How do I add ArcObjects Version to a Visual Basic project? - visual-studio-2010

I am developing a Visual Basic project in Visual Studio 2010 that uses ArcObjects. (I have ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop.) I am getting the error "'RuntimeManager' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level." A previous answer, Esri ArcObjects--Esri.ArcGIS.Version assembly, recommended adding a reference to Esri.ArcGIS.Version by clicking on Project, Add Reference, selecting it under .NET and clicking OK. I have tried to do this, but it's not under .NET. What can I do to make it available?

You should be able to find it if you use the Browse option.
The ESRI.ArcGIS.Version.dll file should be under your DeveloperKit installation folder. For me it is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit10.2\DotNet


Unity keeps removing log4net from my Visual Studio project

I tried to install log4net for use in my Unity project with the following command :
Install-Package Unity.log4net
However, when I go back to the editor, then back to Visual Studio again, the log4net reference is removed, just like the Unity Editor had regenerated the project or something like that. The log4net reference no longer appears in the reference list and thus the log4net namespace can no longer be found.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
Has anyone experienced that and found a solution ? Thanks !
It seems like one cannot freely add references to a Unity project since Unity has to know about them. DLLs should be placed in a folder of the project called Plugins and then it works.
However it's weird that people are telling to use nuget packages. I'm assuming that must work somehow, but I don't know how. The solution above is dirty, but at least it works.
Unity projects require a special process to add NuGet packages. This is because when you open a project in Unity, its Visual Studio project files are regenerated, undoing necessary configurations. To add a package from NuGet to your Unity project you can check this doc from Microsoft:

Add Reference is missing in Visual Studio when using with Unity 3D - Need Npgsql.dll

I installed Unity 2017 with Visual Studio 2017. I am attempting to add an external DLL to the Visual Studio project through the solution explorer. When I right click on References, the "Add Reference" option is completely missing!
I'm trying to use NpgSQL. Hence, the need to add npgsql.dll.
Can anyone give light?
The Add Reference... is in a different place in this case.
Things to do in Unity:
Create a folder named Plugins as a child to your Assets folder. (Assets\Plugins...)
Next copy your DLL to this plugins folder. You can do this using Windows Explorer or just drag it into the folder in the Unity editor, like shown:
Things to do in Visual Studio:
Click on Analyzers in your project as shown below, then click Project from your menu, then navigate to Add Reference...:
Now Browse to your DLL:
And... there it is:
Accepted Brien's answer (Thank you, Brien!).
I'm adding my own answer pertinent to Npgsql.dll, because it's apparently a common problem all over the internet with poor documentation. If you got here from google about Npgsql.dll then read on:
Unity (for some unknown reason) comes bundled with it's own npgsql.dll inside of the application mono/2_0 folder. Some people have reported conflicts with this.
Many of the npgsql.dll versions currently do not work with Unity. Attempting to include them in Unity's assets will cause Unity to throw a Type error. This is what caused me to think that I needed to add the file as a reference in C#. This is why I came here and asked the question about Add Reference. But, with Unity, this was simply wrong on my part.
As far as I can tell, Unity insists on managing all project properties and references for you. Both managed and unmanaged DLLs must be added via Unity assets. Even Visual Studio project properties cannot be changed within Visual Studio for Unity. And if you attempt to edit the .csproj files (for instance to disable compiler warnings), Unity will overwrite the .csproj files completely next time you load your Unity project.
Anyone who has problems getting Npgsql.dll to work in Unity needs to use the proper Unity workflow where you drop npgsql.dll into Unity assets. If you get errors, it's an npgsql.dll version conflict. Try other versions of the dll first.
This gentleman has provided a Unity specific build to resolve a namespace conflict (Just pull the dll from the bin folder on the Github link):
Unity 2017 currently allows you to change to .NET 4.6 as an experimental setting. Some people have toyed with using that setting to get newer versions of npgsql.dll to work properly, but they report intermittent results. For now, I solved my problem with Unitynpgsql.dll. It's an older build, so hopefully I won't run into any features I need that it doesn't support. If so, I'll probably just work around them.
To anyone else trying to make npgsql.dll work in Unity: do not despair, just try to resolve the version conflicts. Also here is another relevant recent thread about it:
Barebones Master Server Npgsql.dll Issue - January 2018

How do I use Qt in my Visual Studio 2015 projects?

