C++11 container of borrowed unique_ptrs - c++11

I have a vector of unique_ptrs and want to filter it into a new vector of the same type.
vector<unique_ptr<Thing>> filter_things(const vector<unique_ptr<Thing>> &things) {
vector<unique_ptr<Thing>> things;
// i want the above line to be something like: vector<const unique_ptr<Thing> &>
// but I don't think this is valid
for (const unique_ptr<Thing> &thing : things) {
if (check(thing)) {
filtered.push_back(thing); // this part shouldn't work since it
// would duplicate a unique_ptr
return filtered;
I want the caller to maintain ownership of all the Things. I want the return value of this function to be purely read only (const), and I don't want to make copies as it is very expensive to copy a Thing.
What is the best way to accomplish this?
Is this possible with unique_ptrs?
In some sense, we are creating multiple references by returning a new vector of references, so unique_ptr may not make sense. However, it is purely read only! So there should be some way to make this work. The lifetime of ``things'' is guaranteed to be larger than the filtered things.
Note that the caller owns the parameter supplied.

You can use reference_wrapper from <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Thing {};
using PThing = unique_ptr<Thing>;
using RefThing = reference_wrapper<const PThing>;
vector<RefThing> filter_things( const vector<PThing>& things )
vector<RefThing> filtered;
int i = 0;
for( auto&& thing : things )
if( i++%2 )
filtered.push_back( ref(thing) );
return filtered;
int main()
vector<PThing> vec;
vector<RefThing> flt;
flt = filter_things(vec);
cout << flt.size() << endl;

If what you want is getting a filtered set of element not an actual container containing them, boost::range can be a good solution.
auto filtered_range(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Thing>> &things) {
return things | boost::adaptors::filtered([](const auto& thing) {
return check(thing);
I used some of c++14 syntax but I don't think it's hard to make it to c++11.
You can use it like this.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Thing> > things;
for(const auto& thing : filtered_range(things)) {
// do whatever you want with things satisfying 'check()'
One of disadvantages is that the range itself is not a container so if you traverse the range more than once, every 'thing' will be checked if it satisfies check().
If a container storing the checked things AND controlling the lifetime of things are what you really want, I would prefer using std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Thing> > and returning std::vector<std::weak_ptr<Thing> >. You can check if it's really one and the only ptr to a thing with std::shared_ptr::unique() before deleting it from things.


May the translation-function set with _set_se_translator just return without throwing?

May the translation-function set with _set_se_translator just return without throwing?
If so, would this mean that the further processing goes the way of normal SEH-processing?
[EDIT]: I tried it out myself:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
int main()
_set_se_translator( []( unsigned int, EXCEPTION_POINTERS * ) { } );
RaiseException( EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR, 0, 0, nullptr );
cout << "caught" << endl;
Is this specified to work?
From the documentation (added emphasis mine):
Your translator function should do no more than throw a C++ typed
exception. If it does anything in addition to throwing (such as
writing to a log file, for example) your program might not behave as
expected because the number of times the translator function is
invoked is platform-dependent.
If we take this completely literally, then a translator function should not return, as this is doing something 'more' than throwing a typed exception. However, I can find no specific mention in that document (or any related ones) that the function should never return, and neither does the function's prototype specify the [[noreturn]] attribute (though that, in itself, may not mean very much).

