Implementing Database Error Handling in CodeIgniter - codeigniter

I am creating a webapp using codeigniter. I want to implement a error handling function. Say for example if I call a method of a model, and if an error occurs in that method, the error handler comes into action to return some pre-formatted string.
I was thinking of creating something like MY_Model, which every model class extends. Then, I can add the error handler in MY_Model class. But whether this can be done is beyond me right now. (yes I am a newbie at this)
Any enlightening ideas will help.

What I tend to do is return an array instead of a boolean. This array contains 2 keys, 'return' and 'error'.
In case of an error this array will look like the following:
array('return' => FALSE, 'error' => 'Some error')
In case of a successful execution this array will look like the following:
array('return' => TRUE)
The controller then verifies these results and if there's an error it will display the one set in the 'error' key.


How can I get Google Auth working with Laravel?

I'd like to know if there's an easy fix for this error that I'm getting while trying to add support for Google sign-in to my website, since I can only reproduce it while on a Laravel-based environment. Vanilla PHP applications do run just fine.
This is my relevant code:
if ($request->has('googleToken')) {
$client = new Google_Client(['client_id' => env('GOOGLE_PLATFORM_CLIENT_ID') ]);
$payload = $client->verifyIdToken($credentials['googleToken']);
if (!$payload) {
return response([ 'error' => 'Invalid token, please try using form-based authentication.' ], Response::HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY);
$user['googleToken'] = $credentials['googleToken'];
I know I'm doing too relaxed validations, but please just focus on the fact that I'm just testing and I plan to change this code in the near future.
The code above, receives its data through an Axios PUT request from the frontend with the payload looking like this:
googleToken: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjE5ZmUyYTdiNjc5NTIzOTYwNmNhMGE3NTA3OTRhN2JkOWZkOTU5NjEiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJhY2NvdW50cy5nb29nbGUuY29tIiwiYXpwIjoiNTkyODkzNjE3ODYzLXRscDdvaDByaTk2dTZxZGxrOXYwbHAyanQyNDlkdDNsLmFwcHMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoiNTkyODkzNjE3ODYzLXRscDdvaDByaTk2dTZxZGxrOXYwbHAyanQyNDlkdDNsLmFwcHMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tIiwic3ViIjoiMTE1NTg0MDg0NTE2OTMxOTQzODU..."
mailAddress: ""
The problem is that the payload would simply return false. I decided to try to investigate the issue, so I went to the definition of verifyIdToken contained within Google_Client and, from there, jumped over to the function that finally returns to its parent, which is verifyIdToken from the class Verify.
Inside of that class, there's a pretty loose try/catch block in which I decided to try adding a generic exception case so that I could quickly print the error message for debugging. I did, and this is the output I got:
OpenSSL unable to verify data: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
This is what's failing internally, and from this point on, I don't really have an idea about how to proceed since the error feels very cryptic, or at least it's not in my field of knowledge.
The OpenSSL error you quoted indicates that your client was not able to read any/further PEM-encoded data. Refer to
OpenSSL unable to verify data: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
'PEM routines' represents the library within OpenSSL
'get_name' is the function
'no start line' is the reason
Is you client able to access the necessary certificates/keys?

View::make in Phpunit

I've a function that returns a View::make($string). I want to test that this function did indeed return an instance of View object. $string points to a file that does exist.
When I try to run this function within Phpunit it doesn't seem to finish. How can I test in Phpunit that a View object was created?
Laravel has helper methods specifically designed for testing views.
Some of them include:
$response = $this->get('/path/to-your-route');
$response->assertViewHas($key, $value = null);
$response->assertViewHasAll(array $data);
More info can be found here:
If you need to assert that something is an instance of something else, you can try the following:
$this->assertInstanceOf($expected, $actual);
When you provide invalid string the view object will not be created and will throw an exception. Not sure what you have in your function that prevents the exception, but the way to go around this issue, is to include this line in the failing test:
The issue stemmed down from usage of var_dump as I wanted to see the object in question. As nothing was presented in output, I assumed that had to do with View::make rather than outputting the object to the console.

is laravel cloning my mock object?

