No more recaptcha global key option? - recaptcha

I am curious if there's still possibility to create global keys for reCaptcha.
Documentation points it is possible, but I can find no way - no such option is there whenever I add a site.

Google made reCaptcha Global URL possible again in 2016 for the I'm not a Robot checkbox:
Now to get the keys to work on every URL you have to go to: "Advanced Settings" for your key, and untick the "Domain Name Validation" box:
This is a security hole, so you are required to check the hostname field in your JSON response and reject any solutions that are coming from unexpected sources:

This option has dissapeared. In fact, google is deleting that info from documentation step by step. There is an issue
Maybe we can ask to reopen that option, or at least, to obtain some info why this option its gone

Well the Secure Token would be the way to do this:
"A reCAPTCHA key is normally tied to a set of individual domains. However, you might have a large number of hosted domains and would like to have one key working on all of them - the solution is the secure token."
A similar question (How can I use reCAPTCHA v2 on a large number of domains?) has a PHP sample and a Java sample is in GitHub


GCloud API Key - "API restriction" tab disappeared

I'm having some trouble with the GCP console, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
A couple of days ago I generated some API Keys and was able to restrict their validity scope by target API. The form looked like this, and I was able to restrict keys to apply on my GAE private APIs only:
whereas today the righthand side tab has disappeared on me and I can only apply "Application restrictions" (IP range, referrer, etc..) and I can see merely the following menu.
I was and still am the owner of the project, and I'm not aware of any change in roles/project config/etc.. (although I can't 100% rule them out)
There is next to zero documentation about the mysterious "API restrictions" tab. Hope someone can help.
Many thanks in advance
This feature has been removed temporarly because was causing issues with the Google Maps API.
API already created making use of these restriction will not work and the workaround is to remove them and recreate them with no restriction.
Please star the bug to add your vote and subscribe to notifications from Google. Hopefully they will fix the issue soon.

SonarQube API: Retrieving a list of users assigned to a project permission?

I'm trying to find a list of users for a specific project (by projectKey) who possess the issueadmin permission. I've found a documented API that gets me pretty close:
but the response that I get back only has summary information: counts of groups/users for each permission type.
search_project_permissions response
Does anybody know if there's a way to get to the login details for the users?
There is an "internal" web service (meaning it could change without notice!) that does this. You'll use it like so:[project guid]&permission=issueadmin
In Web API interface use the "Show Internal API" checkbox at the top of the left column to see it.
just noticed in Sonarqube v6.7 it works as follows:<KEY><KEY>&permission=issueadmin<KEY>&permission=issueadmin&permission=scan
All possible permissions are (reg. Browse, See Source Code, Administer Issues, Administer and Execute Analysis):

Error accessing Birthday variable using Watir during gmail sign-up

I am trying to create the gmail account through watir. As part of it while I am trying to select the birthday using div element I am unable to do.
I tried with the below one:
My system configurations:
I've always disliked seeing the answers on here that say 'Why are you doing this?" or "Why would you want to do this?". So I'll just say "Don't do this!". I'm sure whatever issue you are facing can be resolved without automating the creation of gmail account.
If all you need is a unique gmail address then see the link below:
Another option is
As #titusfortner indicates, that element cannot be selected/clicked because it is not visible. Using watir-webdriver, this snippet makes the dropdown menu visible so its options can be selected:
b.div(title: "Birthday")
b.div(text: "May")
That being said, there are two other (read: larger) issues:
You won't be able to script your way past the captcha.
Google doesn't want you doing this. That's why the captcha is there, and they'll eventually block your IP if you consistently automate/script against them.
You can't click on the text of something that is not visible on the page. You first need to open the drop-down:
browser.span(id: 'BirthMonth').click
browser.div(text: 'May').click
b.element(:css, '#BirthMonth > div').click
b.element(:text, 'May').click
It works with Chrome and with Firefox also but not perfect

How to use NokiaMap for WP7

I'm trying to use a NokiaMaps for windows phone 7 and I've tried follow from this sites:
But "MapTileLayer" as Hybrid,Physical,Street,Satellite... does not work !
I think this problem is UriFomat but i can't solve.
Can you please tell me the reason ?
For using the Bing Map control successfully you need to obtain a Bing Map Token (NokiaMapTile.cs, topic 4). You can obtain it here:
Beware that when requesting the token you need to specify the same app name as the test one (in this case NokiaMaps).
And be sure to update the .cs and .xaml files with your newly created token data.

