Directly assigning to a std::vector after reserving does not throw error but does not increase vector size - c++11

Let's create a helper class to assist visualizing the issue:
class C
int ID = 0;
C(const int newID)
ID = newID;
int getID()
return ID;
Suppose you create an empty std::vector<C> and then reserve it to hold 10 elements:
std::vector<C> pack;
printf("pack has %i\n", pack.size()); //will print '0'
Now, you assign a new instance of C into index 4 of the vector:
pack[4] = C(57);
printf("%i\n", pack[4].getID()); //will print '57'
printf("pack has %i\n", pack.size()); //will still print '0'
I found two things to be weird here:
1) shouldn't the assignment make the compiler (Visual Studio 2015, Release Mode) throw an error even in Release mode?
2) since it does not and the element is in fact stored in position 4, shouldn't the vector then have size = 1 instead of zero?

Undefined behavior is still undefined. If we make this a vector of objects, you would see the unexpected behavior more clearly.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct Foo {
int data_ = 3;
int main() {
std::vector<Foo> foos;
std::cout << foos[4].data_; // This probably doesn't output 3.
Here, we can see that because we haven't actually allocated the object yet, the constructor hasn't run.
Another example, since you're using space that the vector hasn't actually started allocating to you, if the vector needed to reallocate it's backing memory, the value that you wrote wouldn't be copied.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<int> foos;
foos[4] = 100;
std::cout << foos[4]; // Probably doesn't print 100.

Short answers:
1) There is no reason to throw an exception since operator[] is not supposed to verify the position you have passed. It might do so in Debug mode, but for sure not in Release (otherwise performance would suffer). In Release mode compiler trusts you that code you provide is error-proof and does everything to make your code fast.
Returns a reference to the element at specified location pos. No
bounds checking is performed.
2) You simply accessed memory you don't own yet (reserve is not resize), anything you do on it is undefined behavior. But, you have never added an element into vector and it has no idea you even modified its buffer. And as #Bill have shown, the vector is allowed to change its buffer without copying your local change.
Also, you can get exception due to boundary checking if you use vector::at function.
That is: = C(57); throws exception


How to optimize SYCL kernel

I'm studying SYCL at university and I have a question about performance of a code.
In particular I have this C/C++ code:
And I need to translate it in a SYCL kernel with parallelization and I do this:
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sycl;
constexpr int size = 131072; // 2^17
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//Create a vector with size elements and initialize them to 1
std::vector<float> dA(size);
try {
queue gpuQueue{ gpu_selector{} };
buffer<float, 1> bufA(, range<1>(dA.size()));
gpuQueue.submit([&](handler& cgh) {
accessor inA{ bufA,cgh };
[=](id<1> i) { inA[i] = inA[i] + 2; }
catch (std::exception& e) { throw e; }
So my question is about c value, in this case I use directly the value two but this will impact on the performance when I'll run the code? I need to create a variable or in this way is correct and the performance are good?
Thanks in advance for the help!
Interesting question. In this case the value 2 will be a literal in the instruction in your SYCL kernel - this is as efficient as it gets, I think! There's the slight complication that you have an implicit cast from int to float. My guess is that you'll probably end up with a float literal 2.0 in your device assembly. Your SYCL device won't have to fetch that 2 from memory or cast at runtime or anything like that, it just lives in the instruction.
Equally, if you had:
constexpr int c = 2;
// the rest of your code
[=](id<1> i) { inA[i] = inA[i] + c; }
// etc
The compiler is almost certainly smart enough to propagate the constant value of c into the kernel code. So, again, the 2.0 literal ends up in the instruction.
I compiled your example with DPC++ and extracted the LLVM IR, and found the following lines:
%5 = load float, float addrspace(4)* %arrayidx.ascast.i.i, align 4, !tbaa !17
%add.i = fadd float %5, 2.000000e+00
store float %add.i, float addrspace(4)* %arrayidx.ascast.i.i, align 4, !tbaa !17
This shows a float load & store to/from the same address, with an 'add 2.0' instruction in between. If I modify to use the variable c like I demonstrated, I get the same LLVM IR.
Conclusion: you've already achieved maximum efficiency, and compilers are smart!

