How do I install MonoDevelop on my Mac? - macos

I just downloaded MonoDevelop for my Mac, but I cannot figure out how to install it.
Does anyone know exactly what to type in the terminal to get it to install?

The recently updated Mono 1.2.6 package for MacOS X contains Imendio's Native Gtk+ for OSX, Gtk# and MonoDevelop 0.18.1 with Mac support. It is now available from Mono's downloads page.
It appears that you have to run all three of these installs to get it to work:
Mono 2.2_5 Framework - Universal
MonoDevelop 2.0 Alpha 2
Cocoa# 0.9.4 source

this link might be helpful for new comers.
follow the link below if you are interested in Building Monodevelop in os X:
Building mono develop

Xamarin Studio may be installed using Homebrew.
For Mac and Windows, you can download Xamarin Studio which is a bundle of MonoDevelop along with Xamarin iOS/Android plugins and branding.
– Download | MonoDevelop.
There is a Homebrew Cask for Xamarin Studio.
The installation can be done as follows:
$ brew install Caskroom/cask/xamarin-studio
This question might be useful: How to use Homebrew's version of Mono with Xamarin - Stack Overflow.


How to install a library with homebrew to use older Xcode SDK on OSX

I use Xcode 7.2 on OS X 10.11.
However, I must build using older Xcode SDK (10.8) to support older platform.
I have a problem when I link to libpng installed using homebrew.
A bunch of warnings like following pop up:
Object file
(/usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.21/lib/libpng.16.a(pngwutil.o)) was
built for newer OSX version (10.11) than being linked (10.8)
The problem would be obviously solved if I could force homebrew to compile recipe using older Xcode SDK (10.8) but haven't find a way to accomplish this.
Any suggestion is welcome.

Attempt to install Qt on OS X gives 'You need to install Xcode 5.0.0', but this version is so old it's not available

I am a Windows/Linux developer who occasionally builds for OS X - particularly in Qt.
I have a simple Qt project that I have been developing on Windows. I now wish to build it on OS X.
I am running Yosemite. I have installed Xcode 7 and am attempting to install Qt 5.5.
When I run the Qt installer, immediately after the prompt to log in to Qt (which is successful), I receive the following error:
You need to install Xcode version 5.0.0.
I have attempted to locate Xcode 5.0.0 on the Apple Developer site, but this is 2 major versions behind the most recent version, and I cannot even find an installer for it.
More to the point, I do wonder why the most recent version of Qt requires a version of Xcode that is considered so old by Apple that it's not even available.
How do I overcome this problem so that I can get Qt installed on OS X?
I ran into the same problem and solved it by following the instructions here. This link describes a similar, but slightly different installer issue.
To summarize, you need to ensure that the Xcode command line tools are installed and set up correctly. I already had them installed, but had to go into Preferences -> Locations in Xcode and set the dropdown to the currently installed version.
The link shows an earlier version of Xcode where the path is actually Preferences -> Downloads -> Components.
Once I'd made this change, the installer continued successfully.
The solution that worked for me (on OSX Sierra XCode 8.2.1) is to open XCode Preferences -> Locations.
There is a drop-down menu named Command Line Tools. Select the available XCode version here. Then restart the Qt Creator installation.
taken from the link above, this resolved my issue:
sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/
For me closing the prompt and smashing keys (alt F4, I know that its not windows) before the next prompt opened worked... qt is running fine now, as it doesn't need the old version.
you can find the old version of XCode on the the Apple offical site here and download .dmg of xcode 5 or 6.1 for example :
I do this and it's ok for me.

How do I build the Mono MDK on mac OS X?

I'm using Xamarin studio to write some C# code on OS X, but I upgraded my computer to OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) developer preview 3, which breaks mono
As per some of the instructions in those threads, I've compiled mono from source, and it appears to work (I can run mono on the command line, etc), however Xamarin studio does not launch because I don't have Mono.framework in my /Library/Frameworks path. I foolishly uninstalled and tried (and failed) when I first discovered Xamarin not working.
I've looked all over, and I've found plenty of instructions for how to compile Mono itself (done) but nothing which tells me how to build and install Mono.framework
I've also tried installing the Mono MDK from the package, then overwriting it's binaries with my custom built ones, but when I do this Xamarin studio fails to launch telling me I don't have the Mono MDK installed.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks
Unfortunately it doesn't appear there is a repo available to build/compile the framework from source. The current Mono MDK package located here only contains the Mono.framework along with the supporting install/uninstall scripts, etc.; current version:
The Mono.framework should install to /Library/Frameworks.
If that is indeed the one you've downloaded and installed I would then verify that it has copied the Mono.framework bundle (571.6 MB) into the frameworks directory, open up then launch Xamarin. If Xamarin doesn't launch again then I would recommend posting the error message here and proceed from there.
Another option is extract the Mono.framework out of the .pkg and manually install it.
You might already have found a solution, but in case somebody else finds this thread; Mono has made a preview version that supports El Capitan:

Installing Ruboto on Mac using Homebrew-ed Sdk

I am trying to install the ruboto gem on my MBP retina. I have previously installed the SDK and NDK on my computer using Homebrew as the install service and have them pathed as such. However, here is my problem.
When trying to use 'ruboto setup', the system keeps informing me that is cannot find
"Platform SDK android-19". I have added the path to the platform/android-19 folder in the .bash_profile, however it refuses to see it as such. Any hints as to how I might correct this or work around this?
"ruboto setup" expects the platform sdks to be installed in a directory parallel to the "android" command:
You need to ensure that your Android SDK installation follows this structure or file an issue in the Ruboto tracker ( ) and ask for "ruboto setup" to support Android SDK installation using HomeBrew.
An alternative is to uninstall your Android SDK and let "ruboto setup" install it from scratch.

Qt SDK installation fails - Can't start process install_name_tool

I am trying to install the Qt SDK on OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8, with XCode version 3.2.6. During the install I get the following error:
Error during installation process
( Can't start process
What do I do to get this to install correctly?
This question seems to be answered here : problem during Qt installation
It would appear that GCC is not included with the xcode app. Free registration as an Apple Developer allows you to download the command line tools as follows:
Xcode->Preference->Downloads and click install button besides "Command line tools".
After installing gcc, reinstall QT, and those messages should no longer appear
