how do I compile cURL with openSSL and nghttp2 on Windows x64? - windows

first question ever on here, so bear with me :) I've been on the web for the past 3 days trying to find a way to get the following result on my windows machine.
example of 'cURL -V' output I need
I've found a lot of stuff for macOS and unix, but only bits and pieces for Windows. I'm running xampp, and ultimately I'm trying to get it to send http/2 requests through cURL/PHP. What I've gathered so far is that I need cURL to be compiled with some libraries, like openssl (at least 1.0.2), libcurl with http/2 enabled, and nghttp2. I feel like I'm very close but I'm just missing some steps.
What I've done so far:
installed things like mingw32, cmake, and Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017
downloaded nghttp2-1.27.0, and used 'cmake' and 'cmake --build' to get the 5 files: nghttp2.dll, .exp, .lik, .lib, and .pdb
downloaded curl-7.56.1.tar.gz (the very first one on
downloaded libssh2-1.8.0
downloaded openssl-1.0.2l
downloaded zlib-1.2.11
followed instructions for Mingw32 on (but it keeps giving me the error 'cannot find openSSL package')
I read somewhere that I need to compile cURL with the '--with-nghttp2 --prefix-[LOCATION OF NGHTTP2 FOLDER HERE]' flag, so I tried something that I thought would work, but I don't think it did: 'cmake --with-nghttp2 --prefix-[LOCATION OF NGHTTP2 FOLDER HERE] . ', then 'cmake install . ' and it looked like it did something, but the cURL.exe that was built inside curl-7.56.1/src/ did not have anything else but libcurl.
Any suggestions or pointers will be greatly appreciated! Thank you guys :)

Ok, I was finally able to build Curl on Windows with http/2 support.
This is what worked for me, step by step:
Downloaded "Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017" to be able to build from the command line (provides nmake and required Windows SDK libraries and header filtes)
downloaded the latest version of curl, like stated above (curl-7.56.1.tar.gz, aka for me the very first one on
extracted it inside c:/curl, so I ended up with c:/curl/curl-7.56.1
read instructions BUILD.WINDOWS.txt inside c:/curl/curl-7.56.1/winbuild and proceeded to to download the 4 libraries that I needed. I just grabbed the VC15/x86 versions.
created a new folder named "deps" inside c:/curl/curl-7.56.1
created the following 3 folders inside c:/curl/curl-7.56.1/deps: bin, lib, and include
extracted each library I just downloaded in the corresponding 3 folders
opened Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017
cd c:/curl/curl-7.56.1/winbuild
nmake -f mode=dll WITH_DEVEL=c:/curl/curl-7.56.1/deps WITH_SSL=dll WITH_NGHTTP2=dll WITH_ZLIB=static WITH_SSH2=dll
this builds a CURL executable inside one of the subfolders in c:\curl\curl-7.56.1\builds
when I first tried running CURL, it showed an error saying missing libssl-1_1.dll and libcrypto-1_1.dll, so I had to copy them from c:\curl\curl-7.56.1\deps\bin to the same directory where the newly built curl.exe is
Note: since zlib didn't come with a bin folder containing any .dll's, I understand why I had to mark zlib as static with the WITH_ZLIB=static flag. What I don't get is why I had to manually move the openssl .dll's in the new directory. Any thoughts?
PS: thank you Daniel for pointing me in the right direction. I didn't even notice the /winbuild directory.
PPS: As you can probably tell, I had no idea what I've been doing 90% of the time. Probably why it took me 5 days to figure it out ;)


How To Install and Use git-sizer for Windows (Github, VS Code)

