Generate list files with CMake - gcc

I hope this is a simple question and I'm just missing something fundamental.
I'm trying to emulate a binary build manager for an embedded Cortex-M0 target using a CMake project. I'm having some trouble figuring out how to generate list files for each dependency of my executable target.
The current build system, when building a file called main.c passes -Wa,-alh=.\CortexM0\ARM_GCC_493\Debug/main.lst as an argument to gcc. I can't figure out how to get CMake to use the current filename without the extension to save the file.
I've looked at the get_filename_component command, but it appears only to get the filename of the output:
add_executable(TestExe main.c)
get_filename_component(curr_name TestExe NAME_WM)
As expected, this prints TestExe instead of the hoped for main
Is there a simple variable I'm overlooking that I could put in my toolchain file's CMAKE_C_FLAGS like -Wa,-alh=${CURR_SOURCE}.lst? Or some other method that I'm not seeing?
System info:
Windows 10
Msys shell
CMake 3.7.2
arm-none-eabi-gcc v4.9.3

You can use Expansion Rules and extend CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT:
But there is unfortunately
no Expansion Rule that does give the current source file without path and extension
so you will get in the above example main.c.o.lst as an output name
Footnote: In CMake generated makefile projects, if you just need the assembly file can just do make main.s or for the pre-processed file make main.i.


How to build a C++ make project using specific LDFLAGS (Mac OSX)

I have a project that needs to be built using cmake and make. However, I want the project to use libc++ (since its written in C++11) so I need to set the right linker flags. Is there a way I can pass the following flags via command line?
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib"
Or do I need to edit my CMakeLists.txt file? If so how can I add this to the file?
For the more complex linker flags use
set (CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib)
To add a library search directory (-L) simply add
See also this and that answer

Choose right library version

I have a project which uses libibverbs. I have to compile this project on a server to run it there. The server has libibverbs installed system-wide, but unfortunately it doesn't support a feature which I need.
I decided to compile and use my own version of libibverbs, which has the corresponding feature. So I compiled the library, installed it to my home directory, and updated following environment variables: PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, C_INCLUDE_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
Now I have to compile my project. First I call configure and it fails with following error message:
conftest.c:(.text.startup+0x7): undefined reference to `ibv_open_xrc_domain'
This is the symbol, which is missing in the system-wide version, but is present in the version I installed. First entry in LIBRARY_PATH is the path to the new libibversion, so I expected it is going to be used first, but it seems that the old version is used anyway.
Compilation command which ./configure uses, contains flag -L/libibverbs/1.1.4/lib, which points to the directory with the new library version. This flag goes just after -L/usr/lib/../lib64 which point to the directory, with system-wide libibverbs
If I put -L with new version in the end of command, the conftest compiles successfully.
To be clear following fails:
And following works:
Could you help me to enforce picking the new version of the library in a way that configure catches it?
LD_LIBRARY_PATH specifies directories to be searched, before the
defaults, for a library that is to be loaded in a process at runtime.
It does not affect the directories that are searched for a library
in order to link it at buildtime.
The linker searches for libraries in the directories that are specified
with the -Ldir option in its commandline, before it searches its
default directories. Your configure script tests whether it can find a libibverbs library in the linker's search directories that defines the function
ibv_open_xrc_domain, and fails because it cannot. The value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH does
not matter to this test.
For GNU make, the -L-options it should pass to the linker
are conventionally specified in the environment variable LDFLAGS. GNU autoconf - which
generates your configure script - follows this convention. autoconf generates
the configure script from the project's file.
So, if your want your modified package to generate a generate a configure
script such that running ./configure will in turn generate makefiles
in which -L/my/library/version/is/here is passed to the linker then
you need to modify the project's like:
LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/my/library/version/is/here"
and you need to do this in the before it runs the test for
the libibverbs library. After making this change you will need to reconfigure
the package by running autoreconf in the project directrory, to regenerate
the configure script.
If you don't want to change the like this then you can achieve the same
effect by:
./configure LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/my/library/version/is/here"
export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/my/library/version/is/here"
... # in same shell or a subshell
Then until the next time you run the configure script the project's makefiles
will pass -L/my/library/version/is/here to the linker. But the next time
you run ./configure you must remember to set LDFLAGS in the same way, or
the regenerated makefiles will revert to the default behaviour.

Arduino 1.0.6: How to change compiler flag?

