Oracle -- Datatype of column which can store value "13:45" - oracle

We need to store a value "13:45" in the column "Start_Time" of an Oracle table.
Value can be read as 45 minutes past 13:00 hours
Which datatype to be used while creating the table? Also, once queried, we would like to see only the value "13:45".

I would make it easier:
create table t_time_only (
time_col varchar2(5),
time_as_interval INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND invisible
generated always as (to_dsinterval('0 '||time_col||':0')),
constraint check_time
check ( VALIDATE_CONVERSION(time_col as date,'hh24:mi')=1 )
Check constraint allows you to validate input strings:
SQL> insert into t_time_only values('25:00');
insert into t_time_only values('25:00')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (CHECK_TIME) violated
And invisible virtual generated column allows you to make simple arithmetic operations:
SQL> insert into t_time_only values('15:30');
1 row created.
SQL> select trunc(sysdate) + time_as_interval as res from t_time_only;
2020-09-21 15:30:00

Your best option is to store the data in a DATE type column. If you are going to be any comparisons against the times (querying, sorting, etc.), you will want to make sure that all of the times are using the same day. It doesn't matter which day as long as they are all the same.
CREATE TABLE test_time
time_col DATE
INSERT INTO test_time
VALUES (TO_DATE ('13:45', 'HH24:MI'));
INSERT INTO test_time
VALUES (TO_DATE ('8:45', 'HH24:MI'));
Test Query
SELECT time_col,
TO_CHAR (time_col, 'HH24:MI') AS just_time,
24 * (time_col - LAG (time_col) OVER (ORDER BY time_col)) AS difference_in_hours
FROM test_time
ORDER BY time_col;
Test Results
____________ ____________ ______________________
01-SEP-20 08:45
01-SEP-20 13:45 5

Table Definition using INTERVAL
create table tab
(tm INTERVAL DAY(1) to SECOND(0));
Input value as literal
insert into tab (tm) values (INTERVAL '13:25' HOUR TO MINUTE );
Input value dynamically
insert into tab (tm) values ( (NUMTODSINTERVAL(13, 'hour') + NUMTODSINTERVAL(26, 'minute')) );
you may either EXTRACT the hour and minute
EXTRACT(HOUR FROM tm) int_hour,
EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM tm) int_minute
or use formatted output with a trick by adding some fixed DATE
to_char(DATE'2000-01-01'+tm,'hh24:mi') int_format
which gives
Please see this answer for other formating options HH24:MI
The used INTERVAL definition may store seconds as well - if this is not acceptable, add CHECK CONSTRAINT e.g. as follows (adjust as requiered)
constraint "wrong interval" check (tm <= INTERVAL '23:59' HOUR TO MINUTE and EXTRACT(SECOND FROM tm) = 0 )
This rejects the following as invalid input
insert into tab (tm) values (INTERVAL '13:25:30' HOUR TO SECOND );
-- ORA-02290: check constraint (X.wrong interval) violated


Sysdate+days as default value in table column - Oracle

I'm working on my table which is supposed to store data about rented cars.
And there are 3 important columns:
My problem is that RETURN_DATE column is giving me error:
00984. 00000 - "column not allowed here"
What i want is that RENT_DATE set automatically date when record is added.
DAYS column is to store for how much days someone is renting car.
And the last column should store date of when car should be returned.
Thank you for any type of help.
This doesn't make sense:
SYSDATE is already a date. TO_DATE requires a char, so this takes a date, Oracle implicitly turns the date into a char, and then TO_DATE converts it back to a date. This is risky/unreliable because it uses a hardcoded date format to operate on a date that has been implicitly turned to a string using the system default format, which might one day not be DD-MM-YYYY (you're building a latent bug into your software)
If you want a date without a time on it use TRUNC(SYSDATE)
The other problem doesn't make sense either: you're storing a number of days rented for and also the return date, when one is a function of the other. Storing redundant data becomes a headache because you have to keep them in sync. My person class stores my birthdate, and I calculate how old I am. I don't store my age too and then update my table every day/year etc
Work out which will be more beneficial to you to store, and store it, then calculate the other whenever you want it. Personally I would store the return date as it's absolute, rather than open to interpretation of "is that working days, calendar days? what about public holidays? if the start date is jan 1 and the rental is for 10 days, is the car brought back on the 10th or the 11th?"
If you're desperate to have both columns in your DB consider using a view to calculate it or a function based column (again, to calculate one from the other) so they stay in sync
All in, you could look at this:
create table X(
I put the days as +1 because to me, a car taken on the 1st and returned on the second is 2 days, but you might want to get more accurate - if it's taken on the first and returned before 10am on the second then it's one day otherwise it's 2 etc...
Use a virtual column:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
CONSTRAINT table_name__rent_date__nn NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT table_name__rent_date_chk CHECK ( rent_date = TRUNC( rent_date ) ),
CONSTRAINT table_name__days__nn NOT NULL,
Then you can insert values:
INSERT INTO table_name ( rent_date, days ) VALUES ( DEFAULT, DEFAULT );
INSERT INTO table_name ( rent_date, days ) VALUES ( DATE '2020-01-01', 1 );
SELECT * FROM table_name;
:------------------ | ---: | :------------------
2020-09-12T00:00:00 | 7 | 2020-09-19T00:00:00
2020-01-01T00:00:00 | 1 | 2020-01-02T00:00:00
db<>fiddle here