Boost asio post with shared ptr passed as argument with std::move

I am new to boost:asio. I need to pass shared_ptr as argument to handler function.
boost::asio::post(std::bind(&::function_x, std::move(some_shared_ptr)));
Is using std::move(some_shared_ptr) correct? or should I use as below,
boost::asio::post(std::bind(&::function_x, some_shared_ptr));
If both are correct, which one is advisable?
Thanks in advance
Bind stores arguments by value.
So both are correct and probably equivalent. Moving the argument into the bind is potentially more efficient if some_argument is not gonna be used after the bind.
Warning: Advanced Use Cases
(just skip this if you want)
Not what you asked: what if function_x took rvalue-reference arguments?
Glad you asked. You can't. However, you can still receive by lvalue reference and just move from that. because:
std::move doesn't move
The rvalue-reference is only there to indicate potentially-moved-from arguments enabling some smart compiler optimizations and diagnostics.
So, as long as you know your bound function is only executed once (!!) then it's safe to move from lvalue parameters.
In the case of shared-pointers there's actually a little bit more leeway, because moving from the shared-ptr doesn't actually move the pointed-to element at all.
So, a little exercise demonstrating it all:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
static void foo(std::shared_ptr<int>& move_me) {
if (!move_me) {
std::cout << "already moved!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "argument: " << *std::move(move_me) << "\n";
int main() {
std::shared_ptr<int> arg = std::make_shared<int>(42);
std::weak_ptr<int> observer = std::weak_ptr(arg);
assert(observer.use_count() == 1);
auto f = std::bind(foo, std::move(arg));
assert(!arg); // moved
assert(observer.use_count() == 1); // so still 1 usage
boost::asio::io_context ctx;
post(ctx, f);
assert(observer.use_count() == 1); // so still 1 usage
f(); // still has the shared arg
// but now the last copy was moved from, so it's gone
assert(observer.use_count() == 0); //
f(); // already moved!
argument: 42
argument: 42
already moved!
Why Bother?
Why would you care about the above? Well, since in Asio you have a lot of handlers that are guaranteed to execute precisely ONCE, you can sometimes avoid the overhead of shared pointers (the synchronization, the allocation of the control block, the type erasure of the deleter).
That is, you can use move-only handlers using std::unique_ptr<>:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
static void foo(std::unique_ptr<int>& move_me) {
if (!move_me) {
std::cout << "already moved!\n";
} else {
std::cout << "argument: " << *std::move(move_me) << "\n";
int main() {
auto arg = std::make_unique<int>(42);
auto f = std::bind(foo, std::move(arg)); // this handler is now move-only
assert(!arg); // moved
boost::asio::io_context ctx;
std::move(f)); // move-only, so move the entire bind (including arg)
f(); // already executed
argument: 42
already moved!
This is going to help a lot in code that uses a lot of composed operations: you can now bind the state of the operation into the handler with zero overhead, even if it's bigger and dynamically allocated.

std::string::assign vs std::string::operator=

I coded in Borland C++ ages ago, and now I'm trying to understand the "new"(to me) C+11 (I know, we're in 2015, there's a c+14 ... but I'm working on an C++11 project)
Now I have several ways to assign a value to a string.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main ()
std::string test1;
std::string test2;
test1 = "Hello World";
test2.assign("Hello again");
std::cout << test1 << std::endl << test2;
return 0;
They both work. I learned from http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/assign/ that there are another ways to use assign . But for simple string assignment, which one is better? I have to fill 100+ structs with 8 std:string each, and I'm looking for the fastest mechanism (I don't care about memory, unless there's a big difference)
Both are equally fast, but = "..." is clearer.
If you really want fast though, use assign and specify the size:
test2.assign("Hello again", sizeof("Hello again") - 1); // don't copy the null terminator!
// or
test2.assign("Hello again", 11);
That way, only one allocation is needed. (You could also .reserve() enough memory beforehand to get the same effect.)
I tried benchmarking both the ways.
static void string_assign_method(benchmark::State& state) {
std::string str;
std::string base="123456789";
// Code inside this loop is measured repeatedly
for (auto _ : state) {
str.assign(base, 9);
// Register the function as a benchmark
static void string_assign_operator(benchmark::State& state) {
std::string str;
std::string base="123456789";
// Code before the loop is not measured
for (auto _ : state) {
str = base;
Here is the graphical comparitive solution. It seems like both the methods are equally faster. The assignment operator has better results.
Use string::assign only if a specific position from the base string has to be assigned.