Im testing a Soap web service with getMockFromWsdl from phpunit, for unit testing within laravel works fine, but when I try to replace the SoapClient in a feature test, it always fails, like the web service never called, but actually the mock is called.
I suspect that laravel is cloning somewhere my $this->soapClient because if I debug the code, it calls the soap mock and gets what is faked in the mock but always receive the error:
Expectation failed for method name is equal to <string:GetToken> when invoked at least once.
Expected invocation at least once but it never occurred.
My code is like:
public function test_soap_call()
$this->soapClient = $this->getMockFromWsdl(dirname(__FILE__).'/../Mocks/service.wsdl');
->with(['Code' => '03600', 'User' => 'username'])
$this->app->instance('MySoapClient', $this->soapClient);
$this->postJson('/api/order', $this->getValidRequest());
and in my controller (/api/order) I have
$soap = $this->app->make('MySoapClient');
$soap->GetToken(['Code' => '03600', 'User' => 'username']);
Am I using correctly the Laravel Service Container?
PD: Something similar happened to me, when doing a Spy and using $app->instance, where I was trying to get what was passed to an object, but always got null. I solved it declaring the field of the spy static.
Check this from
... "objects are passed by references by default". This is not completely true. ...

abort in rails loop function

I've got a function in my rails controller (I know, not the rails way, but I find it easier to write in the controller when I have something big like this and then move to the model).
I have an error in a array that I'm looping through, unfortunately, the error is being added somewhere in the loop. It is a big array with lots of properties, and I'm trying to figure out where the error is being caused.
I think I can isolate which object in the array is causing the error, but I can't get it to print.
Aparently ruby has an abort('message') function, but that returns an error in rails.
return render isn't working, it gives me an error that render and/or redirect is being called multiple times. How can I do a php type die in this situation?
This SO Post makes an excellent suggestion.
raise RuntimeError, 'Message goes here'
In the 'Message goes here' section you could even add in the array element:
array.each do |array_element|
raise RuntimeError, "#{array_element.inspect}; Message goes here"

Trouble creating custom routes in Ruby on Rails 3.1

I can't seem to set up a custom URL. All the RESTful routes work fine, but I can't figure out how to simply add /:unique_url to the existing routes, which I create in the model (a simple 4 character random string) and will serve as the "permalink" of sorts.
resources :treks
match ':unique_url' => 'treks#mobile'
def mobile
#trek = trek.find(params[:id])
Is this because I'm trying to define a custom action on an existing resource? Can I not create custom methods on the same controller as one with a resource?
By the way, when I change routes.rb to match 'treks/:id/:unique_url' => treks#mobile it works fine, but I just want the url to simply be /:unique_url
Update It seems like find_by_[parameter] is the way to go...
I've been playing in console and I can't seem to get any methods to come forward...I can run Trek.last.fullname for example, but cannot run #trek = Trek.last...and then call...#trek.lastname for example. Any clues why? I think this is my issue.
So is there a field on Trek which stores its unique url? If so you should be doing something like this:
#trek = Trek.find_by_url(params[:unique_url])
trek.find_by_unique_url( params[:unique_url] ) # should do the trick
#pruett no, the find_by_XXX methods are generated on-the-fly via Ruby's method_missing call! So instead of XXX you can use any of the attributes which you defined in a model.
You can even go as far as listing multiple attributes, such as:
find_by_name_and_unique_url( the_name, the_unigue_url)
Check these pages:
if you get a undefined method ... for nil:NilClass , it means that the object you are trying to call that method on does not exist, e.g. is nil.
You probably just missed to put an if-statement before that line to make sure the object is non-nil
Hmm. I usually would do something like this:
map.connect "/:unique_url", :controller => "treks", :action => "mobile"
Then in that controller the ID isn't going to be applicable.. you'd need to change it to something like this:
def mobile
#trek = trek.find_by_unique_url(params[:unique_url])
(that's if unique_url is the column to search under)