Google static map API getting 403 forbidden when loading from img tag

What I have is a Google map that shows the location of a property but when I come to print the dynamic maps dont print so good so I decided to implement the Google Static Map image API.
^^ is an example of a property in print view and should show a static map image but it fails to load and looking at my inspector I'm getting a 403 Forbiden response for the image.
But if I go to the URL directly the image loads...
What am I doing wrong?
This has gotten quite a lot of views, so I'm adding my solution to the problem here:
When using the new API, make sure you generate a Key for browser apps (with referers) and also make sure the patterns match your URL.
E.g. when requesting from your pattern should be*
When you're requesting from
So make sure you check whether a subdomain is present and allow both patterns in the developer console.
Visit the Developer Console.
Under API Keys, click the pencil icon to edit.
Under "Key restrictions", ensure that you have an entry for*, **, and any local testing domains you might want.
There seems to be some confusion here, and since this thread is highly ranked on Google, it seems relevant to clarify.
Google has a couple of different API's to use for their maps service:
Javascript API
The old version of this API was version 2, which required a key. This version is deprecated, and it is recommended to upgrade to the newer version 3. Note that the documentation still states that you need a key for this to function, except if you're using "Google Maps API for Business".
Static Maps API
This is a whole different story. Static maps is a service that does not require any javascript. You simply call an url, and Google will return a maps image, making it possible to insert the URL directly into your <img> tag.
The newest version is version 2, and this requires a key to function because a usage limit is applied.
A key can be requested here:
And the key should be added to the request for the correct image to be generated:,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&key=API_console_key
I hope this clears up some confusion.
I had this same problem but my solution was different. I had the V2 maps api enabled, but not the static maps api (I thought this was V2). I enabled the static maps api and it worked.
Oops I feel like such an idiot. I was using the old V2 maps API URL and not the new V3 API URL. I was getting a 403 because I was using the V2 URL without providing an API key :(
Be hundred percent sure of these points: (for static maps)
Enable your project at this url :
You have your localhost, staging and production - all urls with wildcards enabled in the referrer section.
Google has changed its policy and you now need an api key to display maps. refer this for more : Google Maps API without key?
Hope it helps.
Staticmaps V3 doesn't need the "Key" attribute and removing it seems to solve the <img> source problem.
Try with an URL like this:,0.0000&zoom=13&size=200x200&maptype=roadmap&markers=0.0000,0.0000&sensor=false
For more information read this.
Yeah, Google Maps API version 3 were java-script version; "Google Static Maps" latest were 2.0. I suspect there might be some restriction on use.
I could also not display static maps and could see 403 error in the browser's network console.
http response headers:
I had an API key with a lot of Google Maps APIs enabled but the Google Static Maps API was missing, enabling it solved the issue.
now you should use 'signature' parameter, which you should add to request - otherwise static maps won't work.
here is few useful links
1) how to generate signature
2) how to make signature on BE side (code snippet)
I am using Wordpress 4.9.4 with ChurchThemes Exodus Theme. I had applied for & generated a New API_KEY.
I confirmed it was being used when calling the map:
Google Map Link
However the Js Console showed the following error:
Google Maps Error in Js Console
As Johnny White mentioned above I had to navigate to the API Library Screen via APIs & Services Menu:
enter image description here
You will be greeted by the API Library screen:
API Library Screen
Click on Maps(17) Lower LHS.
Search for & click Google Static Maps API - Enable it if needed:
Google Static Maps API
You may also need to enable Google Maps Javascript API (same process as for Static Maps:
Google Maps Javascript API
Once that is done your maps should start appearing on your site or app.
If they don't appear on refresh you may need to:
clear your cache (Wordpress or Drupal webistes),
wait the 5 min recommended for the API to Register the enabled API's
Try enabling billing on this Google Cloud Project/Firebase Project.
I was experiencing this same issue and just received the 403 error in the console.
Copying and pasting the Static Maps URL in to the URL bar and loading it showed the following error message:
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at Learn more at
Hope this helps!
