When would I register a crm 2011 online plugin for pre-validation stage? - dynamics-crm

I understand that a plugin registered for pre-validation executes outside of the database transaction but I'm not sure I can think of a scenario when this would be preferable to pre-operation. Can someone give me an example of where pre-validation registration might be useful?

We have a few plugins registered on the 'PreValidation' event although this is on premise, not online.
I did not write these specific plugins myself but I can describe one and give the justification for using 'PreValidation' rather than 'PreOperation'.
Entity: Account
Event: Delete
Logic: Plugin runs pre validation. Checks that there are no contacts referencing any of the account's addresses. If any are found, stop execution. If not, delete account.
Account 'Stackoverflow' has address 'Jeff Attwood's House' and Contact 'glosrob'. 'glosrob' is referencing 'Jeff Attwood's House' through a customisation. If a user selects to delete 'StackOverflow', we should detect 'glosrob' is referencing an address and prevent the delete.
The reasoning behind this was the developer found that at the PreOperation stage, some aspects of the delete had already happened, namely the cascade deletes. The logic of the plugin requires us to check all contacts - by registering at PreOperation, contacts under the account had already been deleted, rendering the check obsolete.
In our previous scenario, when the user selected to delete 'StackOverflow' Account, the Contact 'glosrob' would be deleted before the plugin runs. Therefore when the plugin did run afterwards, it would allow the delete.
As with most things in CRM, it all comes down to requirements and solutions, but I think that gives you an idea of why/when you might use a PreValidation stage. We have a few others with similar reasoning that run on the 'Delete' event.

I know its very old post, came here while digging for an answer for the same question...
Later I found one key point from MSDN on the same topic and i thought it would be helpful If I post the infromation over here for all..
The Prevalidation plugin would happen prior to the security checks. For ex: If an account is "VIP" account and you dont want this account record to be deleted (no matter even he is a super user/admin), then this better can happen in pre validation. Because at that time you are not really bothered about who the user is and what sort of permissions he has (even he may not have any permissions to delete any records in the system), CRM will go and check the database for the user's security roles during the pre operation and that is where the first database hit would happen.. before that it self, we can stop the exucution of the plugin based on our validation rules..
I hope that make sense...
Thank you


Change of Status in Dynamics CRM 2016 8.1

I have written code that is supposed to help us automate some specific cases. It will create a addresstag for the customer and change the status of the case to "Address Tag Sent".
All this works as intended, but for some reason the status of the case is changed back to "New".
As you can see here there is an event called "Activate" that changes the status.
I haven't found what this event is or why it occurs. I have gone through all the Workflows we got, all processes, all code (As good as I can) and spent a good amount of time trying to google it but I still come out empty handed.
Is there someone who might know what this event is? Or maybe got any idea how to access/modify it?
'Activate' will essentially re-activate any record and put the statuscode back to the default statuscode\status reason - I am guessing your default is set to 'New'.
I would investigate in these directions:
Since “changed by” showing as “CRM migration account”, this maybe an ETL job like SSIS, or Scribe which is syncing data changes from outside integration
Maybe the same service account is used by plugin, to reset the StateCode and StatusCode on some business logic
Is there some Business process flow stages available in your form, as I see “Service stage” attribute in audit before that, there may be logics coupled with that
Verify the dependencies of statecode attribute in customizations to see any SDK steps or workflows referencing that. Check in your code repos and check with any long timers in your project for any business logics implemented in the past.

IBM BPM 8.6 :: Unable to reassign back to group

We're working with IBM BPM 8.6.
In many workflows, we do the typical team assignment. The users can claim the task, and work with it. But there is a problem, they cannot assign the task back to the group within the Process Portal.
All we get is a tooltip with the "This action is not permitted" when we try to reassign back to the group.
Reassign back to group disabled image
The same happens if we try to reassign it to an specific user:
Reassign to user disabled image
We know that we could add the following instruction to the workflows:
to reassign it back,
but this would affect all the projects, and it would require time and resources to do so.
Any help or hints will be appreciated.
You need to check the "action policies" for the Portal (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS8JB4_19.x/com.ibm.wbpm.imuc.doc/topics/restricting_access_to_portal_functions.html). I searched for "process portal action policies" to find the linked page (IBMs URLs can be pretty transient).
The one you're interested in is "ACTION_REASSIGN_TASK". This should be available to all users by default so perhaps it has been changed. You can use was_admin to change or check the values e.g.
wsadmin>AdminConfig.modify(getBPMPolicyAction("ACTION_REASSIGN_TASK"), [["roles", "newrole"]])

What actions in Outlook would cause PR_LAST_MODIFIER_NAME or PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME to be modified?

