Unity keeps removing log4net from my Visual Studio project - visual-studio

I tried to install log4net for use in my Unity project with the following command :
Install-Package Unity.log4net
However, when I go back to the editor, then back to Visual Studio again, the log4net reference is removed, just like the Unity Editor had regenerated the project or something like that. The log4net reference no longer appears in the reference list and thus the log4net namespace can no longer be found.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
Has anyone experienced that and found a solution ? Thanks !

It seems like one cannot freely add references to a Unity project since Unity has to know about them. DLLs should be placed in a folder of the project called Plugins and then it works.
However it's weird that people are telling to use nuget packages. I'm assuming that must work somehow, but I don't know how. The solution above is dirty, but at least it works.

Unity projects require a special process to add NuGet packages. This is because when you open a project in Unity, its Visual Studio project files are regenerated, undoing necessary configurations. To add a package from NuGet to your Unity project you can check this doc from Microsoft: https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/visualstudio/cross-platform/unity-scripting-upgrade?view=vs-2019


Add Reference is missing in Visual Studio when using with Unity 3D - Need Npgsql.dll

I installed Unity 2017 with Visual Studio 2017. I am attempting to add an external DLL to the Visual Studio project through the solution explorer. When I right click on References, the "Add Reference" option is completely missing!
I'm trying to use NpgSQL. Hence, the need to add npgsql.dll.
Can anyone give light?
The Add Reference... is in a different place in this case.
Things to do in Unity:
Create a folder named Plugins as a child to your Assets folder. (Assets\Plugins...)
Next copy your DLL to this plugins folder. You can do this using Windows Explorer or just drag it into the folder in the Unity editor, like shown:
Things to do in Visual Studio:
Click on Analyzers in your project as shown below, then click Project from your menu, then navigate to Add Reference...:
Now Browse to your DLL:
And... there it is:
Accepted Brien's answer (Thank you, Brien!).
I'm adding my own answer pertinent to Npgsql.dll, because it's apparently a common problem all over the internet with poor documentation. If you got here from google about Npgsql.dll then read on:
Unity (for some unknown reason) comes bundled with it's own npgsql.dll inside of the application mono/2_0 folder. Some people have reported conflicts with this.
Many of the npgsql.dll versions currently do not work with Unity. Attempting to include them in Unity's assets will cause Unity to throw a Type error. This is what caused me to think that I needed to add the file as a reference in C#. This is why I came here and asked the question about Add Reference. But, with Unity, this was simply wrong on my part.
As far as I can tell, Unity insists on managing all project properties and references for you. Both managed and unmanaged DLLs must be added via Unity assets. Even Visual Studio project properties cannot be changed within Visual Studio for Unity. And if you attempt to edit the .csproj files (for instance to disable compiler warnings), Unity will overwrite the .csproj files completely next time you load your Unity project.
Anyone who has problems getting Npgsql.dll to work in Unity needs to use the proper Unity workflow where you drop npgsql.dll into Unity assets. If you get errors, it's an npgsql.dll version conflict. Try other versions of the dll first.
This gentleman has provided a Unity specific build to resolve a namespace conflict (Just pull the dll from the bin folder on the Github link):
Unity 2017 currently allows you to change to .NET 4.6 as an experimental setting. Some people have toyed with using that setting to get newer versions of npgsql.dll to work properly, but they report intermittent results. For now, I solved my problem with Unitynpgsql.dll. It's an older build, so hopefully I won't run into any features I need that it doesn't support. If so, I'll probably just work around them.
To anyone else trying to make npgsql.dll work in Unity: do not despair, just try to resolve the version conflicts. Also here is another relevant recent thread about it:
Barebones Master Server Npgsql.dll Issue - January 2018