I have a really large project I want to upload. I am the author of below question.
Git Push remote: fatal: pack exceeds maximum allowed size
So following this person's guidance, I want to install git-sizer on my repository and use it.
Here are the steps I took so far:
Installed golang on Windows using the installer
Followed instructions on github page and put in windows cmd:
go get
This downloaded a bin folder and pkg folder to my directory. In the bin folder I see git-sizer.exe
Now the instructions on Github say "Either add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH, or copy the executable file (git-sizer or git-sizer.exe) to a directory that is already in your PATH."
I apologize, but what does this mean??? I want to use git-sizer on Visual Studio Code. I tried google searching and also searching on YouTube how to use this. I have git-bash installed on Visual Studio Code.
I'm utterly confused and feel helpless. My English is fine, but I don't understand these instructions. Maybe it's because I don't know Go or because I'm weak in this area.
Could someone please tell me what to do in order to use this tool on Windows + VS Code with git bash installed? In a simple manner that I can follow?
You should not need to use Go in order to benefit from git-sizer
As stated in "Getting Started"
Go to the releases page and download the ZIP file corresponding to your platform. (for example:
Unzip the file.
Move the executable file (git-sizer or git-sizer.exe) into your PATH.
That way, no need to build from source. You can start using it right away.

mingw-w64 installer "the file has been downloaded incorrectly"

I am trying to install mingw-w64 onto Windows. However I receive an error, "the file has been downloaded incorrectly". Redownloading the setup file again from sourceforge does not fix the problem. Is there an alternative way to install it or am I doing something wrong?
Old post but same problem, the installer doesn't seem to work.
I give the solution which works for me
You can directly download the archive of MinGW64 with your chosen configuration :
Once the compressed file downloaded, you have just to extract and copy/paste the MinGW64 folder( with the pre-compiled librairies) to your chosen folder ( in my case : C:\mingw64)
I got same error and solved it, after struggling a few hours. You should download MinGW64 via
After downloading, You should unzip mingw64 file to a folder(in my case I unzipped it to c disk; C:\mingw64)
And then you have to set up path. for that follow below steps;
open settings.
Search for Edit environment variables for your
choose path variable and then select edit.
Select New and add the Mingw-w64 folder path(bin folder). In my case, I added (C:\mingw64\bin).
Select OK to save the updated path.
And reopen your cmd, then check if everything is good by typing; gcc --version
Long story short, the official installer is broken and not been fixed for years, so we have to install it manually.
The official download link above would bring you to sourceforge: targetting Win32/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/installer/mingw-w64-install.exe
And in the same folder that contains the installer, there's a repository.txt. (about this file)
Take a look at it, the installer basically just download and unzip the build from one of these urls within repository.txt. Choose the url you want and download/upzip it manually. (In my case, I use 8.1.0|x86_64|posix|seh|rev0 setup)
Last, setup the Path environment variable pointing to your unzipped bin folder, let say C:\mingw64\bin, and this should do the trick.
Finally, I solved this problem by downloading this:
GCC 10.1.0 + LLVM/Clang/LLD/LLDB 10.0.0 + MinGW-w64 7.0.0 - release 3 (LATEST)
Win32: 7-Zip archive* | Zip archive
Win64: 7-Zip archive* | Zip archive
and set the %path%
After that, I still can't execute gcc correctly, but then I solved the problem by adding this environment variable:
I encountered the problem when using this golang package:
I received the same error. When I re-ran the installer as an adminstrator it was installed successfully.
I also made sure not to add any spaces to the installation path.
Following this tutorial helped me manually install MinGW for windows : youtube
So the problem for me was that when I tried to use the .exe installer, it either showed me that,
"the file has been downloaded incorrectly" , or , the /.../bin folder did not have any files in it.
In the link above, the MinGW files (including the /bin files) were manually downloaded and identified properly by the Environment Variables.
The problem is with your internet connection and/or ISP. I'm not great at networking so I'll let others be more specific. I tried installing/downloading it using my mobile's data as wifi hotspot and it worked. Hope it helps

