freeswitch noob cant build solution - visual-studio

im just starting out with FreeSwitch, i downloaded via git, and am trying to build in VS
all i need i believe are the dlls of mod_managed, as my goal is to manage FS via .net
but i get 248 errors, most look something like this:
Error 5 error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\jpeg-8d\jaricom.c': No such file or directory D:\FreeSwitch\freeswitch\libs\win32\libjpeg\c1 libjpeg
btw, i searched windows and cannot find any such file anywhere on my pc.
I tried
cleaning the solution first, but it did not help
moving the file to a path without spaces
downloading with autocrlf=false
building on another machine
but none of these steps helped
anybody have any idea?
if i can just download the dlls i need, i wouldnt mind skipping this step altogether
win 8 64bit
visual studio 2012
thanks a million

The libjpeg sources are not in the git sources but are normally downloaded during the build process. If you build the entire solution that should not be a problem since it has the project dependencies set: libjpeg.2012 depends on Download libjpg.2012, which means the latter gets built before the first. All Download libjpg.2012 is run a cscript which downloads libjpeg from (see inside the project file).
So if you do not have the sources, either you are building incorrectly (not in VS for instance, or with a broken solution file) or the download script is broken. In that case, you should inspect the output: I assume it shows errors when it can not download the libs.


how do I compile cURL with openSSL and nghttp2 on Windows x64?

first question ever on here, so bear with me :) I've been on the web for the past 3 days trying to find a way to get the following result on my windows machine.
example of 'cURL -V' output I need
I've found a lot of stuff for macOS and unix, but only bits and pieces for Windows. I'm running xampp, and ultimately I'm trying to get it to send http/2 requests through cURL/PHP. What I've gathered so far is that I need cURL to be compiled with some libraries, like openssl (at least 1.0.2), libcurl with http/2 enabled, and nghttp2. I feel like I'm very close but I'm just missing some steps.
What I've done so far:
installed things like mingw32, cmake, and Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017
downloaded nghttp2-1.27.0, and used 'cmake' and 'cmake --build' to get the 5 files: nghttp2.dll, .exp, .lik, .lib, and .pdb
downloaded curl-7.56.1.tar.gz (the very first one on
downloaded libssh2-1.8.0
downloaded openssl-1.0.2l
downloaded zlib-1.2.11
followed instructions for Mingw32 on (but it keeps giving me the error 'cannot find openSSL package')
I read somewhere that I need to compile cURL with the '--with-nghttp2 --prefix-[LOCATION OF NGHTTP2 FOLDER HERE]' flag, so I tried something that I thought would work, but I don't think it did: 'cmake --with-nghttp2 --prefix-[LOCATION OF NGHTTP2 FOLDER HERE] . ', then 'cmake install . ' and it looked like it did something, but the cURL.exe that was built inside curl-7.56.1/src/ did not have anything else but libcurl.
Any suggestions or pointers will be greatly appreciated! Thank you guys :)
Ok, I was finally able to build Curl on Windows with http/2 support.
This is what worked for me, step by step:
Downloaded "Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017" to be able to build from the command line (provides nmake and required Windows SDK libraries and header filtes)
downloaded the latest version of curl, like stated above (curl-7.56.1.tar.gz, aka for me the very first one on
extracted it inside c:/curl, so I ended up with c:/curl/curl-7.56.1
read instructions BUILD.WINDOWS.txt inside c:/curl/curl-7.56.1/winbuild and proceeded to to download the 4 libraries that I needed. I just grabbed the VC15/x86 versions.
created a new folder named "deps" inside c:/curl/curl-7.56.1
created the following 3 folders inside c:/curl/curl-7.56.1/deps: bin, lib, and include
extracted each library I just downloaded in the corresponding 3 folders
opened Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017
cd c:/curl/curl-7.56.1/winbuild
nmake -f mode=dll WITH_DEVEL=c:/curl/curl-7.56.1/deps WITH_SSL=dll WITH_NGHTTP2=dll WITH_ZLIB=static WITH_SSH2=dll
this builds a CURL executable inside one of the subfolders in c:\curl\curl-7.56.1\builds
when I first tried running CURL, it showed an error saying missing libssl-1_1.dll and libcrypto-1_1.dll, so I had to copy them from c:\curl\curl-7.56.1\deps\bin to the same directory where the newly built curl.exe is
Note: since zlib didn't come with a bin folder containing any .dll's, I understand why I had to mark zlib as static with the WITH_ZLIB=static flag. What I don't get is why I had to manually move the openssl .dll's in the new directory. Any thoughts?
PS: thank you Daniel for pointing me in the right direction. I didn't even notice the /winbuild directory.
PPS: As you can probably tell, I had no idea what I've been doing 90% of the time. Probably why it took me 5 days to figure it out ;)