I'm currently working on a project using Arduino 1.0.6 IDE and it does not seem to accept C++11 std::array. Is it possible to change the compiler flag to make this work?
Add custom compiler flags to platform.local.txt. Just create it in the same directory where platform.txt is. For example:
compiler.cpp.extra_flags=-mcall-prologues -fno-split-wide-types -finline-limit=3 -ffast-math
In this example C++ flags will make large sketch smaller. Of course, you can use your own flags instead. Since platform.local.txt does not overwrite standard files and is very short, it is very easy to experiment with compiler flags.
You can save platform.local.txt for each project in its directory. It will NOT have any effect in project's directory, but this way if you decide to work on your old project again you will be able to just copy it to the same directory where platform.txt is (typically ./hardware/arduino/avr/) and continue work on your project with project-specific compiler flags.
Obviously, using Makefile as ladislas suggests is more professional and more convenient if you have multiple projects and do not mind dealing with Makefile. But still, using platform.local.txt is better than messing with platform.txt directly and an easy way to play with compiler flags for people who are already familiar with Arduino IDE.
You can use #pragma inside the *.ino file so as not to have to create the local platforms file:
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-fpermissive"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
For other ones, see HERE.
Using the IDE is very difficult to do that.
I would advise you to go full command line by using Sudar's great Arduino Makefile.
This way you'll be able to customise the compiler flags to your liking.
I've also created the Bare Arduino Project to help you get started. The documentation covers a lot points, from installing the latest avr-gcc toolchain to how to use the repository, compile and upload your code.
If you find something missing, please, feel free to fill an issue on Github so that I can fix it :)
Hope this helps! :)
Yes, but not in 1.0.6, in 1.5.? the .\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\platform.txt specifies the command lines used for compiling.
One can either modify this file directly or copy it to your user .\arduino\hardware\... directory to create a custom platform. As not to alter the stock IDE. This will also then exist in other/updated IDEs that you can run. You can copy just the platform file and boards.txt. And have your boards.txt file link to the core: libraries as not to have a one-off. See
Reference: Change CPU speed, Mod New board
I wanted to add the -fpermissive flag.
Under Linux here what I have done with success
The idea is to replace the two compilers avr-gcc and avr-g++ by two bash scripts in which you add your flags (-fpermissive for me)
With root privilege:
rename the compiler avr-gcc (present in /usr/bin) avr-gcc-real
rename the compiler avr-g++ (present in /usr/bin) avr-gcc-g++-real
Now create to bash scripts avr-gcc and avr-g++ under /usr/bin/
script avr-gcc contains this line:
avr-gcc-real -fpermissive $#
script avr-g++ contains this line:
avr-g++-real -fpermissive $#
As you may know $# denotes the whole parameters passed to the script. Thus all the parameters transmitted by the IDE to compilers are transimitted to your bash scripts replacing them (which call the real compilers with your flags and the IDE one)
Don't forget to add executable property to your scripts:
chmod a+x avr-gcc
chmod a+x avr-g++
Under Windows I don't know if such a solution can be done.

Using local makefile for CLion instead of CMake

Is there a way to configure CLion to use a local makefile to compile code, rather than CMake? I can't seem to find the way to do it from the build options.
Update: If you are using CLion 2020.2, then it already supports Makefiles. If you are using an older version, read on.
Even though currently only CMake is supported, you can instruct CMake to call make with your custom Makefile. Edit your CMakeLists.txt adding one of these two commands:
When you tell CLion to run your program, it will try to find an executable with the same name of the target in the directory pointed by PROJECT_BINARY_DIR. So as long as your make generates the file where CLion expects, there will be no problem.
Here is a working example:
Tell CLion to pass its $(PROJECT_BINARY_DIR) to make
This is the sample CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
add_custom_target(mytest COMMAND make -C ${mytest_SOURCE_DIR}
Tell make to generate the executable in CLion's directory
This is the sample Makefile:
echo Compiling $(CLION_EXE_DIR)/$# ...
g++ mytest.cpp -o $(CLION_EXE_DIR)/mytest
That is all, you may also want to change your program's working directory so it executes as it is when you run make from inside your directory. For this edit: Run -> Edit Configurations ... -> mytest -> Working directory
While this is one of the most voted feature requests, there is one plugin available, by Victor Kropp, that adds support to makefiles:
Makefile support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
You can install directly from the official repository:
Settings > Plugins > search for makefile > Search in repositories > Install > Restart
There are at least three different ways to run:
Right click on a makefile and select Run
Have the makefile open in the editor, put the cursor over one target (anywhere on the line), hit alt + enter, then select make target
Hit ctrl/cmd + shift + F10 on a target (although this one didn't work for me on a mac).
It opens a pane named Run target with the output.
Newest version has better support literally for any generated Makefiles, through the compiledb
Three steps:
install compiledb
pip install compiledb
run a dry make
compiledb -n make
(do the autogen, configure if needed)
there will be a compile_commands.json file generated
open the project and you will see CLion will load info from the json file.
If you your CLion still try to find CMakeLists.txt and cannot read compile_commands.json, try to remove the entire folder, re-download the source files, and redo step 1,2,3
Orignal post: Working with Makefiles in CLion using Compilation DB
To totally avoid using CMAKE, you can simply:
Build your project as you normally with Make through the terminal.
Change your CLion configurations, go to (in top bar) :
Run -> Edit Configurations -> yourProjectFolder
Change the Executable to the one generated with Make
Change the Working directory to the folder holding your executable (if needed)
Remove the Build task in the Before launch:Activate tool window box
And you're all set! You can now use the debug button after your manual build.
Currently, only CMake is supported by CLion. Others build systems will be added in the future, but currently, you can only use CMake.
An importer tool has been implemented to help you to use CMake.
Source :
I am not very familiar with CMake and could not use Mondkin's solution directly.
Here is what I came up with in my CMakeLists.txt using the latest version of CLion (1.2.4) and MinGW on Windows (I guess you will just need to replace all:
g++ mytest.cpp -o bin/mytest by make if you are not using the same setup):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
add_custom_target(mytest ALL COMMAND mingw32-make WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
And the custom Makefile is like this (it is located at the root of my project and generates the executable in a bin directory):
g++ mytest.cpp -o bin/mytest
I am able to build the executable and errors in the log window are clickable.
Hints in the IDE are quite limited through, which is a big limitation compared to pure CMake projects...