Building OpenJDK8 on Windows x64

so I am trying to compile openjdk8 from sources, but I am stuck at missing files problem in the end of compilation process...
Here is the software that I use:
Windows 7 SP1 x64
Windows SDK for Windows 7.1
Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition
GNU make 3.82 (compiled by myself)
Freetype 2.3 (compiled by myself)
Oracle JDK 1.7 update 71
Direct X 9.0 (August 2009)
Here are the manuals which I was reading from:
Official README
Royvanrijn's build guide
Some other build guide
Build guide using MSYS
With all these guides I am able to let it compile, however during the Building Images - step , I get an error that some files are missing ( and they are indeed missing ) , which makes me think that something has gone wrong during the build...
There are several points where I afraid I might be doing something wrong...
Right now I use cygwin version 2.8. The openjdk configure script requires cygwin version >1.7 but fails to recognize that 2.8 is greater than 1.7 and throws me an error, so i've tweaked the script (made build work like 2 months ago)...
My configure command looks as follows:
./configure --disable-ccache --with-freetype=/cygdrive/c/freetype
Maybe I need more arguments here to make it work ( note that i've copied self compiled make executable to cygwin bin folder, so that i dont need to provide its location )
Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express
I would rather try Professional Trial version, but it cannot be found anywhere anymore... (except torrents...) I have a strong feeling that Express version is not suitable for openjdk build. I also get that error with missing ammintrin.h file, but it is easily resolved by creating the empty header file in the include folder of Visual Studio installation.
My basic procedure of building is:
Install all the software above
hg clone
./configure --disable-ccache --with-freetype=/cygdrive/c/freetype`
make clean images
However, here how it ends :
Does anyone have any clue of how to solve this?
I found the proper fix: using the Cygwin installer, downgrade Grep to 2.27, which properly ignores CRLF line endings.
Run the Cygwin setup (e.g. setup-x86_64.exe)
Advance through the setup wizard until you get to the package selection
Choose "Full" from the View drop-down menu
Type "grep" into the search field
Click the icon in the New column until it shows a 2.x version (2.27 as of this writing)
Click Next and then Finish.
I found myself in the same position as you, except in my case I need OpenJDK build to be repeatable, so "run make repeatedly until it finishes" wasn't an acceptable solution.
Through some experimenting, I found the root cause:
grep was failing because the file being processed had Windows line endings (CRLF)
The Windows line endings were due to the fact that the file is generated by a Java app (fixpaths) which emits platform-native line endings
Identifying fixpaths led me to an old OpenJDK e-mail thread, which reported that some users were having the same problem and fixed it by downgrading.
This gave me the idea to try downgrading grep. I did so, and it worked.
So, after couple of days at this task my only approach was to ignore the errors with the missing files and continue extracting files... This resulted in still working jdk image, which i currently use. My guess is that the errors come frome Oracle boot jdk. Since i am compiling an openjdk, it cannot find oracleJDK files in its headers and thus produces errors.
So, if anyone also gets same errors a me, try to ignore the missing files error and continue the images build.

freeswitch noob cant build solution

im just starting out with FreeSwitch, i downloaded via git, and am trying to build in VS
all i need i believe are the dlls of mod_managed, as my goal is to manage FS via .net
but i get 248 errors, most look something like this:
Error 5 error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\jpeg-8d\jaricom.c': No such file or directory D:\FreeSwitch\freeswitch\libs\win32\libjpeg\c1 libjpeg
btw, i searched windows and cannot find any such file anywhere on my pc.
I tried
cleaning the solution first, but it did not help
moving the file to a path without spaces
downloading with autocrlf=false
building on another machine
but none of these steps helped
anybody have any idea?
if i can just download the dlls i need, i wouldnt mind skipping this step altogether
win 8 64bit
visual studio 2012
thanks a million
The libjpeg sources are not in the git sources but are normally downloaded during the build process. If you build the entire solution that should not be a problem since it has the project dependencies set: libjpeg.2012 depends on Download libjpg.2012, which means the latter gets built before the first. All Download libjpg.2012 is run a cscript which downloads libjpeg from (see inside the project file).
So if you do not have the sources, either you are building incorrectly (not in VS for instance, or with a broken solution file) or the download script is broken. In that case, you should inspect the output: I assume it shows errors when it can not download the libs.