VS 2017 15.3 Yellow Triangles on References

This morning I upgraded to VS 2017 15.3 and now am getting yellow triangles for most of my references. The project runs fine (build is good in CLI and VS and restore has been run multiple times) that I can tell (and even better on dotnetcore 2.0 actually) but these remain. Has anyone else had this happen or have a suggestion? Thanks.
Link to project.assets.json file --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/c85yuyjiu4pnget/project.assets?dl=0
Also issue of greyed out usings and red references although everything builds and runs fine.
Update: VisualStudio twitter account responded to me to note that this is a bug and they are working on a fix for the future on this....
I have two responses to my post:
1) The using issue noted with things greyed out was actually a ReSharper issue. If you upgrade to VS 2017 15.3 and use R# make sure you update it as well to 2017.2.
2) The Yellow triangles issue is being looked at by the Visual Studio team but honestly I believe it to be linked to warnings in the build that those references are being coerced to either lower dependencies (ie Newtonsoft at different levels) or previews. The quickly evolving .NET 2.0 world may have exacerbated this issue. Yellow triangles have traditionally meant missing but check your warnings to see if that is related and then review the dependency chain. I will update this answer once I hear back from VS team (shout out to them and Damian Edwards + Scott Hanselman for helping me with this on Twitter).
I was experiencing the yellow triangle on references issue after updating the projects in my (.NET 4.6.1) solution to the new .NET Standard .csproj format that comes with VS2017. The references I was getting warnings for were ProjectReference type (although it seemed to spill over into PackageReference for common packages in the projects in question).
I did not have any build warnings and there was nothing in the verbose build output to indicate what the cause could be.
I could follow all warnings back to a single project in my solution. I was able to solve by removing that project from my solution and then adding it back and re-adding only the necessary project references.
It seems the issue was related to unnecessary project references (or possibly circular) caused by the new transitive dependencies support. After removing the project and adding it back with only the minimum ProjectReferences and relying on transitive dependencies support to propagate the dependency, the warnings all disappeared.
This also solved an issue where the project in question was failing compilation during a command line msbuild initiated build on my CI server which only has VS2017 build tools installed (not the full IDE).
I had the same issue, some of the references were marked with the yellow triangle. However, I was able to build and run my project.
I managed to remove these warning by following steps from this answer:
.Net 2015 References with yellow triangle for Nuget packages on portable libraries
I turned on tracing for Visual Studio, I had next warnings in log files for all uncorrectly loaded references:
Encountered conflict between 'Reference:Microsoft.Win32.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL' and 'Reference:C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Studio\MSBuild\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\net461\ref\Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll'. Choosing 'Reference:C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Studio\MSBuild\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\net461\ref\Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll' because AssemblyVersion '' is greater than ''.
To be precise, I did next steps:
Removed error condition from my .csproj file
Removed <Private>true</Private> parameter for not-loaded references in .csproj file
Deleted not-loaded packages from \lib and \ref folders in corresponding MSBuild folder.
Deleted packages from \packages folder in solution.
Restored nuget packages.
I'm not sure all these steps are necessary, but it worked for me.
You could check my answer on relative topic here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59704420/7969733
Just for documentation purpose for new person with this issue try
this and you will rememberme :D
If you go to: Tools > NuGet Administrator > Configurations. and you
have "Allow nuget...." and "automatically check...." cheked.
The only thing than you have to do is click con the button "Clear
All NuGet Cache(s)"
That's it, you don't have to edit manual thinks than can be dangerous,
believe me, I use to need to done some of the steps than describe here
a lot of time, and try more than 5 steps of the official Microsoft
documentation for that issue you could check it here:
But just cleaning the cache solve all the problems
To "Clear All NuGet Cache(s)" in Visual Studio 2019
Tools->NuGet Package Manager->Package Manager Setting
Mismatched Windows SDK Version between the referencing project and the references will cause it. In the vcxproj file it is "<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>SDK Version</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>"
I was upgrading from VS2012 to VS2017. Everything was good, then I upgraded to a new version of libtomcrypt and libtommath. Rather than tweak my existing projects, I up-converted the projects from the distributions from VS2008 -> VS2012 -> VS2017. In the process, I picked up Windows SDK Version 10.0.17763.0 in both the new projects. However, all of the projects that referenced those were 8.1, and thus the warning.
I know that this was ready to solve it, and one of my answers was ready to say something about that, but, maybe some of you present the same error and none of this solution listed here solves the problem... I don't know why this problem comes with the global installation of .net 6, but, if you present this issue again, you need to go to
And delete all the content, don't be afraid, that's a cache generator than will be created again if is need it.
I had a similar issue with visual studio 2017. And discovered that, if when I changed the dependency settings of the package I wanted to install (from lowest dependency to highest) everything worked fine.
Today faced the same issue with an imported project.
FAILED ATTEMPTS: Tried updating nougat packages, checking improper imports and everything imaginable. No help.
SOLUTION: At last just tried building the solution and it worked!
PS: Try building the project first. If it does not work then go for solution hunting.

