Issue after informatica installation - installation

After Successful Installation of Informatica 9.6.1 server and client on win-8.1
i am facing the below error while configuring Domain in IPC client Repository Manager tool:
Unable to save information for domain Domain_Hostname.
[PCSF_46026] Unable to find valid TrustStore certificate in PEM format
[ERROR: Cannot connect to Integration Service [xx].][1]

Thank you #user5468563,the solution in mentioned link didn't work,but the idea and key words in the link has made me to find solution
At last i found solution for this question.
Actually i faced this issue because of enabing secure communication for the domain while installing INFA9.6.1 server.
solution is after successful installation log in Administrator console
After successful Creation of Repository service and Integration service,
go to
Integration service --> Edit Advanced Properties --> Trust Store -->
Add value in Trust Store,Enter the value for Trust Store using the following
for Example:
click OK and restart the service
Now,we can Configure Domain in Repository Manager and can Connect to Repository under respective domain


Failed changing Windows service credentials to gsma

I am having an error when trying to reinstall the AADConnectProvisioningAgentSetup installer. Please see image below:
Failed changing Windows service credentials to GMSA. Please check the logs for more detailed information...
To resolve this issue,
Check the System event logs for EventID 7041.The event details provide instructions on how to create a Log on as a service user directly within the Local Security Policy (secpol.msc) like below:
Ref: Azure AD Hybrid Sync Agent Installation Issues - The gMSA is set to log on as Service - Active Directory | Microsoft Learn
Solution 2: Try to generate the KDS Root Key by using below command:
Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10))
If a KDS root key was already created by you, Use the Get-KdsRootKey cmdlet to verify the root keys already present on a few DCs like below:
If you are trying to utilize an existing GMSA account, use below comment to test sync agent:
Test-ADServiceAccount -Identity serviceAccountgMSA$
As per reference doc by Daniel try to check your FOREST functional level like below:
In server manager -> Tools -> Active Directory Domains and Trusts -> Raise Forest Functional Level
Azure Active Directory Provision Agent Install failing by Serenityadmin

Unable to execute odata calls using S4Hana SDK in cloud foundry environment with oAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion authentication

I'm trying to connect to s4 hana system using s4 sdk. While executing calls via .execute() method in cloud foundry environment, i see below error logs:
Caused by: Failed to get authentication headers. Destination service returned error: Missing private and public key for subaccount ******-****-****-***-*******.
Note: I've already configured trust between subaccount and S4Hana system and created respective communication and business user. The associated authentication method used in the destination is oAuth2SamlBearerAssertion. Note: The call executes fine in both local and cloud foundry environment with basic authentication.
Can someone please suggest what is wrong here.
As correctly pointed out by #Dennis H there was a problem in trust configuration between my subaccount and S4 Hana system, the configuration wrong in my case :
-> The certificate I downloaded for trust was using this URL:
This is incorrect we need to get the certificate from download trust button in destination tab at subaccount level
->Provider name was incorrect in the communication system.
We are developing a side-by-side extension app and deploying it to CF. Our app is trying to connect to S4HANA cloud system using oAUTH2SAMLBEARERASSERTION. But facing issues while doing it. We are getting below error in logs. Please be noted, we are able to connect to S4HANA Cloud using basic auth. Failed to access the configuration of destination
Our destination parameters look as attached screenshotenter image description here
Thank you.

Visual Studio webdeploy fail even when connection is validated?

I am trying to deploy my webapp VS2015 RC1 DNX 451. Even when I validate connection and run publish I get error
Severity Code Description Project File
Error More Information: Connected to the remote computer ("") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site. Learn more at:
Error Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Googling the issue and even trying to view host forum just says make sure username and password is correct. I am getting nowhere trying various settings. Any ideas how to debug the issue?
I am using as host.
You should contact They likely have some odd configuration on their servers but I would suspect they can help you resolve the issue.
Arvixe does not support Web Deploy anymore. Once they move you to their new servers Web Deploy won't be available to you. In Visual Studio you can set up a Publish with FTP instead of Web Deploy. If you're used to Web Deploy publishing your database changes, then you'll need to do those yourself with SQL scripts. Entity Frameworks has an option to produce a SQL script for a migration, so you can use that to publish your EF database changes.

Secure Oozie Web Console not working from my Windows machine

I have setup a secure(Kerberos) Oozie environment in CentOS 6.3 using CDH 4.1.2. I am able to view the Oozie web console from CentOS machine which is hosted in server. But is there a way to view the webconsole from my local Windows machine.
I have tried creating a HTTP principal with my windows machine as hostname. I am able to get a valid ticket for HTTP principal. But when I open the Oozie Web Console, I get the following error GSSException: Defective token detected (Mechanism level: GSSHeader did not find the right tag)
Am I missing something. Help me guys.
Vishnu Ganth
This error occurs because your browser sends request for NTLM authentication instead of kerberos.
In internet explorer follow below steps,
go to Internet Options
In security tab, select Local intranet.
Click Custom Level in the below, Make sure Automatic logon only in intranet zone under the User Authentication section.
In the Internet Options, select Advanced tab and make sure enable Integrated Windows Authentication selected under security section.
Once the above steps done, it will work on both internet explorer and google chrome.
If you are accesing it from the Cross realm, your widows-based clients should know the KDC location to create proper SPNEGO token. You need either create a separate policy in your AD for that type of users or you can manually from command line add mappings in client machine's registeries so that they would know about your Hadoop realm KDC:
ksetup /addkdc HADOOP.DOMAIN.COM
ksetup /addhosttorealmmap HADOOP.DOMAIN.COM

WebDeploy - just can't get it to work

I've installed Web Deploy 2.1 on a Server 2008 R2 running under VMWare.
In the IIS Manager (Management Service applet) I can see that "Enable Remote Connections" is checked and the port is set to 8172. Under "IIS Manager Permissions" I've added my Windows account (CORP\ekkis) and under the "Authentication" applet (for IIS) I have enabled "Windows Authentication".
I've also turned off the firewall.
So from the command line I test the system to work like this:
C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V2>msdeploy -verb:dump -source:contentPath=\temp,wmsvc=,username=CORP\ekkis,password=MyPass,authType=Basic -allowUntrusted=True
and get this:
Info: Using ID '9b954a0f-ff07-4e77-ba2c-d27472f5fda0' for connections to the rem
ote server.
More Information: Connected to the destination computer ("") using t
he Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using
the correct user name and password, that the site you are connecting to exists,
and that the credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the sit
Error: Object of type 'contentPath' and path '\temp' cannot be created.
Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Error count: 1.
I've also tried deploying with Visual Studio 2010 from the host OS with the following service urls (I haven't found proper documentation on how to form this url):
I've tried the non-secure versions as well but just cannot get it to work. What is the correct format for the url? and what permissions am I missing?
the errors from VS have varied depending on how I attempt it but below is a sample:
Could not complete the request to remote agent URL ''.
The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.
Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Publish failed to deploy.
there really should be a guide out there to do this (yes, I've googled myself blue in the face)!
thanks - ekkis
ok, I've figured out that the correct url is:
and that having the "Windows Authentication" enabled doesn't seem to make a difference. Also, having my account in the "Managers" list doesn't seem to make a difference either.
so the back end was all working fine (I've turned off the Web Deployment Agent Service). it was just the url I had wrong.