Building libcurl with SSL support on Windows

I'm using libcurl in a Win32 C++ application.
I have the curllib.vcproj project added to my solution and set my other projects to depend on it.
How do I build it with SSL support enabled?
Well, since this post failed badly, I had to dig into the matter myself.
Also check out the other answers and comments for additional info regarding other versions etc.
EDIT: Since I posted this Q there seems to be ready-built binaries made available from the curl homepage. Check out James' answer.
So here goes:
The following two symbols need to be fed to the preprocessor to enable SSL for libcurl:
(libcurl uses OpenSSL for SSL support)
Alternatively the symbols can be added directly to a file called setup.h in libcurl, but I'm not too happy about modifying code in 3rd party distributions unless I really have to.
Rebuilding the libcurl library, I now got some errors about OpenSSL include files not being found. Naturally, since I haven't set up the OpenSSL distribution properly yet.
Compiling OpenSSL binaries
I downloaded the OpenSSL 0.9.8 source distribution and unpacked it.
In the root of the source distribution there's a file called INSTALL.W32 which describes how to compile the OpenSSL binaries. The build chain requires perl, so I installed the latest version of ActivePerl.
I had some trouble with the build, which might not be applicable to all systems, but I'll go through it here in case somebody experiences the same.
According to INSTALL.W32:
Run the following commandline tasks with current directory set to the source distribution root:
1> perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=c:/some/openssl/dir
(Where "c:/some/openssl/dir" should be replaced by the dir where OpenSSL should be installed. Don't use spaces in this path. The compilation further ahead will fail in that case)
2> ms\do_ms
For me this step was unsuccessful at first, since I lacked the environment variables OSVERSION and TARGETCPU. I set these to 5.1.2600 and x86 respectively. You may get complaint about OSVERSION being "insane", but look closer, this error is for WinCE and doesn't affect the Win32 setup. To get hold of your OS version, run the 'ver' command from a command prompt or run winver.exe.
3> nmake -f ms\nt.mak (for static library)
3> nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak (for DLL)
The source now compiles. Took approx 5 minutes on my laptop.
When compilation is completed, the libs or binaries have been placed in:
distroot/out32 - for static library build
distroot/out32dll - for DLL build
Building and linking
Now, back to visual studio and point out the libs and include path for headers. The include files are located in distroot/inc32/openssl.
Remember to add libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib as linker input.
Rebuild the libcurl project.
Well at least for me with this version of OpenSSL.
it complained about a struct typedef in one of the OpenSSL headers. I couldn't find any info on this. After an hour of googling I broke my own principle and commented out the typedef from the OpenSSL header, and luckily libcurl wasn't using that symbol so it built fine.
Update: As pointed out by Jason, this issue seems to have dissapeared as of version 1.0.0a.
Now, for confirming that SSL support is enabled for libcurl, run the following code:
curl_version_info_data * vinfo = curl_version_info( CURLVERSION_NOW );
if( vinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL )
// SSL support enabled
// No SSL
Simple as that.
Maybe this isn't the answer anyone is looking for, but I simply just downloaded the precompiled DLLs from this link found at
I ran the test that sharkin provided, and if( vinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL ) proved to be true.
Following Robert Oschler's advice, here is my comment on the question as answer :
You can build recent libcurl (2012) with native SSL support for windows using the preprocessor symbols: USE_WINDOWS_SSPI and USE_SCHANNEL instead of the OpenSSL ones.
When compiling OpenSSL 1.0.0 on Windows with Visual Studio 2010, it eventually threw a 0x2 error:
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0
\VC\BIN\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'
It seems that this error will be thrown because of a flag in the perl Configure file, namely -WX.
As the MSDN documentation states:
Treats all compiler warnings as errors. For a new project, it may be best to use /WX in all compilations; resolving all warnings will ensure the fewest possible hard-to-find code defects.
After removing the -WX occurrences in the Configure file and re-entering the commands stated here it built fine and passed all tests.
In my case follow the curl README file was enough.