missing payoffs.hpp and other .hpp from version

When building the Windows C++ version of quantlib 1.9.1, I get this error of missing payoffs.hpp. When I browse to the directories, I see payoffs.cpp, but not payoffs.hpp:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'ql/instruments/payoffs.hpp': No such file or directory FittedBondCurve c:\users\administrator\google drive\quantlib-1.9.1\ql\cashflows\conundrumpricer.hpp 27
I also get this for #include <ql/instruments/swap.hpp> [and possibly others]. I am able to build the windows quantlib library ok. Just not the examples.
I just checked the QuantLib 1.9.1 release available from the project downloads (did you get your version from there?) and the files you're looking for are contained in the release zip and tarball. Also, it's pretty weird that you could compile the library without them, so I'd double check if they're there. If they really aren't—well, hard to know how they got displaced; anyway, you can download the release again and replace them. If that doesn't fix the problem (or if they're already there after all), it's possible that you have to fix the include path for the example you're trying to compile. Does it include the QuantLib directory?

Running or modifying the source code(binaries) that are available under GNU General public license

Dear stackoverflow members,
I have a question that might sound silly to most of the members here, but it is bothering me for quite a while now and couldn't find any appropriate answer for it, yet.
My question is, how can we run a source code or binary of a open source project which is distributed under GNU license.
When I download the project, all I get is a .tar file, when unzipped, I get a folder containing many sub-folders, like src, build and etc. This folder looks similar to the project folder created by an IDE like netbeans. But how can I compile and modify these source file?
Is there an application that does it? or do i have to switch to linux to do it?
I am currently using a copy of windows 7 and also have a copy of windows xp at disposal.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.
Under GNU and GNU/Linux distros the packages are installed by the package manager (e.g. no need to build or download anything). Some programmers distribuite (along with the source code) binary versions of the program (which you run by clicking on them, or by invoking them from the command line). You can compile source code on Windows thanks to MinGW. For the istructions to run read the `README' file that you find in the unpacked dir. Most programs can be build with:
./configure; make; make install
If you post the link to the project I could help you with the building process.

How to build wxWidgets 2.9.1 with Visual Studio 2010?

I have a freshly downloaded Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express and wxWidgets 2.9.1. The build folder under wx\build\msw has solution files for VC++ versions 6 through 9 (2008).
I tried to open the latest solution, wx_vc9.sln. It converted all the projects with a bunch of warnings. When I try to build every project gets the error:
C:\Program Files
error MSB6001: Invalid command line
switch for "cmd.exe". The path is not
of a legal form.
Trying to open the previous version of the solution, wx_vc8.sln, generates the same conversion warnings and the same build errors.
I Googled for some hints and found a suggestion to start with the .dsw file. I opened wx.dsw and it generated an error for each of the project files:
: error : Project upgrade failed.
Finally in desperation I tried nmake /f and was greeted with yet another error:
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' :
return code '0xc0000135'
Anybody have any hints? Thanks.
There are two ways of solving this, firstly if you update to a more recent version of the wxWidgets SVN trunk this is fixed (and so it will be fixed in 2.9.2 when it is released). If you don't want to work from trunk of wait for 2.9.2 then if you do a find and replace over all .vcxproj files and replace
>$(INTDIR) $(OUTDIR);%(AdditionalInputs)
it should then compile fine.
For future reference, trust me people, avoid all nonsense and start up your Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt and navigate to [wxwidgets directory]\build\msw
Then compile using the makefile with the following command :
Of course change the options as needed.
You will be saving a lot of trouble this way, this is the way I did.
The Key to Compilation using Visual C++ 2010 Express and wxWidgets 2.9.3 is to keep Pressing F7 Again-and-Again-and-again.... till you you get '0 Failed' Message below. Because many Projects have dependencies which are not satisfied immediately, so it is necessary to keep compiling with 'F7' till all are satisfied.
Download wxWidgets. I downloaded the .7-Zip File (only 12 MB ! ), and installed it at C:\wxWidgets The Structure should be like so that you see the following Folders like C:\wxWidgets\lib and C:\wxWidgets\build etc etc...
Basically the process should be to go to C:\wxWidgets\build\msw , and open wx_vc9 Solution File for VC-2008, and convert it to VC-2010 when asked. Then Choose 'DLL-Release Win32' on Top, and Press F7. Wait for Compilation to take place and see the Message. Then keep Pressing F7 again and again till you get '0 Failed' Message below. Then you would want to Compile 'DLL-Debug' Release in the same manner.
The compiled DLL Files can then be found at C:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_dll. Now, To Add vc_dll Folder to your PATH, Right-Click on My-Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment-Variables -> User-Variables. Search for 'Path' -> 'Edit', and then Just Append ;C:\wxWidgets\lib\vc_dll to the End.
This makes running your compiled Application easier, as your .EXE can now easily find DLLs.
When you are packaging, then you obviously need to bundle specific Release-DLL'S along.
Then you can compile the Samples located at C:\wxWidgets\samples.
I just go to individual Project Folder, like for e.g. C:\wxWidgets\samples\drawing, and Open drawing_vc9 Project, then Convert it as Prompted, and then hit F7 to create Release Version. Now if you go inside C:\wxWidgets\samples\drawing\vc_mswudll\ Folder, you have your 'drawing.exe' ready-to-be-run !
Have fun !
Use the wx.dsw, took me a while to finally get it but it'll build fine after that. I also suggest using one of the sample projects such as 'minimal' as the base and just fix all the config paths to match what you want to build (as manually setting up I encountered issues).
If you already used the wx_vc9 (like you said you did) you are probably best off just deleting all of wx and restarting with it and using wx.dsw like I said above.