Namespace/Assembly errors in "Views" section in Visual Studio 2017

I have a .Net Core application that I used to develop on "back in the days of Visual Studio 2015". I have now moved on to Visual Studio 2017 and back to this project and I have a need to rename the project. I started following numerous guides online on how to rename a Visual Studio project, however none of them seems to support .Net Core and Visual Studio 2017. I believe it is important to mention that the only part of my project that complains about the namespace is the "Views" section, and it only seems to refer to files that have been created/edited recently.
After doing the following, I have still not found a solution:
Rename Solution in solution explorer.
Rename project in solution explorer.
Changing Assembly name in "Project" -> " Properties".
Changing Default namespace in "Project" -> " Properties".
Going to Program.cs and changing namespace using "Right-click" -> "Rename" -> "Rename all occurances".
Adding "#using " in _ViewImports.cshtml (complains about missing namespace here as well).
I am getting desperate as I feel like I have tried everything and nothing seems to works.
I have recently renamed my project from MobileFront to MSPFrontend and even if I change the "#using" statements inside my _ViewImports.cshtml back to MobileFront it still complains.
I am hoping that I am not the first one to encounter this tedious problem.
I noticed the errors occured only when the files were open. I don't know if this is important to know of whether it has some importance for finding the solution.
I ended up downloading Microsoft.AspNetCore version 1.1.1 through NuGet. After doing that I created a completely new project and reopened my original project. That solved the problem. All of a sudden my project could find all namespaces and assemblies.

Cross-targeting frameworks with NuGet 4.0 and Visual Studio 2017

I am having a rough time figuring out how to setup cross-targeting inside a Visual Studio 2017 project and I have not been able to find any examples.
I started out with a .NET Standard 1.5 project and to keep it simple I am just trying to add .NET Standard 1.6. If I understand the documentation correctly, I should now be able to do all of this inside the csproj file without having to mess with a project.json or nuspec file.
I've tried all of these values but none seem to work:
This is the only source of documentation I can find on the feature and it doesn't contain a full example:
I've gotten this to work on latest Visual Studio 2017. As described in this post https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2016/10/19/net-core-tooling-in-visual-studio-15/ it is the correct way to do it. My csproj file looks like this:
Visual Studio 2017 RC release notes also has this listed as a feature (under .NET Core and Docker):
Cross-target multiple target frameworks in one project.
My mistake at the start was that when I first created the project the property was called TargetFramework, I tried to add multiple targets and VS did not like that at all. It just crashes then... So make sure to rename it to TargetFrameworks and it should work.

Upgrade to Visual Studio 2010 throws a build error

Recently upgraded to VS 2010 from 2008, the previously built solutions are throwing the following error.
Error 14 Encountered multiple versions of the assembly with GUID 'a5851ea0-2f9a-40b2-a73a-cd7db32f09c5'. Try pre-importing one of these assemblies
I tried re-installing VS 2010 and it didnot help. Any ideas?
Is it the VS 2010 application itself crashing, or does it not like your solution? Can you open VS 2010 by itself? If so, it sounds like it doesn't like some of your references in one or more of your projects. Check the project references. If that doesn't work, start removing projects until you find the offending one.
This may happen, if you copy-paste-renamed a project file to re-use its settings but didn't changed the project GUID of it. Also could be a project migration error, anyway you will have to manually edit the project file and remove the duplicate references if the project fails to load because of the error.
I had the same issue when migrating 2008 -> 2013.
It was caused that we use same linked AssemblyInfo.cs for all projects in solution.
And only for the assembly that used some COM objects (MSMQ) it seems that it starts looking on referenced assemblies GUID and two of them from our solution...
So when I provide individual AssemblyInfo.cs for projects with unique GUIDs it start working.
Hope this info will helpful.
Try to remove the references to the debug folder.
In Visual Studio right click on Project
Select Properties
Select the references tab.
Check to see if any of the references are from the obj\Debug folder and remove them.
See similar question here.
