Can I ignore events from specific mixpanel-profiles? - mixpanel

I found this article:
Mixpanel suggests that the users that should be ignored paste this into the webclient:
I have two problems with this:
1: I'm building an app, not a webpage, so I don't have a dev-console.
2: I am not in control of all the accounts that I want to ignore.
Is there some way to perform this operation on a profile from the admin-interface of mixpanel? According to their documentation, this will create a superproperty.


Missing GA4 event parameters

I have recently started to use Google Analytics 4 for event tracking, using Google Tag Manager to send events to Analytics. I have set up the custom variables in Tag Manager as well as in GA4.
Everything seems to work very well in Tag Manager's debug mode, and also if I look up the events in real-time view I get the requested event along with all the parameters I have set in Tag Manager. However, once I look up the events for the last couple of days in the Engagement -> Event view, a couple of my parameters are missing, and also I'm not getting the same hit count for each parameter, even though each event has all parameters set:
As you can see, 86 events have been recorded, but the event count for the parameters widely varies.
Here's a screenshot of my Tag manager settings:
I have tried to set up a new event with the same parameters, but (logically) I got the same result. I am under the strong impression I'm missing something obvious here. Does anyone have experience with this, or has anyone come across this same issue?
To be honest, you can just try to click on mark as conversion in the Events tab, and this should save them. I think for some reason GA4 doesn't save parameters otherwise...
i cant get this til work with fields and parameters for an event so i try to create a user custom dimension instead and also to send it as a content group and as user property
also i can see the user id under app instance for the standard report user explorer
but i can't filter on or select this one myself
i cant create the custom parameter reports like gerrit did
but yeah create them as custom dimensions /metric first should be the way
ga4 has a bug when you edit a standard report, you add 3 card and deselect one it still thinks you are maxed out and you have to start over...
the test internal users filters dont work, though you can see data in debug and under events, but since i know they work i know try to just make the filters active

Reuse Cucumber steps across features files in Cypress

Is there a way to reuse steps in our features from "other" step files?
I.e. I have a project with login page, and topbar that I want to test after login:
Got LoginPage.feature and LoginPage.js step file, everything works fine, all tests run correctly.
I would like reuse steps “Given user open TestPage login page” and “When user login using valid credentials” from LoginPage.js in TopBarCmp.feature:
But it always ends with error:
Long time ago I used Specflow(Cucumber for .net) and it was normal to ruse steps with same singatures across all features.
What is correct way of handling that kind of situations, where we would like to use some part that was already automated?
Looks like you can put them either on cypress/integration/common or in cypress/support/step_definitions and they will be available to share across features
this article explains it better

SonarQube API: Retrieving a list of users assigned to a project permission?

I'm trying to find a list of users for a specific project (by projectKey) who possess the issueadmin permission. I've found a documented API that gets me pretty close:
but the response that I get back only has summary information: counts of groups/users for each permission type.
search_project_permissions response
Does anybody know if there's a way to get to the login details for the users?
There is an "internal" web service (meaning it could change without notice!) that does this. You'll use it like so:[project guid]&permission=issueadmin
In Web API interface use the "Show Internal API" checkbox at the top of the left column to see it.
just noticed in Sonarqube v6.7 it works as follows:<KEY><KEY>&permission=issueadmin<KEY>&permission=issueadmin&permission=scan
All possible permissions are (reg. Browse, See Source Code, Administer Issues, Administer and Execute Analysis):

No more recaptcha global key option?

I am curious if there's still possibility to create global keys for reCaptcha.
Documentation points it is possible, but I can find no way - no such option is there whenever I add a site.
Google made reCaptcha Global URL possible again in 2016 for the I'm not a Robot checkbox:
Now to get the keys to work on every URL you have to go to: "Advanced Settings" for your key, and untick the "Domain Name Validation" box:
This is a security hole, so you are required to check the hostname field in your JSON response and reject any solutions that are coming from unexpected sources:
This option has dissapeared. In fact, google is deleting that info from documentation step by step. There is an issue
Maybe we can ask to reopen that option, or at least, to obtain some info why this option its gone
Well the Secure Token would be the way to do this:
"A reCAPTCHA key is normally tied to a set of individual domains. However, you might have a large number of hosted domains and would like to have one key working on all of them - the solution is the secure token."
A similar question (How can I use reCAPTCHA v2 on a large number of domains?) has a PHP sample and a Java sample is in GitHub

When would I register a crm 2011 online plugin for pre-validation stage?

I understand that a plugin registered for pre-validation executes outside of the database transaction but I'm not sure I can think of a scenario when this would be preferable to pre-operation. Can someone give me an example of where pre-validation registration might be useful?
We have a few plugins registered on the 'PreValidation' event although this is on premise, not online.
I did not write these specific plugins myself but I can describe one and give the justification for using 'PreValidation' rather than 'PreOperation'.
Entity: Account
Event: Delete
Logic: Plugin runs pre validation. Checks that there are no contacts referencing any of the account's addresses. If any are found, stop execution. If not, delete account.
Account 'Stackoverflow' has address 'Jeff Attwood's House' and Contact 'glosrob'. 'glosrob' is referencing 'Jeff Attwood's House' through a customisation. If a user selects to delete 'StackOverflow', we should detect 'glosrob' is referencing an address and prevent the delete.
The reasoning behind this was the developer found that at the PreOperation stage, some aspects of the delete had already happened, namely the cascade deletes. The logic of the plugin requires us to check all contacts - by registering at PreOperation, contacts under the account had already been deleted, rendering the check obsolete.
In our previous scenario, when the user selected to delete 'StackOverflow' Account, the Contact 'glosrob' would be deleted before the plugin runs. Therefore when the plugin did run afterwards, it would allow the delete.
As with most things in CRM, it all comes down to requirements and solutions, but I think that gives you an idea of why/when you might use a PreValidation stage. We have a few others with similar reasoning that run on the 'Delete' event.
I know its very old post, came here while digging for an answer for the same question...
Later I found one key point from MSDN on the same topic and i thought it would be helpful If I post the infromation over here for all..
The Prevalidation plugin would happen prior to the security checks. For ex: If an account is "VIP" account and you dont want this account record to be deleted (no matter even he is a super user/admin), then this better can happen in pre validation. Because at that time you are not really bothered about who the user is and what sort of permissions he has (even he may not have any permissions to delete any records in the system), CRM will go and check the database for the user's security roles during the pre operation and that is where the first database hit would happen.. before that it self, we can stop the exucution of the plugin based on our validation rules..
I hope that make sense...
Thank you