We have large project that used .NET Framework for showing forms/windows. Recently I decided to deprecate CLR dependency and move to Qt.
While learning Qt, we've migrated from Visual studio 2013 to 2015 and then I noticed that there is no qt support for MSVC 14 version which vs2015 use.
Additionally, Qt vs addin was not working jn visual studio express/community edition we use. Is there any chance for me to use Qt and qt addin in our projects?
Searching web did not help, and it looks like no one use Qt with latest Visual Studio?
You can use Qt in Visual Studio 2015 without any problems. As already stated in the comments, you have to build it from source but Qt is pretty straightforward to build. You can download the current (5.5) sources here and then follow this step by step example on building it.
I would also suggest reading more about the configure options, this might save you a lot of time. It might possibly save you some external dependencies as well if you skip components you do not need. My configuration for instance contains -skip qtwebkit -skip qtwebchannel so I do not need ruby or python.
I could totally omit step 3 from the link. Just be sure to open the Visual Studio Command Prompt (32/64 is important here) for configure and nmake.
For Visual Studio 2015, the Qt Add-In is not available anymore. But there is an Extension (Tools > Extensions & Updates) called Qt5Package or QtPackage which has the same functionality. After installing it, you have the Qt entry on your main toolbar where you have to specify a version and the path to the directory where you built it. This version will also be associated with the current project via the same menu.
If you load an existing project, you also have to convert it so the whole Qt functionality is used automatically. You can do this by opening the solution and right click on it; there should be an entry for the conversion to a QtAddin generated project.
I am using Qt 5.5 on Visual Studio 2015 with an old project and it is working without any issues.
As of now, you can just download Qt for Visual Studio 2015. Here.
Qt have finally added support for Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 although it's only in beta right now. See QTVSADDINBUG-404 for progress and read the blog post From Visual Studio Add-In To Qt VS Tools (Beta).
The Qt Windows could be added to the current project by copying all relating necessary files from the Qt stand-alone project to the current project. Specifically, the following steps must be conducted carefully.
Create an example project of Qt inside a Visual C++ project by using a Qt Plugin Program. The windows must be designed inside this project carefully before adding to the existing project.
Inside the existing project, add carefully the file heloqt.cpp, helloqt.h, ui_helloqt.h, qrc_helloqt.cpp, moc_helloqt.cpp in case of the Qt Project having the name of helloqt.
Add some configurations of Additional include directories and Additional library directories and Additional Dependencies into the existing project.
Compile and add some required *.dll files for running the program.
I have to do that because I want to use a graphic user interface in my big project, and this project is too big to be added into the Qt project inside the Visual C++ Studio.

Why does visual studio not recognize System.Web.SessionState?

I am trying to go through the example at
Visual studio 2010 does not recognize System.Web.SessionState and various others.
I tried adding a .net reference to them but they do not exist on my system. I have .Net 4 installed.
Why would these examples use namespaces that are not recognized by visual studio?
alt text
System.Web isn't shown because VS2010 defaults to using the .NET4 Client Profile which doesn't include it. (You can see the "Filtered for .NET Framework 4 Client Profile" text at the top of the Add Reference dialog.)
You need to change your project's properties so that it targets the full version of the framework, then you'll be able to select System.Web.
System.Web.SessionState (and the others shown unrecognized) are in System.Web.dll. Verify that reference exists.

Visual Studio 2005 Can't find System assemblies

I have Visual Studio 2008 installed on my machine, but I haven't used it. I did open a dummy project and make sure that version 2.0 is the .NET Framework version I am using, since it is the one that suddenly doesn't work for me.
Here's the warning message I get when I am trying to open an existing Windows 2005 project.
"Namespace or type specified in the project level Imports 'System.Data' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found."
All of the basic System, System.Data, System.XML assemblies show up in a new project with the yellow exclamation point warning.
Does anyone know how I can solve this issue? Please help!
I would start by downloading and re-installing .NET 2.0 on your system.
You could check the project references and make sure that you have System.Data added to the project.
