Mac Install QT SDK Globally - macos

I am very new (2 days old) in Mac. I have downloaded QT 5.9 SDK dmg for Mac from QT website. Now when I try to install, it installs everything on my home directory. I want QT SDK to be globally available for all users in my Mac. Also I should be able to compile QT projects from command line from all users. I want QT SDK to be installed in somewhere like /usr/local or /opt/ like it works in Linux. Should I through away the 3.74 GB Qt 5.9 installer and try using brew ? or there is some other way out.


QT-creator on mac, no examples

TLDR: Running qt creator 4.9.2 on macOS mojave 10.14. Installed it using brew cask install qt-creator no examples are shown, and the drop down menu in welcome mode > examples is empty even after configuring a valid qmake version in preferences > kit > qt version
Long version
So i installed QT creator using the command brew cast install qt-creator and it all worked fine.
After running Qt Creator it could not find any default qmake all the documentation states that it should be in tools > options > kit until i finally found that on mac it is actually located in preferences > kit > qt version and that the FileOpenDialog does not show hidden files and you need to press option + shift + G and then search for the folder where qmake is installed.
None of this is in any official qt documentation btw.
So finally, got started tried out building the notepad app, everything worked fine.
Now i wanted to try out some of the examples, entered Welcome Mode > Examples and everything is empty. There is nothing in the fold out meny. No QT version, no examples.
found this link Qt_Examples_in_Qt_Creator that states that there should be a $QTCREATORDIR/share/qtcreator/welcomescreen/qtcreator_tutorials.xml file, this i cannot find on mac.
Is there any up to date documentation about setting/troubleshooting up QT creator on mac?
is installing qt using brew valid?
any docs on troubleshooting qt-creater installations on mac?
how do i get the examples working on mac?

Qt libraries on Mac

I'm developing a c++ program that uses the qt libraries, specifically the QtCore library. In the makefile I need to refer to the location of the directory that contains the libraries that I use. (I do not use QtCreator). I'm running on OSX 10.10.15.
I installed qt thru brew install qt5, all files are in /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.5.0/ but I cannot find neither libQtCore.a nor libQtCore.dyn
I also installed Qt thru the installer on the website but still couldn't find the libraries.
On OS X Qt installed as set of frameworks by default.

How to download Qt4.8 on a Mac

I'm new to Qt and was trying to download Qt version 4.8 from their website. I downloaded the Qt libraries 4.8.5 for Mac (185 MB) and debug libraries (480 MB). After installing both of them I found that Qt Creator was not bundled with the installation.
I downloaded the Qt Creator 3.0.1 for Mac (62 MB) in the same downloads page. If I open Qt Creator now, I am not able to create a New Project and it says "No Kits found".
Its been really frustrating. I would appreciate if anyone could elaborate on how to link all the installations together and start-up a new project in Qt 4.8.
I am trying to use VTK 6 library and it seems that Qt 5 does not support VTK 6. Hence I had to go for Qt4.8. This is the screen I'm getting when I try to add the Qt version.
Why am I not able to select qmake executable in the above image. I'm trying to select the qmake from /usr/bin/
You can add kits in the options, follow the instruction here:
It seems to be a known bug on OS X, see: for some workarounds.

Remove Qt libraries on Mac

I want to remove the installed Qt 4.8 libraries and install Qt 4.6 libraries on my mac.
But when I try to install them I get:
"Qt libraries cannot be installed on this disk. A newer version of
this software already exists on this disk"
I removed the /usr/local/Qt4.8.x folder from the disk but the message is still here.
How can I remove the old libraries?
You shouldn't manually delete a folder unless there is no other option. You should try running the uninstall script first:
sudo python /Developer/Tools/
The path to this script will be different if you are running the latest Xcode app bundle and not the default Snow Leopard/Lion Xcode.
I installed qt via homebrew. To remove I simply wrote the following in the terminal: brew uninstall qt#4

How do I install MonoDevelop on my Mac?

I just downloaded MonoDevelop for my Mac, but I cannot figure out how to install it.
Does anyone know exactly what to type in the terminal to get it to install?
The recently updated Mono 1.2.6 package for MacOS X contains Imendio's Native Gtk+ for OSX, Gtk# and MonoDevelop 0.18.1 with Mac support. It is now available from Mono's downloads page.
It appears that you have to run all three of these installs to get it to work:
Mono 2.2_5 Framework - Universal
MonoDevelop 2.0 Alpha 2
Cocoa# 0.9.4 source
this link might be helpful for new comers.
follow the link below if you are interested in Building Monodevelop in os X:
Building mono develop
Xamarin Studio may be installed using Homebrew.
For Mac and Windows, you can download Xamarin Studio which is a bundle of MonoDevelop along with Xamarin iOS/Android plugins and branding.
– Download | MonoDevelop.
There is a Homebrew Cask for Xamarin Studio.
The installation can be done as follows:
$ brew install Caskroom/cask/xamarin-studio
This question might be useful: How to use Homebrew's version of Mono with Xamarin - Stack Overflow.