Boost asio post with shared ptr passed as argument with std::move

I am new to boost:asio. I need to pass shared_ptr as argument to handler function.
boost::asio::post(std::bind(&::function_x, std::move(some_shared_ptr)));
Is using std::move(some_shared_ptr) correct? or should I use as below,
boost::asio::post(std::bind(&::function_x, some_shared_ptr));
If both are correct, which one is advisable?
Thanks in advance
Bind stores arguments by value.
So both are correct and probably equivalent. Moving the argument into the bind is potentially more efficient if some_argument is not gonna be used after the bind.
Warning: Advanced Use Cases
(just skip this if you want)
Not what you asked: what if function_x took rvalue-reference arguments?
Glad you asked. You can't. However, you can still receive by lvalue reference and just move from that. because:
std::move doesn't move
The rvalue-reference is only there to indicate potentially-moved-from arguments enabling some smart compiler optimizations and diagnostics.
So, as long as you know your bound function is only executed once (!!) then it's safe to move from lvalue parameters.
In the case of shared-pointers there's actually a little bit more leeway, because moving from the shared-ptr doesn't actually move the pointed-to element at all.
So, a little exercise demonstrating it all:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
static void foo(std::shared_ptr<int>& move_me) {
if (!move_me) {
std::cout << "already moved!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "argument: " << *std::move(move_me) << "\n";
int main() {
std::shared_ptr<int> arg = std::make_shared<int>(42);
std::weak_ptr<int> observer = std::weak_ptr(arg);
assert(observer.use_count() == 1);
auto f = std::bind(foo, std::move(arg));
assert(!arg); // moved
assert(observer.use_count() == 1); // so still 1 usage
boost::asio::io_context ctx;
post(ctx, f);;
assert(observer.use_count() == 1); // so still 1 usage
f(); // still has the shared arg
// but now the last copy was moved from, so it's gone
assert(observer.use_count() == 0); //
f(); // already moved!
argument: 42
argument: 42
already moved!
Why Bother?
Why would you care about the above? Well, since in Asio you have a lot of handlers that are guaranteed to execute precisely ONCE, you can sometimes avoid the overhead of shared pointers (the synchronization, the allocation of the control block, the type erasure of the deleter).
That is, you can use move-only handlers using std::unique_ptr<>:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
static void foo(std::unique_ptr<int>& move_me) {
if (!move_me) {
std::cout << "already moved!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "argument: " << *std::move(move_me) << "\n";
int main() {
auto arg = std::make_unique<int>(42);
auto f = std::bind(foo, std::move(arg)); // this handler is now move-only
assert(!arg); // moved
boost::asio::io_context ctx;
std::move(f)); // move-only, so move the entire bind (including arg);
f(); // already executed
argument: 42
already moved!
This is going to help a lot in code that uses a lot of composed operations: you can now bind the state of the operation into the handler with zero overhead, even if it's bigger and dynamically allocated.

How do I update the value of void** in other function, and save it to another?

If I have a code for example like this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void swap(void** a) {
int tmp = 5;
void* b = &tmp;
a = &b;
int main()
int x=11;
void* y=&x;
void** z=&y;
void* a = *z;
cout << *(int*)a << endl;
return 0;
The code above prints 11, but I want to update the value of z (its address) to point to a place so I can print 5 (I mean update it). What should I do so that when I send z to the function and get back to main I can receive 5 instead of 11.
I'm just not that good with pointers.
EDIT: I must send to swap an argument with void**
You can't update the value of a void** (i.e. what it points to) by passing it to a function that takes a void**. That only allows to modify the pointed-to memory, not what address the pointer you pass to the function points to.
To update what it points to, the parameter should be a void**& or a void***.
Regardless of what solution you choose, the code you posted is extremely error prone and a hell to maintain. You should totally avoid it.
Also, note that &tmp becomes invalid as long as you exit the function, because the local variable tmp gets destroyed.

