Having trouble installing Prism in Xamarin - xamarin

When I try to install Prism in my Xamarin application in visual studio I get this error
"[nuget.orgUnable to load the service index for source http://prism.azureedge.net/main.mrep. The content at 'http://prism.azureedge.net/main.mrep' is not a valid JSON object. Unexpected charater encountered while parsing value: <.Path ", line 0, position0.]"

I can't say I'm entirely sure what you're doing, but let me try to clarify some things for you.
The URL http://prism.azureedge.net/main.mrep is ONLY meant to be added as an Extensions Repository Source for Visual Studio Mac. It has nothing to do with NuGet and is not compatible with any other version of Visual Studio. That feed provides the Visual Studio Mac Extension to provide the Prism Project & Item Templates as well as several code snippets.
If you are looking for the Prism CI Feed to take advantage of the latest Prism build you need to add https://www.myget.org/F/prism/api/v3/index.json as a NuGet Package Source.


Unity keeps removing log4net from my Visual Studio project

I tried to install log4net for use in my Unity project with the following command :
Install-Package Unity.log4net
However, when I go back to the editor, then back to Visual Studio again, the log4net reference is removed, just like the Unity Editor had regenerated the project or something like that. The log4net reference no longer appears in the reference list and thus the log4net namespace can no longer be found.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
Has anyone experienced that and found a solution ? Thanks !
It seems like one cannot freely add references to a Unity project since Unity has to know about them. DLLs should be placed in a folder of the project called Plugins and then it works.
However it's weird that people are telling to use nuget packages. I'm assuming that must work somehow, but I don't know how. The solution above is dirty, but at least it works.
Unity projects require a special process to add NuGet packages. This is because when you open a project in Unity, its Visual Studio project files are regenerated, undoing necessary configurations. To add a package from NuGet to your Unity project you can check this doc from Microsoft: https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/visualstudio/cross-platform/unity-scripting-upgrade?view=vs-2019

VS Gallery don't validate my VSIX extension

I developed a Project Template for/with Visual Studio 2017. This extension does work as expected when I debug it.
I now try to add it in Visual Studio Gallery but the website does not validate my extension. I just get a generic error message : "Invalid model file in VSIX" (maybe poorly translated from French)
Is there any way to prevalidate my VSIX with a tool or get more information about what is wrong with my extension?
It seems that VS Gallery does not support VSIX that targets explicitly framework 4.6.2
Targeting 4.6 only did the trick

Visual Studio for Mac does not get past "Add packages"

I am trying out Xamarin Forms on Visual Studio for Mac.
When I create a new project, I see VS is trying to add packages to the solution, but every single time- it fails at the same place...
Here is the Package Console output:
On this new project, after the package installer fails, it always fails to build with the default assets:
Is it possible other dev environments are affecting Visual Studio?
Is there a more stable way I can use Xamarin forms on a Mac?
Thanks in advance!
One of the errors I see in your Package Console is:
Could not install package 'Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 23.3.0'. You are
trying to install this package into a project that targets
'MonoAndroid,Version=v2.3', but the package does not contain any
assembly references or content files that are compatible with that
NuGet looks at your project's target framework and version to see if the NuGet packages are compatible. As far as NuGet is aware your project is targeting MonoAndroid version 2.3. Check what you have selected as the Compile using Android version in the project properties and ensure that it's compatible with the package you want to add.
Also, a "more stable" way to use Xamarin Forms on a Mac is not available unless you want to try Xamarin Studio but that is almost the same as Visual Studio for Mac (which is based on it).

Xamarin.Forms UWP missing references

When I create a new project in Xamarin.Forms I get a lot of errors in the UWP part of the project.
It looks like I miss all the referencs in UWP?
I installed Xamarin trough Visual Studios modify
Below is a screenshot of my Visual Studio
I also started to work with Xamarin about two weeks ago and came across many problems and one was just like yours. If you dont have Xamarin studio go and download it. Just do it.
Intellisense breaks really often and you get 200 errors that are dump(or not).
To get rid of the errors there are many ways.
Sometimes you just have to wait.
Open the xaml pages and save them.
Clean - rebuild the project it should run(at third try). If it doesnt you have to open Xamarin studio and built it from there.
If your project is new, just delete it and create a new one.
If you have MVC 5 or Core 1 Installed you will have to remove them(if that doesnt help do a PC Reset like a format).
If it says something for .zip files, find them keep a backup and delete them. Xamarin will re-download on Build.
I had same problem here using Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. Unload the UWP and everything works.
Tried in Xamarin Studio Professional and the following error: -
Could not load project 'blah\blah.UWP\blah.UWP.csproj' with unknown item type '{A5A43C5B-DE2A-4C0C-9213-0A381AF9435A}'
The following link has some helpful points and mentions "UWP is available in Xamarin.Forms 2.1 and later"
The default setup when creating a new project in VS 2015 Up2 is to use Xamarin Forms v2.0.0.6482, however when I try to update to v2.1.0.6529 I get nuget errors
Checking my output when trying to update to 2.1 using nuget i got the following: -
The content at 'https://{myteamcityserver}/guestAuth/app/nuget/v1/FeedService.svc/FindPackagesById()?id='Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform'' is not valid XML.
Root element is missing.
So I turned of my local Package Source in Tools | NuGet Package Manager | Package Manager Settings | Package Sources
And woo hoo it all worked for me.

How do I add ArcObjects Version to a Visual Basic project?

I am developing a Visual Basic project in Visual Studio 2010 that uses ArcObjects. (I have ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop.) I am getting the error "'RuntimeManager' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level." A previous answer, Esri ArcObjects--Esri.ArcGIS.Version assembly, recommended adding a reference to Esri.ArcGIS.Version by clicking on Project, Add Reference, selecting it under .NET and clicking OK. I have tried to do this, but it's not under .NET. What can I do to make it available?
You should be able to find it if you use the Browse option.
The ESRI.ArcGIS.Version.dll file should be under your DeveloperKit installation folder. For me it is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit10.2\DotNet