Using Boost with Cygwin on Windows

This shoud be a simple problem for users more advanced than I am. :-)
How do I use the boost library with cygwin on windows?
I am programing with g++ using cygwin on a winxp machine.
I need modified Bessel functions of the second order, so I downloaded the latest version of the boost library and installed it in
'c:\cygwin\lib\boost_ 1_ 38_0\' folder.
I am trying to run the "example.cpp" program from the "getting started" section of their website:
I am compiling from the directory where I created the example file using a simple Bash shell command line: 'g++ -Wall example.cpp'
I keep getting the message:
"boost/lambda/lambda.hpp: no such file or directory"
I tried every possible combination of -L, -l, -I options in the command line to include the directory, to no avail. Also tried to add the folder in the PATH line of my windows system.
How do I link to the /boost directory and ALSO to all subdirectories? The header file 'lambda.hpp' is calling other header files in subdirectories.
You're probably not that familiar with C++ yet? It seems you are confusing terms.
C++ programs are built in two steps: compiling and linking. In the first step, each source file (typically called .cpp) is handled individually. Each .cpp file usually uses multiple headers, so the compiler first inserts those - literally. That's why it's called #include.
In the second step, the linker takes all the compiled .cpp files together and builds your final program. Some of those compiled .cpp's might have been bundled together before, in which the bundle is called a library.
Boost is a collection of headers and .cpp files. So, both compiler and linker might need to find the Boost directories. From your error message, it's clear that the compiler step is the problem. The linker does not need headers anymore.
The compiler will see the #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp> instuction. That means it needs to know where that first-level boost directory is found. I would guess at this point that the path would be /lib/boost_ 1_ 38_0/include (there's always the find / -name lambda.hpp shotgun appraoch)
If you are not utterly wedded to cygwin, you should take a look at which gives you a complete MinGW C++ installation with all the libraries (such as Boost) set up for you.
Edit: I should make it clear you can use this MinGW installation in addition to Cygwin, not as a replacement. Just make sure the MinGW bin directory appears in your PATH before the Cygwin one.
I think you need -I /lib/boost_1_38_0 - although that's a pretty unusual place to put it. You'll have to let us know how you installed it, did you just unzip it in the location you said, or did you run the makefiles? I assume that since you gave a windows path you didn't install it within cygwin - which you probably should do. The instructions in the getting started guide for unix should help - although don't download a prebuilt bjam - it needs to be built with cygwin.
But if you're not very familiar with cygwin (or unix in general) I think you might find it easier to use a native windows tool - as in Neil Butterworth's answer.
Thank you all for the information, it's a nice introduction to the use of libraries with cygwin.
Daniel was right. While any variation gives an error, the following line (using caps i) does the trick:
g++ -Wall -I /cygdrive/c/cygwin/lib/boost_1_38_0/ example.cpp -o example
I will also check MinGW in the next few days.
p.s. I simply downloaded and unzipped boost in that folder, but since I am only using header files I probably won't need to compile with cygwin. [The boost version included with cygwin was 1.33, which does not seem to have Bessel functions.]
This is on win7 cygwin64 g++ 5.4, and boost-1.64.7z on 2017-7. Google doesn't show any useful result for getting started for boost on windows (is boost out of fashion?).
By experimenting, I managed to compile and run a boost graph sample program as follows:
:: g++ 5.4 in c:\cygwin64
:: 7z extract boost download in c:\tools\boost\boost164
> set BOOST_ROOT=c:\tools\boost\boost164
> setx BOOST_ROOT c:\tools\boost\boost164 -m
> gcc (the bat files doesn't work)
> b2.exe
...failed updating 58 targets...
...skipped 18 targets...
...updated 1123 targets...
:: Lots of example here (not ranked highly by google)
> mklink /D eg %BOOST_ROOT%/libs/graph/example
:: Compiled and run [maxflow code using boost library][1]
> unzip ; vi Makefile
LDFLAGS = -L%BOOST_ROOT%/stage/lib
> make
> set PATH=%PATH%;%BOOST_ROOT%/stage/lib
> maxflow.exe
Flow = 6