Oracle constraint - compare two string like two times

I would like to create table witj constrain which compare two varchar2(8 char) columns as time.
Is it possible ?
I've made somethink like this, but it doesn't work :(
CONSTRAINT "my_constraint" CHECK (to_number(to_char(to_date(window_stop, 'hh24:mi:ss'), 'sssss')) > to_number(to_char(to_date(window_start, 'hh24:mi:ss'), 'sssss'))) ENABLE
Thx for all help.
Your constraint will get "ORA-02436: date or system variable wrongly specified in CHECK constraint" because if you don't provide the date elements then to_date() defaults to the first day of the current month; therefore the result of evaluating the constraint check could change after the data is inserted, which isn't allowed. It can't actually change in this specific case, but a general rule is being applied, causing the error.
You could use a nominal fixed date instead:
CONSTRAINT "my_constraint"
to_number(to_char(to_date('2000-01-01 ' || window_stop, 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss'), 'sssss'))
> to_number(to_char(to_date('2000-01-01 ' || window_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss'), 'sssss'))
There isn't much point converting to a number though, just compare the dates:
CONSTRAINT "my_constraint"
to_date('2000-01-01 ' || window_stop, 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss')
> to_date('2000-01-01 ' || window_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss')
Or - if you are confident that values are always going to be valid times and will have leading zeros - just compare the strings:
CONSTRAINT "my_constraint" CHECK (window_stop > window_start) ENABLE
You could also store the times as nominal dates, or as number of seconds past midnight, or as an interval, which would make it easier to prevent completely invalid values being used (e.g. '99:00:00'). But you may have a real date you can use instead - depends if these are tied to real dates, or e.g. shift patterns, or similar - which would allow you to handle windows crossing midnight. (What you should not do is store a related date and time as separate fields, but no indication that is what you are doing here.)
As I said, it is always a very bad idea to use varchar2 for date fields. Let me show you how your constraint is so easy when the fields are dates
SQL> create table t ( c1 date , c2 date ) ;
Table created.
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format=' hh24:mi:ss' ;
Session altered.
SQL> insert into t values ( to_date('11.08.2020 14:00:00') , to_date('11.08.2020 14:10:00') ) ;
1 row created.
SQL> commit ;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from t ;
C1 C2
------------------- -------------------
11.08.2020 14:00:00 11.08.2020 14:10:00
SQL> select ( c2 - c1 ) * 24 * 60 * 60 from t ;
Now, let's add the constraint
SQL> alter table t add constraint chk_test check ( c2 > c1 ) ;
Table altered.
SQL> insert into t values ( to_date('11.08.2020 14:11:00') , to_date('11.08.2020 14:10:00') ) ;
insert into t values ( to_date('11.08.2020 14:11:00') , to_date('11.08.2020 14:10:00') )
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (SYS.CHK_TEST) violated
You want to store times, which are dates, and you want to compare that the window_stop is greater than the window_start. Instead of making such complicated conversions, just store the fields as dates. Despite the fact that is the properly data type for the data you want to store, the constraint will work much more better.

Why oracle sql not allow sysdate in table creation time for count age?

I want to try to make check constraints on birthdate and check age should be greater than 18.
Create table emp
Birthdate date,
Error on above query....why?
Anyone help me...
Why oracle sql not allow sysdate in table creation time for count age?
SYSDATE is not allowed because the constraint must be either "true" or "false" at any time you look at the data. If you were able to use SYSDATE in a check constraint, you could insert a row that satisfied the constraint at that time, but the constraint would be violated later. No good!
In your example, once the constraint is satisfied at insert time, it can't become "not satisfied" later. But here you are asking Oracle to think. It can't. It just doesn't allow you to use SYSDATE in constraints. Period.
Instead, you should write a simple trigger to do the check for you. Note that you are missing the comparison to 18 * 12 in your purported check constraint; MONTHS_BETWEEN may give some weird results in some cases; and it is always best to write code that mirrors your thinking: in this case the condition (in a trigger, not a check constraint) should be ***
sysdate >= birthdate + interval '18' year
*** EDIT: As Alex Poole points out below, adding INTERVAL to a date may sometimes be as weird as MONTHS_BETWEEN. The safe way to write the check is
sysdate >= add_months ( birthdate, 18 * 12 ) -- age >= 18 years or 18 * 12 months
(That is how I would write it - with the comment to explain the purpose, and 18 * 12.)
Maybe try:
SQL> create table person
(name varchar2(100),
dob date,
created_date date default sysdate not null,
constraint dob_check check
dob <= add_months(trunc(created_date), (12*18)*-1)
Table created.
SQL> insert into person(name,dob) values ('Bob', to_date('19740101','YYYYMMDD'))
1 row created.
SQL> commit
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into person(name,dob) values ('Jane', to_date('20050101','YYYYMMDD'))
insert into person(name,dob) values ('Jane', to_date('20050101','YYYYMMDD'))
Error at line 17
ORA-02290: check constraint (MYUSER.DOB_CHECK) violated
This is because of Oracle limitation. The reason is SYSDATE is non-deterministic. You can get a different result every time you call it. So the outcome (true/false) can (will) change over time. So Oracle can't guarantee that the expression is always true for every row.
See also

