View::make in Phpunit - laravel

I've a function that returns a View::make($string). I want to test that this function did indeed return an instance of View object. $string points to a file that does exist.
When I try to run this function within Phpunit it doesn't seem to finish. How can I test in Phpunit that a View object was created?

Laravel has helper methods specifically designed for testing views.
Some of them include:
$response = $this->get('/path/to-your-route');
$response->assertViewHas($key, $value = null);
$response->assertViewHasAll(array $data);
More info can be found here:
If you need to assert that something is an instance of something else, you can try the following:
$this->assertInstanceOf($expected, $actual);

When you provide invalid string the view object will not be created and will throw an exception. Not sure what you have in your function that prevents the exception, but the way to go around this issue, is to include this line in the failing test:

The issue stemmed down from usage of var_dump as I wanted to see the object in question. As nothing was presented in output, I assumed that had to do with View::make rather than outputting the object to the console.


Laravel - OutputStyle from jobs

I'm running into issues with allowing a Laravel job to interact with the console output.
At the moment I am passing in the OutputStyle from a Command to the Job constructor and assigning it.
I have seen the InteractsWithIO trait but if I use that by itself without assigning the OutputStyle from the command then it says it is null.
Call to a member function title() on null
I have also tried setting $this->output from the container using
$this->output = resolve(OutputStyle::class);
This fails with a
Target [Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface] is not instantiable while building [Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle].
I've also ran into issues with PHPUnit tests that run through this job. The output from the class is displayed in the test output.
.......................Processing element 1 for "Section"
What's the best way to handle outputting to the console within Laravel that also works with PHPUnit?
Putting the following code in a Service Provider works:
$this->app->bind('console.output', function () {
return new OutputStyle(
new StringInput(''),
new StreamOutput(fopen('php://stdout', 'w'))
I am then able to say, in my Job,
$this->output = resolve('console.output');
Which gives access to all the methods such as title, section, and table.

Using JavaScript to get the text of an element using Laravel Dusk

I'm doing automated testing using Laravel Dusk, when I do this:
$test = $browser->script('$(".page-sidebar-menu").text();');
It returns array of null, but if run $(".page-sidebar-menu").text(); in a browser, it returns all text inside that class.
Where I go wrong in here? Please help if you know.
Okay it's wrong of me to asked this, I not include return inside script
it should be like this
$test = $browser->script('return $(".page-sidebar-menu").text();');

zend framework 2 Set TextDomain in onBootstrap

I followed the instructions of this link successfully, now my web is multilanguage without requiring put "locale" in the "traslate()" calls.
But I have to put the TextDomain each time that I call it.
$this->traslate("Hello", __NAMESPACE__) //where __NAMESPACE__ is the text domain.
I would like set TextDomain in the onBootstrap method instead of put it in each call of the the "traslate()" helper.
I have tried with setTextDomain method, but it doesn't exist.
Somebody know how do it?
The onBootStrap Code is following:
.....//Code for define $locale.
$sm = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
$translator = $sm->get('translator');
$traslator->SetTextDomain($textdomain); //This line not work!!!!!
Didn't see this right the first time. Going by DASPRIDS Presentation about ZF2 I18N the correct function to call is:
Though if i see this correctly, that's from within the view Scripts. Getting the Translator from ServiceManager however - i haven't tested this - but try the following:
Okey. We have advanced one step.
The first solution works ok (the view solution), now my web page traduce texts only using this helper parameters, being Locale and TextDomain defined by the config:
But the second solution not works. I don't understand because the same plugin is accepted in the view and not in the onBootstrap when the name is the same.
I rewrite my onBootstrap code bellow:
$translator = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('translator');
$pm = $translator->getPluginManager(); //until here works ok.
$pm->get('translate'); //this throws an error message how if 'translate' not found.

Implementing Database Error Handling in CodeIgniter

I am creating a webapp using codeigniter. I want to implement a error handling function. Say for example if I call a method of a model, and if an error occurs in that method, the error handler comes into action to return some pre-formatted string.
I was thinking of creating something like MY_Model, which every model class extends. Then, I can add the error handler in MY_Model class. But whether this can be done is beyond me right now. (yes I am a newbie at this)
Any enlightening ideas will help.
What I tend to do is return an array instead of a boolean. This array contains 2 keys, 'return' and 'error'.
In case of an error this array will look like the following:
array('return' => FALSE, 'error' => 'Some error')
In case of a successful execution this array will look like the following:
array('return' => TRUE)
The controller then verifies these results and if there's an error it will display the one set in the 'error' key.

Find who's calling the method

I'd like to somehow find out which CFC is calling my method.
I have a logging CFC which is called by many different CFC's. On this logging CFC there's a need to store which CFC called for the log.
Whilst I could simply pass the CFC name as an argument to my log.cfc, I find this to be a repetitive task, that might not be necessary, if I somehow could find out "who's" calling the method on log.cfc
Is there any programmatic way of achieving this?
Thanks in advance
Update: As Richard Tingle's answer points out, since CF10 you can use CallStackGet(), which is better than throwing a dummy exception.
Original answer: The easiest way is to throw a dummy exception and immediately catch it. But this has the downside of making a dummy exception show up in your debug output. For me, this was a deal-breaker, so I wrote the following code (based off of this code on cflib). I wanted to create an object that is similar to a cfcatch object, so that I could use it in places that expected a cfcatch object.
Note: You may have to adjust this code a bit to make it work in CF8 or earlier. I don't think the {...} syntax for creating object was supported prior to CF9.
StackTrace = {
Type= 'StackTrace',
Detail= '',
Message= 'This is not a real exception. It is only used to generate debugging information.',
TagContext= ArrayNew(1)
j = CreateObject("java","java.lang.Thread").currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(j); i++)
if(REFindNoCase("\.cf[cm]$", j[i].getFileName())) {
ArrayAppend(StackTrace.TagContext, {
Line= j[i].getLineNumber(),
Column= 0,
Template= j[i].getFileName()
From ColdFusion 10 there is now a function to do this callStackGet()
For example the following code will dump the stack trace to D:/web/cfdump.txt
<cfdump var="#callStackGet()#" output="D:/web/cfdump.txt">
One kludgey way is to throw/catch a custom error and parse the stack trace. Here are some examples
I don't know of a method to do directly what you are asking, maybe someone else does.
However, I believe you could get the stack trace and create a function to parse the last method call.
This function on cflib will get you the stack trace.