I am testifying soon as to data I gathered using MFCMAPI in which I determined that the PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME did not match the PR_CREATION_TIME or PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME of the message.
What actions in Outlook would cause PR_LAST_MODIFIER_NAME or PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME to be modified? Simply reading, marking the message as unread, and viewing the attachments does not modify these properties in my lab tests.
I am trying to determine what other actions performed by the user or on behalf of the user could cause the PR_LAST_MODIFIER_NAME to no longer list the sender and PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME no longer match Delivery/Creation time.
I had the opportunity many months ago to talk to developer on the MFCMAPI project from Microsoft and I am kicking myself in the gut for not writing down his name.
Any help is appreciated.
Do you mean Steve Griffin?
I am not him, but I think I can easily answer your question - every time IMessage::SaveChanges is called, PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME will be reset.

Why does Dynamics CRM 2013 plugin fire twice on owner change?

I have a simple plugin for a custom entity that is set to trigger on Update of my custom entity. It is registered in the Post Operation stage. I have noticed some strange behaviour when I make changes to the Owner field of the record in addition to other standard fields (e.g. text boxes, dates etc).
The plugin fires the first time and the only attributes that come across in the image are all the regular fields. The owner field does not come across.
The plugin then fires again, but the Depth property of the context is still only one (i.e. the plugin is not getting triggered by changes made in the plugin code). In this run of the plugin, the attribute that come across is only the Owner field.
My theory is that because the owner fields are 'special', the CRM is doing two different requests - one to change the regular fields, and then another request for changing the owner via an AssignRequest. However, I cannot find any 'official' documentation for this behaviour.
Can someone explain why this is happening?
I am running Dynamcs CRM 2013 UR2
The Update event fires during the Assign event. So if an assignment takes place your plug-in will execute. The same is true for SetState - if you activate/deactivate a record an Update event takes place. These items are not documented in the SDK.
A good practice is to use Attribute Filtering on your Update plugin so it only fires for the fields it is concerned about - this will, assuming it is isn't looking at the owner related fields, avoid it firing twice. If you have logic specific to record ownership you would put it in a plugin that is registered on the Assign event.
I was not able to find official documentation about this, but I think Assign message is what you are looking for (if the entity is user-owned. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg328576.aspx. I would strongly recommend that you specify Filtering Attributes if you are registering a plugin on Update message. You could also debug your plugin and inspect MessageName property of plugin context and see what message gets triggered. I hope this helps.

AutoUnlock a Windows User Session

Recently, I have been working on a CredentialProvider in order to unlock automatically (the trigger can be any event, so let’s say the end of a timer) a Windows Vista (or more recent version) user session.
For that I read some useful articles on the subject, the change between GINA and this new architecture. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163489.aspx.
I think, like everyone in the process of creating a custom CredentialProvider, I didn’t start from scratch but from the sample code provided by Microsoft. And then I tried to change the behaviour (things like logging) in the different functions.
So in the end I can use the custom CredentialProvider, enter the SetUsageScenario methods but still I cannot reach the Set or GetSerialization method. From what I’ve understood in the technical documentation on CredentialProvider (still provided by Microsoft) theses two methods should be called automatically. Is there something I missed ?
Also, my original idea was to get an authentication package using Kerberos in order to perform an implicit user authentication. I got this idea by seeking information on other SO or MSDN threads like
Is this approach the good one ?
Thank you very much for your time answering my questions. Any clarifications are welcomed, even if they don’t directly resolve my problems :-)
First of all - you need to set autologon flag to true in your implementation of the ICredentialProviderCredential::SetSelected(BOOL *pbAutoLogon) and ICredentialProvider::GetCredentialCount methods.
Next, you need to call ICredentialProviderEvents::CredentialsChanged when your timer is hit.
LogonUI will recreate your credentials, and because autologon is set to true it will call your GetSerialization() method.
SetSerialization and GetSerialization functions are called from your provider by LogonUI. After user enters username/password and presses ENTER button, LogonUI calls GetSerialization function and provides a pointer, as one of the four parameters, that will point in future to CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_SERIALIZATION structure created and filled by you, and then this structure will be sent from LogonUI to Winlogon to perform authentication. I don't know how to make LogonUI to call GetSerialization from your credential provider code and as far as I know you can't call GetSerialization by your own because where will you pass your filled CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_SERIALIZATION structure if no one requested it, but only LogonUI can path it to Winlogon?
There is a document called "Credential Provider Technical Reference", there you can read some details about credential providers. In the Shell samples folder there is a strange folder called "Autologon", maybe it will help you! Good Luck!