How to install OpenCV 2.0 on win32

I need to install OpenCV on Win32. I do not have it installed currently. I downloaded OpenCV-2.0.0a-win32.exe and ran it. What the heck do I do now? There are no .lib's and whatnot.
I found some instructions for building the release using cmake at . I downloaded the latest and greatest cmake, and tried to follow the instructions, but I was guessing. No joy.
I specified VC++9 when I did the "configure," but cmake built a VC++ 6 dsw file. No vcproj. I converted the dsw into a vc++9 vcproj anyway, just to see if it would work. Nope. It compiled lots of files, but many failed because it could not find omp.h. Sure enough, it's not there, anywhere. The build log said, 'A tool returned an error code from "Performing Custom Build Step".'
I am lost.
Ideally, I would like to find a full installation with all the files pre-built for Win32 vc++ 2008. Failing that, I need instructions that even I can follow. Short sentences and small words, but lots of them.
Please help!
UPDATE: I tried to build just CXCORE. It complained, "cannot open file 'VCOMPD.lib'" There's that OMP again.
For version 2.0, you must build the project from source.
Here's what you will need:
The OpenCV installer.
CMake. Here's the CMake installer.
Instructions for using CMake to install OpenCV-2.0.01-win32. Those instructions need an extra step if you are using a vc++ Express edition. In that case you must un-check ENABLE_OPENMP when running the CMake GUI.
Instructions for setting up an application project. (Thanks to mloskot for this find.)
If you've installed OpenCV-2.0.0a-win32.exe then it will install pre-built DLLs and libs. Then you just have to follow the instructions in this tutorial.
I recommend that you wipe the folder you previously installed OpenCV2.0 in and reinstall it.
Well sorry it didn't work out. I suggest the following then: check out the latest version from the SVN repository, with any SVN client - I use TortoiseSVN.
Then run CMake (I see you've already installed it) on the source folder and then compile the Solution file. This should work - it does for me.
I apologize for my old answer - I had started off with OpenCV a few months ago in the same way and assumed that downloading the Gold version would still work - apparently not.
The OMP issue may arise from the checked Enable OpenMP in the CMake config. Try unchecking that .. might solve your initial problem.
I followed Jive Dadson's procedure to get OpenCV2.0 to work on Visual Studio 2010 Express (disabled OMP).
All went good until compilation of the generated stuff in Debug and Release. In both cases got this error: "LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '../../lib/Release/cv200.lib'"
in debug the only difference is that the library is cv200d.lib.
EDIT: I solved by downloading the latest svn snapshot for OpenCV2.0. One additional thing on Vista/7: it may be good to execute CMake as administrator.
Download OpenCV installer for Windows
Read OpenCV-2.0.0a-win32.Readme.Please.txt
Follow OpenCV with Visual C++ 6.0, 2005 Express, and 2008 Express in order to create project using OpenCV