C++11 container of borrowed unique_ptrs

I have a vector of unique_ptrs and want to filter it into a new vector of the same type.
vector<unique_ptr<Thing>> filter_things(const vector<unique_ptr<Thing>> &things) {
vector<unique_ptr<Thing>> things;
// i want the above line to be something like: vector<const unique_ptr<Thing> &>
// but I don't think this is valid
for (const unique_ptr<Thing> &thing : things) {
if (check(thing)) {
filtered.push_back(thing); // this part shouldn't work since it
// would duplicate a unique_ptr
return filtered;
I want the caller to maintain ownership of all the Things. I want the return value of this function to be purely read only (const), and I don't want to make copies as it is very expensive to copy a Thing.
What is the best way to accomplish this?
Is this possible with unique_ptrs?
In some sense, we are creating multiple references by returning a new vector of references, so unique_ptr may not make sense. However, it is purely read only! So there should be some way to make this work. The lifetime of ``things'' is guaranteed to be larger than the filtered things.
Note that the caller owns the parameter supplied.
You can use reference_wrapper from <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Thing {};
using PThing = unique_ptr<Thing>;
using RefThing = reference_wrapper<const PThing>;
vector<RefThing> filter_things( const vector<PThing>& things )
vector<RefThing> filtered;
int i = 0;
for( auto&& thing : things )
if( i++%2 )
filtered.push_back( ref(thing) );
return filtered;
int main()
vector<PThing> vec;
vector<RefThing> flt;
flt = filter_things(vec);
cout << flt.size() << endl;
If what you want is getting a filtered set of element not an actual container containing them, boost::range can be a good solution.
auto filtered_range(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Thing>> &things) {
return things | boost::adaptors::filtered([](const auto& thing) {
return check(thing);
I used some of c++14 syntax but I don't think it's hard to make it to c++11.
You can use it like this.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Thing> > things;
for(const auto& thing : filtered_range(things)) {
// do whatever you want with things satisfying 'check()'
One of disadvantages is that the range itself is not a container so if you traverse the range more than once, every 'thing' will be checked if it satisfies check().
If a container storing the checked things AND controlling the lifetime of things are what you really want, I would prefer using std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Thing> > and returning std::vector<std::weak_ptr<Thing> >. You can check if it's really one and the only ptr to a thing with std::shared_ptr::unique() before deleting it from things.

const shared_ptr to shared_ptr

How can one convert a shared_ptr that points to a const object to a shared_ptr that points to a non-const object.
I am trying to do the following :
boost::shared_ptr<const A> Ckk(new A(4));
boost::shared_ptr<A> kk=const_cast< boost::shared_ptr<A> > Ckk;
But it does not work.
'boost::const_pointer_cast' will do what you're asking for, but the obligatory second half of the answer is that you probably shouldn't use it. 99% of the time when it seems like you need to cast away the const property of a variable, it means that you have a design flaw. Const is sometimes more than just window dressing and casting it away may lead to unexpected bugs.
Without knowing more details of your situation one can't say for certain. But no discussion of const-cast is complete without mentioning this fact.
use boost::const_pointer_cast, documentation.
the proper way should be this
boost::shared_ptr<A> kk (boost::const_pointer_cast<A>(Ckk));
std::const_cast_pointer makes a second managed pointer. After the cast you have a writable pointer and the original const-pointer. The pointee remains the same. The reference count has been increased by 1.
Note that const_cast is a builtin keyword, but const_pointer_cast is a template function in namespace std.
The writable pointer can then be used to change the value from under the shared_ptr<const T>. IMHO the writable pointer should only persist temporarily on the stack; otherwise there must be a design flaw.
I once wrote a small test program to make this clear to myself which I adapted for this thread:
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
typedef shared_ptr<int> int_ptr;
typedef shared_ptr<const int> const_int_ptr;
int main(void)
const_int_ptr Ckk(new int(1));
assert(Ckk.use_count() == 1);
cout << "Ckk = " << *Ckk << endl;
int_ptr kk = const_pointer_cast<int>(Ckk); // obtain a 2nd reference
*kk = 2; // change value under the const pointer
assert(Ckk.use_count() == 2);
cout << "Ckk = " << *Ckk << endl; // prints 3
Under UNIX or Windows/Cygwin, compile with
g++ -std=c++0x -lm const_pointer_cast.cpp