Oracle SQL Developer- How to force 00:00:00 hour when inserting a new DATE value

In my Oracle SQL Developer, i have a table with a column with DATE format. When i insert a new row into this table, and insert a new value in this column, it automatically suggestes me the current date with the current hour.
I would like that it automatically suggestes me current date, but with 00:00:00 hour . Is there some setting or parameter that i can set in my SQL Developer to have this result?
We can't able to insert 00:00:00 hours ... the hour value should be between 1 to 12...
we can use below query to insert 00:00:00 hours but the value will be changed to 12:00:00
( TO_DATE ('11/16/2017 00:00:00 ', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS '));
It seems to me that your DATE column is set with a DEFAULT of SYSDATE. This means, for any INSERT operations which do not specify a value in your DATE column, the current date and time will populate for that row. However, if INSERT operations do specify a value in your DATE column, then the specified date value will supersede the DEFAULT of SYSDATE.
If an application is controlling INSERT operations on that table, then one solution is to ensure the application utilizes the TRUNC() function to obtain your desired results. For example:
INSERT INTO tbl_target
However, if there are multiple applications or interfaces where users could be inserting new rows into the table, (e.g. using Microsoft Access or users running INSERT statements via SQL Developer) and you can't force all of those interfaces to utilize the TRUNC() function on that column during insertion, then you need to look into other options.
If you can ensure via applications that INSERT operations will not actually reference the DATE, then you can simply ALTER the table so that the DATE column will have a DEFAULT of TRUNC(SYSDATE). A CHECK CONSTRAINT can be added for further integrity:
ALTER TABLE tbl_target
CONSTRAINT tbl_target_CHK_dt CHECK(col_date = TRUNC(col_date, 'DDD'))
However, if users still have the freedom to specify the DATE when inserting new rows, you will want to use a TRIGGER:
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER tbl_target_biu_row
ON tbl_target
:NEW.col_date := TRUNC(SYSDATE, 'DDD');
END tbl_target_biu_row
This will take of needing to manage the application code of all external INSERT operations on the table. Keep in mind, the above trigger is also modifying the DATE column if a user updates the specified value column.

Unix time in PARTITION BY for Vertica

I have Big table in vertica which has time_stamp (int) as unix timestamp. I want to partition this table on week basis (week start day Monday).
Is there a better way to do this in one step rather than converting time_stamp from unix to TIMESTAMP (Vertica) then doing partitions ?
Optimally, you should be using the date/time type. You won't be able to use non-deterministic functions such as TO_TIMESTAMP in the PARTITION BY expression. The alternative is to use math to logically create the partitions:
Using a Unix timestamp to partition by:
Divide By
Minutes 60
Hours 60 * 60 (3600)
Days 60 * 60 * 24 (86400)
Weeks 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 (604800)
If we use 604800, this will give you the week number from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
Let's set up a test table:
CREATE TABLE public.test (
time_stamp int NOT NULL
INSERT INTO public.test (time_stamp) VALUES (1404305559);
INSERT INTO public.test (time_stamp) VALUES (1404305633);
INSERT INTO public.test (time_stamp) VALUES (1404305705);
INSERT INTO public.test (time_stamp) VALUES (1404305740);
INSERT INTO public.test (time_stamp) VALUES (1404305778);
Let's create the partition:
ALTER TABLE public.test PARTITION BY FLOOR(time_stamp/604800) REORGANIZE;
We then get:
NOTICE 4954: The new partitioning scheme will produce 1 partitions
WARNING 6100: Using PARTITION expression that returns a Numeric value
HINT: This PARTITION expression may cause too many data partitions. Use of an expression that returns a more accurate value, such as a regular VARCHAR or INT, is encouraged
NOTICE 4785: Started background repartition table task
You'll also want to be mindful of how many partitions this creates. Vertica recommends keeping the number of partitions between 10-20.