My configuration is the following:
Visual Studio 2015 (VC14)
Static library
curl version 7.57.0
OpenSSL 1.0.2
Compilation of libCurl
Download libcurl source there:
Uncompress the file and go to the folder curl-7.57.0\projects
Open the README file and follow the instructions, this lead me to do the following:
Downloaded OpenSSL
Extract it and rename it to openssl, put it aside the curl folder, this is important as you'll open the VS project that expect to find openssl there.
Install Perl
Execute the utility build-openssl.bat to perform the compilation of openSSL. With my settings this became the following:
.\build-openssl.bat vc14 x64 release ..\..\openssl\
just runs .\build-openssl.bat -help to know more about the parameters.
After that you can see OpenSSL has been compiled as you got a new folder here: openssl\build\Win64
Open the Visual Studio project curl-7.57.0\projects\Windows\VC14\curl-all.sln
Be sure to set the visual studio project to the build configuration you need (LIB Release - LIB OpenSSL in my case)
Build all
The library is located at curl-7.57.0\build\Win64\VC14\LIB Release - LIB OpenSSL\libcurl.lib
Don't forget to define the CURL_STATICLIB preprocessor in your own project
With static library, you will have to links with the dependencies of libcurl, see this answer
You might not want to depend on LDAP, in that case you can disable it by setting the preprocessor CURL_DISABLE_LDAP before you compile libcurl.
If you build with Visual Studio IDE and get 58 odd warnings as the likes of
"inconsistent dll linkage curl_global_init / curl_msnprintf /..."
you should add CURL_STATICLIB to the preproccessor definitions.
so the entire definition line should look like:
With this all the warning will disappear.
Some would ignore the warnings and go on using the libs, but then will get corresponding *error*s as the likes of curl_global_init / curl_msnprintf. It can be very annoying.
Hope it can help somebody.
\ fatal error C1083: Cannot open include
file: 'stdlib.h': No such file or directory
NMAKE: fatal error U1077::return code
That error can be solved by executing vcvarsall.bat in Visual Studio.
How to build libcurl C/C++ with OpenSSL (SSL support) on Windows
Install libcurl
Install OpenSSl
Build libcurl with OpenSSL
Installing libcurl
Go to the download page of libcurl and donwnload the ZIP file under Source Archives. In my case it is called
Extract the archive and open projects/Windows/VC15/curl_all.sln with Visual Studio.
Installing OpenSSL
Download the windows binary of OpenSSL. In my case, I downloaded the windows installer file Win32 OpenSSL v1.1.0g from the Shining Light Productions distribution.
The installation folder for me is C:\OpenSSL-Win32.
Building libcurl with OpenSSL
In the curl_all.sln Visual Studio solution file, change the build configuration to DLL Debug - DLL OpenSSL.
In the Solution Explorer, right click the project curl and go to Properties.
Under Linker -> General modify Additional Library Directories and add the path to your OpenSSL directory + \lib. In my case, this is C:\OpenSSL-Win32\lib.
Apply and close the properties window.
Right click the project libcurl and do the same as the previous step, add OpenSSL directory + \lib to Additional Library Directories under Linker -> General.
Under C/C++ -> General, add C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include to the Additional Include Directories.
Finally go to Linker -> Input and modify Additional Dependencies. Replace all the lib files to the following:
Apply and close the properties window.
With the DLL Debug - DLL OpenSSL build configuration still selected, go to Build -> Build Solution.
Copy the two dll files libcrypto-1_1.dll and libssl-1_1.dll from the OpenSSL bin directory (C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin) to the just created build directory curl-7.58.0\build\Win32\VC15\DLL Debug - DLL OpenSSL.
Validating Build
Inside the build directory, run curld.exe. If it runs with no errors (missing dll, etc.) then your build was successful.
i did "do_nt.bat" for windows 7 rc7100
don't forget "nmake -f ms\nt.mak install" to copy the headers correctly
thanks this did help a lot
Couple of notes in response to and/or in addition to the above..
First, if you don't want to mess with ActivePerl, Strawberry Perl is terrific and worked perfectly for this.
Second, in lieu of using do_ms.bat, I would recommend preferring do_masm if possible since, according to INSTALL.W32,
This is worth doing because it will
result in faster code: for example it
will typically result in a 2 times
speedup in the RSA routines.
Also, build 0.9.8l (L) of OpenSSL was a nightmare so I eventually gave up and reverted to 0.9.8k which built and linked (statically) with libcurl 1.9 without issue.
