Cannot change Auto-Discover settings in Server Profile in CRM 2015 Online - dynamics-crm

I want to setup Server Side synchronization in a CRM 2015 Online environment. The Email Server Profile is not allowing me to change the Auto-discover settings.
It is set to Yes by default. Is it supposed to be this way?
Or is this a known issue.
Kindly Help.

Some what just confirmation of Alex's comment.
Please see Supported email service configurations for server-side synchronization.
CRM Online supports server-side synchronization with Exchange Online
in the same tenant in Office 365 with Server to Server Authentication.
Other authentication methods or settings are not recommended or
supported, including;
Setting Auto Discover Server Location to No
So you can do server side synchronisation, but only with Exchange Online which is perhaps why you cant change that setting.


Outlook continuously prompts for user credentials through basic authentication when Office 365 MFA is enforced

If you only use Outlook to connect to Exchange Online then you don’t
need to worry, as long as you are using Office 2019 or Office 2019 Pro
Plus you’ll be fine come October 2020.
Quote link
I am using Outlook version 2101 from Microsoft 365. I am not using custom API's, but I still see Outlook using basic authentication. For example, I pulled four log entries that occurred with using Outlook. Log details:
Application: Office 365 Exchange Online
Client App[1]: Offline Address Book
Client App[2]: MAPI Over HTTP
Client App[3]: Autodiscover
Client App[4]: Exchange Web Services
All 4 client applications fail to support modern authentication, which will fail when basic authentication ends. What do the users of Outlook at my company need to do to suspend using basic authentication? I have been attempting to enforce MFA but cannot get past Outlook continuously prompting users for their login credentials.
Check org setting for modern authentication. This must be turned on before MFA will work properly. You can also enable security defaults in the Azure portal, but this approach does not allow you to selectively enroll users into MFA.
Open Microsoft 365 admin center
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Org Settings
Modern authentication
Turn on modern authentication for Outlook 2013 for Windows and later
This setting allows for multiple exceptions, which will support your organization to continue to use basic authentication while you transition to modern authentication.
With this setting in place, you can selectively enforce Office 365 MFA on users. Each user will have to rebuild their locally installed Outlook profile before being able to use Outlook.

Integrate Online Dynamics CRM with On Premise Exchange. Is that possible

we have an in-house exchange server and we would like to integrate that with our Online Dynamics CRM application at /CompanyName/
We do not have any online exchange account with Microsoft yet and do not plan to add that. I went to server profiles interface within the Email Settings and tried adding both exchange and POP3-SMTP. But nothing helped. Way the settings are, I don' think Microsoft even allows setting up on premise exchange server with Online Dynamics CRM.
Is that so or am I doing something wrong
Any clue where should I start.
CRM Online only supports Exchange Online so I don't think what you want to do is possible.
Supported email service configurations for server-side synchronization

Configuring CRM with an Exchange Server outside O365 using SSS

I have a requirement where I need to configure my CRM Online with an Exchange Server which is hosted out of my organization's Office 365 to sync Emails for Incoming and Outgoing profiles.
Of the steps, I understand that I need to setup and Email Server Profile of type Exchange that has Server Location pointing to the Exchange Server which I have been using currently. However, I get an error saying that the configuration is invalid and I don't get to save the Incoming and Outgoing server locations. Also, do I need authentication for the same? If yes, of whom should it be? The current Incoming and Outgoing is set to the URL. (Without '/EWS/Exchange.asmx' which is used by default for hosting it on O365.
Any help / links to blogs that effectively explain this would really help.
Thanks !
Supported email service configurations for server-side synchronization
CRM Online only supports Server Side Synchronization with:
Exchange Online in the same tenant in Office365 (mail, tasks, etc.)
Gmail or Yahoo! Mail via POP3/SMTP (mail only)
Anything else is not (yet1) supported.
1 Online to On-Premise SSS is supposed to become supported at some point in the future
There are three ways of handling email processing in CRM:
Server-side synchronization
CRM for Outlook
Email Router
Server-side synchronization does not support hybrid deployments (e.g. CRM Online with Exchange On-premise), as Alex mentions.
I suggest looking into the Email Router. You install it on a machine which is then responsible for synchronizing email messages between CRM and Exchange. For an in-depth explanaion, see Email Router Demystified.
If you also need to synchronize Outlook contacts, tasks and appointments have a look at CRM for Outlook.

MAPI Profile creation problems to connect exchange server 2013

I am working on to create MAPI profile programatically to connect Exchange Server 2013. But in exchange server 2013 due to some advanced settings [outlook anywhere] i need to add some additional properties as described in the below aricle.
MSDN Article
I can able to retrieve the following important property values through Autodicover.
And iam able to create profile by adding the properties. But i faced the following difficulties,
Sometimes without adding the additional properties described in the above msdn article i able to create the mapi profile and connect exchange server. In such cases, if i add the additional properties then iam unable to connect the exchange server successfully with the profile.
i am getting the MAPI error "MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED".
And in most of the exchange server 2013 environment, if i add the additional properties then only i can able to connect exchange server successfully.
I am confused..! In what circumstance we need to add the additional MAPI properties [PR_PROFILE_RPC_PROXY_SERVER,PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER,......]to connect exchange server 2013 in a MAPI profile???
And i am unable to find the exact causes in the exchange server environments.
Iam struggling to find the solution for more than a week.
can anyone please help me on this.
If need any additional information, i am happy to provide.
NOTE: I am able to create MAPI profile to connect exchange server 2010 without any issues.
Exchange 2013 requires those RPC over HTTP properties because it no longer supports RPC over TCP/IP. For earlier versions of Exchange, they're optional.

Outlook 2010 with Exchange Online

Does Outlook2010/2013interface with anything other than IMAP or Pop3? If so how? While manual configuration of imap works, the autodiscover wizard is turning up nothing. I have the cname on my pointed to The manual setup for or compatible prompts for a server. Is that supposed to be the same server as specified for the imap?
I am hoping that setup for Outlook clients on pc and laptops is as seamless as it is when the pc/laptop is on a LAN. Can Outlook Anywhere (over https/rpc) be used? If so, how does one obtain the proxy server names and settings?
When it is all setup will the enduser experiance emulate that of Outlook and Exchange 2010 in regards to calender sharing and contacts?
Thankyou for any insight.
I don't know what offers, however you can only use OutlookAnywhere (RPC-over-HTTP) with Exchange 2003-2013.
Outlook 2003-2013 can use IMAP, POP, Exchange MAPI (RPC). With add-ons you may be able to support other protocols, but I've never used any.
For autodiscover to work, you'll usually need Exchange although there are some ways to generate the autodiscover XML without Exchange. Outlook 2010-13 (and I think 2007 too) can try guess the settings for IMAP/POP settings based on your email address, but the server would have to use pretty standard hostnames and ports for it to guess correctly.
IMAP and POP only support email message types and will not sync contacts and calendars between the server and the Outlook client, not natively anyway.