why does std::for_each iterator need a copy constructable iterator

I noticed that std::for_each requires it's iterators to meet the requirement InputIterator, which in turn requires Iterator and then Copy{Contructable,Assignable}.
That's not the only thing, std::for_each actually uses the copy constructor (cc) (not assignment as far as my configuration goes). That is, deleting the cc from the iterator will result in:
error: use of deleted function ‘some_iterator::some_iterator(const some_iterator&)’
Why does std::for_each need a cc? I found this particularly inconvenient, since I created an iterator which recursively iterates through files in a folder, keeping track of the files and folders on a queue. This means that the iterator has a queue data member, which would also have to be copied if the cc is used: that is unnecessarily inefficient.
The strange thing is that the cc is not called in this simple example:
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
class infinite_5_iterator
public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, int>
infinite_5_iterator() = default;
infinite_5_iterator(infinite_5_iterator const &) {std::cout << "copy constr "; }
infinite_5_iterator &operator=(infinite_5_iterator const &) = delete;
int operator*() { return 5; }
infinite_5_iterator &operator++() { return *this; }
bool operator==(infinite_5_iterator const &) const { return false; }
bool operator!=(infinite_5_iterator const &) const { return true; }
int main() {
std::for_each(infinite_5_iterator(), infinite_5_iterator(),
[](int v) {
std::cout << v << ' ';
source: http://ideone.com/YVHph8
It however is needed compile time. Why does std::for_each need to copy construct the iterator, and when is this done? Isn't this extremely inefficient?
NOTE: I'm talking about the cc of the iterator, not of it's elements, as is done here: unexpected copies with foreach over a map
EDIT: Note that the standard does not state the copy-constructor is called at all, it just expresses the amount of times f is called. May I then assume that the cc is not called at all? Why is the use of operator++ and operator* and cc not specified, but the use of f is?
You have simply fallen victim to a specification that has evolved in bits and pieces over decades. The concept of InputIterator was invented a long time before the notion of move-only types, or movable types was conceived.
In hindsight I would love to declare that InputIterator need not be copyable. This would mesh perfectly with its single-pass behavior. But I also fear that such a change would have overwhelming backwards compatibility problems.
In addition to the flawed iterator concepts as specified in the standard, about a decade ago, in an attempt to be helpful, the gcc std::lib (libstdc++) started imposing "concepts" on things like InputIterator in the std-algorithms. I.e. because the standard says:
Requires: InputIterator shall satisfy the requirements of an input iterator (24.2.3).
then "concept checks" were inserted into the std-algorithms that require InputIterator to meet all of the requirements of input iterator whether or not the algorithm actually used all of those requirements. And in this case, it is the concept check, not the actual algorithm, that is requiring your iterator to be CopyConstructible.
If you write your own for_each algorithm, it is trivial to do so without requiring your iterators to be CopyConstructible or CopyAssignable (if supplied with rvalue iterator arguments):
template <class InputIterator, class Function>
for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f)
for (; first != last; ++first)
return f;
And for your use case I recommend either doing that, or simply writing your own loop.

Deduced type of "auto it = unordered_map.find(key)"?

With the advent of C++11, we have unordered_map.cbegin/cend to specifically return us values of const_iterator. so the deduced type of 'it' in the expression "auto it = unordered_map.cbegin()" is const_iterator.
However, when it comes to unordered_map.find(key) function, I think there may be missing a "cfind()" counterpart, which returns a const_iterator specifically.
Some say that we can use "const auto it = unordered_map.find(key)" to obtain a "const iterator", but I have a strong suspicion that "const iterator" is the same "const_iterator", where "const iterator" limits the ability to change the iterator itself, while "const_iterator" limits the ability to change the content the iterator is referring to.
So, really, if we want to take advantage of "auto" type deduction fully (with the knowledge of the confusions or the variations of "auto" type deduction - auto, auto&, const auto&, etc.), how can I have unordered_map.find(key) to return a "const_iterator" without me having to explicitly specify "const_iterator" - that's after all the best use case for auto!
Below is a simple example code that demonstrates the compiler behavior:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <unordered_map>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
typedef std::unordered_map<int, int> umiit;
umiit umii;
auto it0 = umii.find(0);
it0->second = 42;
const auto it1 = umii.find(0);
it1->second = 42;
umiit::const_iterator it2 = umii.find(0);
it2->second = 42; // expected compiler error: assigning to const
return 0;
I'm not aware of any place that takes a const_iterator where you couldn't simply pass an iterator instead, so this deficiency may not interfere much with day-to-day code writing. However, I do prefer to use const_iterators (and const in general) wherever I don't need mutating, in the interests of general communication, so I think adding a cfind() might be a useful addition to the future standard library.
I think this code could function as a simple workaround for what you're trying to achieve, though:
template<typename T>
auto use_as_const( T const &t ) -> T const & {
return t;
This is a simple casting wrapper function, similar in style to move() and forward<T>(), to provide (and document) a constraint on individual usages of the object. You could then use it like this:
auto it1 = use_as_const( umii ).find(0);
This could also be used instead of leaning on cbegin() and cend(). Or, it could be used in range-based for loops:
for ( auto &element : use_as_const( some_vector_of_string ) ) {
cout << element;
// element = ""; // This line shouldn't compile.
In the above loop example, although I would generally prefer auto const &element : ..., I believe it would be unnecessary and element would still be deduced to be a const reference.
It's a bit of a deficiency; we have cbegin and cend but no corresponding cfind, etc.
I'd suggest using a utility function to get a const reference to the object, as per the answer to forcing use of cbegin()/cend() in range-based for:
template<typename T> constexpr const T &as_const(T &t) { return t; }
auto it1 = as_const(umii).find(0);
it1->second = 42; // fails
