you must tell the compiler to look there (gcc -I command-line switch).
Go to Project->Build Options->Search Directories->Compiler and add the directory where boost includes are. I don't have a codeblocks install right here so this was from here.
If you can, I would recommand installing boost on your system once and for all instead of just copying files in your codeblocks workspace.

dev cpp win32 the program can't start because sqlite3.dll is missing

I am using dev c++ IDE which used ming gcc(i am not sure of it)
I wanted to use sqlite3 in my win32 c application
I downloaded sqlite3.dll and and used dlltool to create a .a file like libsqlite3.a and pasted in the lib folder of dev cpp and added this path in the project options -> parameters
i copied the header file sqlite3.h into the include folder(which i got from another website -
i executed the program and got the message 'the program can't start because sqlite3.dll is missing in your computer'
so i copied the sqlite3.dll into my working directory and then it worked
How to make the sqlite.* static while compiling?
I mean i thought by including the libsqlite3.a, the final exe will not be dependent of any external dll's.
So i want to know how to compile in a way that i will not be needing a dll and by doing so it makes my windows program standalone.
do i have a create a .lib file instead of .a file?
EDIT after answers and comments:
Besides, the devpak is working fine... yet i wanted to know how to include files to project or to create .a files so i am trying this way because if some components do not provide devpak then this will be the way we need to compile.. isn't it?
EDIT to show what i have done after the answer by CL and the two comments
This is how i have added the sqlite.c to project list
Here is the compile log
Compiler: Default compiler
Building Makefile:
Executing make...
make.exe -f "C:\Users\jayapalc\Documents\test-sqlite\" all
g++.exe -c sqlite3.c -o sqlite3.o -I"lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/include"
-I"include/c++/3.4.2/backward" -I"include/c++/3.4.2/mingw32" -I"include/c++/3.4.2" -I"include"
sqlite3.c: In function `void strftimeFunc(sqlite3_context*, int,
sqlite3.c:14727: error: invalid conversion from void*' tochar*'
The files i got in are
shell.c, sqlite3.h, sqlite3.c, sqlite3ext.h and i saw in other discussions that shell.c is not needed...
Besides, people were talking about gcc and g++... .
Apart from updating Dev-C++ itself, try this to compile sqlite.c as a C file:
Go to Project >> Project Options >> Files.
Find the C file we're talking about. Untick "Compile file as C++".
This should inform Dev-C++ that it should invoke gcc.exe, and not g++.exe.
If you don't want to compile sqlite yourself by adding it to your project, you can try passing the -static flag to GCC/G++ to force it to link libsqlite.a statically.
Just include the sqlite3.c file in your project.
You need only this filed, and it must be compiled as C, not C++.
Apparently, Dev-C++ does not allow mixing C and C++ source files in one project.
Instead, you could try to compile sqlite3.c as C and then include the generated .o file into the C++ project (on the Linker page).

Xcode: setting to enable C++ even when no C++ sources are in the project?

I have an Objective-C/Cocoa project that incorporates a static library. That static library has some object files that have C++ in them.
I've found that if the project that I'm using the library in contains no other C++ in it, the link fails (can't link new/delete/etc). But simply adding a single (empty) .cpp file to the project causes the link to succeed.
In practice, what happens is that the build will invoke g++ instead of gcc when there is any cpp, which succeeds. No other difference in the build is apparent to me.
Is there an explicit switch I can use to link in this library without using the dummy cpp file in the project?
(This is mostly a curiosity question-- it's not the end of the world to put in one empty file. :) )
try to link libstdc++
gcc main.c -lstdc++
or in Xcode:
Project->Edit Project Settings
To the config section "Other Linker Flags", add -lstdc++.
