Dynamics CRM Plugin Email - Sql Encryption Symmetric Key Error - dynamics-crm

I am getting some kind of Encryption error when I try and send an email in a plugin (action). I have two environments that are the same. It works in dev but when I deploy it to a UAT environment, i get the following error on the workflow that fires the action when the action tries to create/send an email. Neither environment is HTTPS. A lot of posts online say to go to Settings->Data Management->Data Encryption but that box will not open as its not HTTPS.
Cannot open Sql Encryption Symmetric Key because Symmetric Key
password does not exist in Config DB
If anyone has any pointers that would be awesome.

Hi sending an email in CRM requires data encryption to be enabled, if you check your dev environment i believe the Data Encryption will be Active(Go to Settings->Data management –> Data Encryption) as below image that is why your Plugin is working fine in dev environment.
You need to enable Data Encryption in your UAT environment.
Please try the following steps:
1. Disable SSL Check (Non HTTPS deployment – if you use HTTPS
deployment, skip this step)
2. Run the following SQL for MSCRM_CONFIG database.
UPDATE [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[DeploymentProperties]
SET [BitColumn]=1
WHERE ColumnName='DisableSSLCheckForEncryption'
3. Go to Settings->Data management –> Data Encryption
4. Enter any encryption key, it could be anything and click activate.
Please read more about Data Encryption and Encryption key here:
Data Encryption in CRM 2013
CRM 2013: CRM And SQL Encryption
Data Encryption Feature Isn’t Activated
CRM 2013 Create Email error


Issue after informatica installation

After Successful Installation of Informatica 9.6.1 server and client on win-8.1
i am facing the below error while configuring Domain in IPC client Repository Manager tool:
Unable to save information for domain Domain_Hostname.
[PCSF_46026] Unable to find valid TrustStore certificate in PEM format
[ERROR: Cannot connect to Integration Service [xx].][1]
Thank you #user5468563,the solution in mentioned link didn't work,but the idea and key words in the link has made me to find solution
At last i found solution for this question.
Actually i faced this issue because of enabing secure communication for the domain while installing INFA9.6.1 server.
solution is after successful installation log in Administrator console
After successful Creation of Repository service and Integration service,
go to
Integration service --> Edit Advanced Properties --> Trust Store -->
Add value in Trust Store,Enter the value for Trust Store using the following
for Example:
click OK and restart the service
Now,we can Configure Domain in Repository Manager and can Connect to Repository under respective domain

Cannot change Auto-Discover settings in Server Profile in CRM 2015 Online

I want to setup Server Side synchronization in a CRM 2015 Online environment. The Email Server Profile is not allowing me to change the Auto-discover settings.
It is set to Yes by default. Is it supposed to be this way?
Or is this a known issue.
Kindly Help.
Some what just confirmation of Alex's comment.
Please see Supported email service configurations for server-side synchronization.
CRM Online supports server-side synchronization with Exchange Online
in the same tenant in Office 365 with Server to Server Authentication.
Other authentication methods or settings are not recommended or
supported, including;
Setting Auto Discover Server Location to No
So you can do server side synchronisation, but only with Exchange Online which is perhaps why you cant change that setting.

Sonarqube settings encryption

I am attempting to setup sonarqube instance with HTTPS listener. I understand that sonarqube supports HTTPS out of the box in version 4.2. What I am having difficulty with is encrypting clear text passwords settings in the sonar.properties.
Looking at the their wiki article about encryption support, it seems like it is possible to encrypt clear text passwords. However, I am not having any luck with encrypted value in sonar.web.https.keystorePass property. Tested with clear text and it works fine. Also tested different store types (JKS/PKCS12) or simpler passphrase, nothing seems to be working and keystore read fails when attempting to start the server with encrypted keystore password.
Was anyone able to use built in encryption mechanism in sonarcube to run it with HTTPS?
Unfortunately the properties sonar.web.* can't be encrypted. This limitation is fixed in version 4.4 : https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SONAR-4781

SSRS Report Manager

I am implementing an SSRS project but I have issues with the deployment phase.
My requirements
Deploy the report to the reporting server
Allow Users to access the reports from a custom web application.
Users should access the reports with any browser
I don't have a sharepoint/Domain authentication so I am using a custom web app
My Challenges
After deploying the reports to the report server, If I try to access the Report Manager Url from my client system I receive an prompt requesting for the Windows Login Credentials of my Reporting Server.
I want disable this prompt.
Please I need your help.
You need to edit the data source of that report (or of the shared data source if it uses one) and choose the option "Credentials stored securely in the report server", adding the credentials appropriate to the data source there.
The problem you're having is that the default data source authentication (as with SQL Server itself) is Windows integrated authentication, and that's why you're getting prompted for credentials from a browser connection.
See here for an overview on how to store credentials with the data source.
In your web application's web.config add identity impersonate="true" and SSRS 2012 does not use IIS.

How can I change Authentication Mode with SQL Server Data Tools in VS10?

I managed my databases in vs10 with SSDT(SQL Server Data Tools). But after creating a login acoount like "CREATE LOGIN netease WITH PASSWORD = '854032390'", and I tried to add a server, problem happened-login failed. I looked for solutions through the Internet and I want to know how can I change Authentication Mode with SQL Server Data Tools in VS10?
Just edit the connect string in the publish profile.
